This ALU design is based on Warren Toomey's CSCvon8 ALU but with a few small changes to incorporate a carry-in for a few of the ops. CSCvon8n does this switch in software/microcode.
Like CSCvon8 the design relies on the M27C322 2Mx16 EPROM. This 2M x 16bit device is great for an 8 bit ALU as it allows 21 bits of addressing which is enough for 2 lots of 8 bits data-in, plus 5 bits for ALU function selection. The 16 bits out allows for a full 8 bit result, with the remaining 8 bits of data output providing a full complement of status flags. More details can be found in the CSCvon8 documentation
- 8 bit : A
- 8 bit : B
- 5 bit : Operation selection
- carry-in : see below for this feature
The 5 bit operation selection and the carry-in bit are multiplexed together as described further below.
This ALU implementation differs from that of CSCVon8 in it's flag outputs.
ALU operation result flags will be:
- N : negative result (top bit is set - two's complement)
- Z : zero result
- V : signed overflow / also set when div by zero
- C : carry
Additionally the following magnitude comparator flags will be provided from the ROM:
- GT : A > B
- LT : A < B
- EQ : A = B
- NE : A != B
The SPAM-1 ALU ROM functions are ...
0-7 ALU Ops | 8-15 ALU Ops | 16-23 ALU Ops | 24-31 ALU Ops |
0 | B-1 | A*B (high bits) | A RRC B |
A | A+B*1 | A*B (low bits) | A AND B |
B | A-B*1 | A/B | A OR B |
-A | B-A*1 | A%B | A XOR B |
-B | A-B (special) | A << B | A NAND B |
BA / 10 | A+B+1*2 | A >> B arithmetic | NOT B |
BA % 10 | A-B-1*2 | A >> B logical | A+B (BCD) |
B+1 | B-A-1*2 | A RLC B | A-B (BCD) |
*2 these ops are selected when the instruction is selecting ops 13/14/15 and carry-in is set; if carry-in is not set then see *1
See notes below for further info.
This ALU differs in a few additional respects to CSCvon8
- carry-in
- magnitude comparisons
- no A+/-1 operations
- additional BCD operations replace A+/-1
- A NAND B replaces NOT A
- ROL and ROR renamed to RLC and RRC
This ALU uses carryin:
I wanted the SPAM-1 ALU to take carry-in into account, however there are only 5 address bits left on the ROM for alu operation selection. If I wanted to dedicate an address bit solely as carry-in then that would mean I'd be able to support only 16 distinct operations on the ALU, and also that carry-in bit would be meaningless on many of the operations, particularly the logical operations. (Arguably, the logical shift operations might accept a carry-in but I've not considered that.)
So, the alternative approach I've come up with is to multiplex the carry-in into the ALU operation selection logic by the addition of some external circuitry.
This external circuitry only has an active affect when one of the ALU ops 13/14/15 is selected. When one of these three ops is selected then the external circuitry multiplexes the CarryIn flag in replacing bit 2 of the address. As a result when the selected operation is 13/14/15 and CarryIn is NOT set then the ALU operation is modified with bit2=0 resulting in operations 9/10/11 respectively actually being used. This logic has no impact when operations 9/10/11 are directly selected.
The result of this is that 9/10/11 are addition and subtraction without carry-in taken into account, whereas 13/14/15 are arithmetic with carry in taken into account. Using this approach I get my carry-in logic and at the same time I can directly select ops 9/10/11 when I don't want carry-in considered. This second benefit means I don't need to come up with a "clear carry" operation because I can simply select 9/10/11 directly when carry-in is not desired.
Magnitude comparisons:
The "A-B (special)" operation is shared with CSCVon8 but has a different function in SPAM-1.
In CSCVon8 the "A-B (special)" operation has this description: "The special "A - B" ALU operation still produces the result of A - B, but the Zero flag is inverted to allow the not equals comparison. See CSCVon8 ALU design.
However, I am planning to use this operation differently.
SPAM-1's arithmetic operations support two's complement inputs and output, ie signed arithemetic. Howewer, the magnitude comparator outputs LT/GT compare the two 8 bit input values in terms of logical magnitude; ie unsigned. So inI decided to repurpose this "special" operation so that when it's used then the ALU does a twos complement signed magnitude comparison of the two input values instead of unsigned.
❔ For interest see how the 74AS885 permits selection of "logical" or "arithmetic" magnitude comparison in the 74AS885 datasheet as this is the same idea.
Demise of A+1 / A-1
SPAM-1 doesn't need a dedicated increment A/decrement A operation because the same can be achieve using A+B or A-B with B as the immediate value '1'. So those two operations were deleted and two new BCD operations added instead.
Additional BCD Operations
A+1 and A-1 of the original CscVon8 ALU have been replaced with a couple of BCD operations borrowed from David Cliffords fork of CSCVon8 , these ops provide a /10 and %10 operation using A as the 1's and 10's value to divide, and B is holding the 100's 'remainder' value. The idea is that B holds the remainder with a value between 0 and 9 of a previous higher order division.
A dedicated NOT A is not needed in SPAM because the same can be achieved with A XOR B where B hold the immediate value 0xFF. So NOT A was replaced with the slightly more useful A NAND B.
The Z80 names RLC/RRC better relate to the operation being performed by these operations so I've renamed them accordingly.
CSCvon8 synthesises comparator results EQ/NE/GT/LT/LE/GE by selecting an appropriate an ALU operation and selecting particular output flags, and then using these flag for the jumps. For example with the operation A-B then the C out flag set can be used to trigger a jump for A<B
The 7 bit output value plus the 8 output flags use up the 16 bits of space on the ALU ROM. However, if necessary then there is a ways to claw back two of these bits and still retain the same comparator function.
If we were to support just:
- GT : A > B
- LT : A < B then some logic external to the ALU ROM can easily synthesise:
- EQ : /NE
Or alternatively this approach...
- GE : A >= B
- LE : A <= B which could be externally combined to produce
- NE = /EQ
... leaving 1 ALU ROM bit for something else.
However I don't need these lines to be spare so I will use distinct Eq/Ne/Gt/Lt lines to reduce component counts.
Tools I found useful working things out:
Logic simplification helped me work out the external logic
Boolean Expressions Calculator for converting the simplified external logic into a NOR-only representation for the hardware build.