The following instructions are for installing SickChill on CentOS 6.
The installation should also be applicable to RHEL 6 and Fedora (12, 13, or 14) with minimal changes.
The installation assumes that you're not using the root user to install/run sickchill - the entries for user:group throughout the document will have to be modified to match your user configuration.
Install rpmFusion non-free repository
The repository is needed for unrar installationsudo rpm -ivh
Install prerequisites
sudo yum install python-cheetah unrar wget git
Clone sickchill git repo
sudo git clone /usr/share/sickchill
Set correct ownership
chown -R user:group /usr/share/sickchill
Copy init file to system init
sudo cp /usr/share/sickchill/init.fedora /etc/init.d/sickchill
Make init file executable
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/sickchill
Modify init file
sudo sed 's|/etc/sysconfig/sickbeard|/etc/sysconfig/sickchill|' -i /etc/init.d/sickchill
Create configuration file /etc/sysconfig/sickchill with the following content
# SickChill service configuration #run SickChill as SC_USER=media SC_HOME=/usr/share/sickchill SC_DATA=/usr/share/sickchill SC_PIDFILE=/usr/share/sickchill/ #gui address, eg: \${protocol}://\${host}:\${port}/home/ protocol=http host='<<< hostname or IP >>>' #example host=mymachine port='<<<Desired Port>>>' #example port=8081 #leave blank if no username/password is required to access the gui username= password= #use nice, ionice, taskset to start SickChill nicecmd= # example: nicecmd="nice -n 19 ionice -c3"
Add the sickchill service to system services
sudo chkconfig --add sickchill
Configure sickchill service to start on system startup
sudo chkconfig sickchill on
Start sickchill service
sudo service sickchill start
All done, verify that SickChill is accessible at gui address, eg: http://mymachine:8080/sickchill
Celebrate with some impromptu dancing!!