Underscores == ugly
Tabs > Spaces
camelCase == bestCase
This is the Truth of the Universe.
Most of this is the opinion of the sole maintainer @ShinryakuTako on GitHub but if you're smart it should be yours too.
I come from Swift and I love it so this framework attempts to follow the Swift API Design Guidelines unless when it's highly inconvenient within Godot: https://www.swift.org/documentation/api-design-guidelines/
Tabs instead of Spaces
- Because GDScript is an indentation-based language :)
- A single missing or extra space could cause errors.
- Visual representation can be customized per user and easier to view with visible tabs etc.
- Easier to navigate.
- Fewer bytes to store.
2 empty lines between functions and different regions of code, such as parameters, signals, state properties etc.
- This is what the default Godot script templates start with.
- Adds more clear visual separation between distinct sections.
NO underscores whenever possible!
- Less clutter
- Fewer keystrokes
(Thanks Stannis!)
camelCase for everything, even constants.
- No extra SHIFT press needed to start autocomplete etc.
Capitalized names for Types only.
Short acronyms may be fully capitalized.
- Examples: UINode, HUDColor
Text names/IDs such as for node groups, input actions and animations should be camelCase, to match the convention of enums:
GlobalInput.Actions.yeet = &"yeet"
Names should make grammatical sense wherever possible.
Booleans should start with
etc.- This may make autocompletion easier by listing all booleans together.
- Avoid ambiguity with "verbs" e.g.
could be a function name.
Function names should read like a verb/command/action: e.g.
Functions that perform a quick & "cheap" retrieval operation, like returning a member from an Array or Dictionary, should be named starting with
: e.g.getComponent(…)
Functions that need to do a slower search operation, like scanning a list of all child nodes, should be named starting with
: e.g.findComponent(…)
Functions that add an existing object to a parent, container or list, should be named starting with
: e.g.addText(…)
Functions that create a new object and then add it to a parent, should be named starting with
: e.g.createLabel(…)
- Signals should generally be named in this form: {object/category}{tense}{event} e.g.
- or, if the ACTION is the focus: {action}{object} e.g.
- or, if the OBJECT is the focus: {object}{action} e.g.
- Signal names should begin with a
wherever it makes sense.- This ensure consistency in words by avoiding English plural jankery:
does not make sense in a past or future tense, so it is exempt.
- This ensure consistency in words by avoiding English plural jankery:
signal healthDidZero
signal didFire(bullet: Entity)
signal didSpawn(newSpawn: Node2D, parent: Node2D)
signal willRemoveFromEntity
- Functions that handle signals should be named in this form:
- If the script is attached to the node which emits the signal, then simply:
- If the object name is short enough or a single word, then the _ underscore may be omitted.
- Yes, this is the ONLY place where underscores are used, because we can't use a — dash etc. :')
- If the script is attached to the node which emits the signal, then simply:
func onCollectibleComponent_didCollideWithCollector(…)
func onGunComponent_ammoDepleted()
func onHealthChanged(…)
func onTimeout() # in the script of a Timer node
- Resources like [Stat] and [Upgrade] should ONLY CONTAIN INFORMATION and validation functions.
- Resources should NOT contain WHERE THEY ARE USED; an Upgrade should NOT hold a reference to the [UpgradesComponent] where it's "installed"; that should be the job of the component.
- "Passing" Resources that are supposed to stay "unique" between different "owners", like a special Upgrade between UpgradesComponents, should be done via signals.
The ultimate goal is to have minimal time between getting a new gameplay idea and seeing it on screen. And be easy to modify later. The focus is on 2D games.
The core soul of this project is the library of components: Everything else is just scaffolding to support a workflow based on components (or conveniences like UI).
HOW components are actually implemented behind-the-scenes may always keep changing, but the components themselves will always be present: e.g. there will always be a HealthComponent, a DamageComponent, a DamageReceivingComponent and so on.
Try to design from the "outside-in": i.e. first decide on what the front-end "interface" or USAGE should look like. Components should work similar to how the rest of Godot works out of the box: Creating nodes, scripts, and throwing them together and putting numbers in the Inspector sidebar.
Components are created based on abstractions in terms of gameplay NOT coding abstractions, as in, how the actual play of most games can be broken down into distinct events and behaviors that could be reused even in different genres.
General over Specific: Components and scripts in Comedot's library should be designed for customization and reusability in as many different games and situations as convenient. Specialized single-purpose components should be a private part of a game project (i.e. not a shared framework). Examples:
- ModifyOnCollisionComponent instead of RemovalOnCollisionComponent.
- TreeSearchBox instead of a search feature built into ComponentsDock.
- Wiring multiple components via signals: Using ModifyOnCollisionComponent to add a ModifyOnTimerComponent and connecting them to implement arrows which get stuck in walls then automatically removed, instead of creating a separate ArrowComponent.
You don't HAVE to break your game into small modular components: You can have large "monolithic" components like a
and put all your game-specific logic in a single script. -
Try not add too many new features before perfecting or at least solidifying the existing stuff!
Comments don't use BBCode. It's dumb and ugly in 2025. Waiting for Godot to just implement Markdown already.
Do not try to use
etc as an indicator of whether some numerical value is invalid or should be ignored. It complicates ALL other calculations down the road. Just use a separate flag.- e.g.
allowInfiniteLevels = true
instead ofmaxLevel = -1
- e.g.
- TBD: The
branch should be merged intomain
only on a weekend, I guess?