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This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 16, 2020. It is now read-only.

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86 lines (65 loc) · 2.3 KB

File metadata and controls

86 lines (65 loc) · 2.3 KB

Quick dev install


You have to install the following dependencies:

  • OpenGL for Python (python3-opengl)
  • QtOpenGL for Python (python3-qt5-gl)
  • shapely
  • sphinx (python3-sphinx)
  • gitpython
  • py-dxfwrite
  • fourmy
  • pytest, hypothesis and mock (for running tests only)
  • postgis >= 3.0
  • postgresql with contrib extensions (hstore, hstore_plpython3)


Clone the repo in a albion directory. Add the directory containing albion to your PYTHONPATH environment variable.


Install plugin :

python -m albion.package -i

Run tests :


To generate a zip package without the documentation directory :

python3 -m albion.package -n


  • Create project (no caps, no space, no accents in project name)
  • Import data directory
  • Create the grid (e.g. open an existing shapefile, select all features with Ctrl+a then copy/paste in the grid layer that has been switched to edition mode)
  • Create a graph
  • Set graph nodes (e.g. open formation attribute table, select feature by code, copy/paste into node layer and set the graph_id field of pasted features, use field calculator for that)
  • Launch Auto Graph from the Albion menu
  • Check graph, you can extend sections to interpolated either section by section of globaly with the Albion menu entry


The created layers are memory layers, the data are not saved, you should use the "save as" qgis function if you plan to store the layer as a shapefile or spatialite layer, you can also cpy/paste the layer feature in a postgis layer that has the right structure. This is intended to maximize flexibility of the source data format.


  • Albion Menu:

    • new project (create db and load layers)

    • import data
    • compute mineralization (adds table and layer)

    • new graph (create table and views and new layers)
    • clean graph

    • export project (pg_dump)
    • import project (pg_restore)
  • Albion Toolbar:

    • toggle section/top
    • current graph
    • grid line from points
    • select current section (either on top view, or orthogonal in section view)
    • previous section
    • next section
    • end distance
    • auto-connect
    • auto-wall and ceil

notes on 3D:

  • togle visibility
  • dynamic update on changes