The protocol controller that implements Z-Wave functionality is ZPC.
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The ZPC User Guide explains how to use and configure ZPC.
The ZPC Z-Wave Certification page has information about obtaining Z-Wave certification with a Unify Z-Wave gateway.
The ZPC Debugging Guide has tips for debugging a Z-Wave network with Unify.
The guide How to implement new Z-Wave command classes explains how to add support for additional Z-Wave command classes to support more Z-Wave devices.
The guide How to write UAM files for ZPC goes into detail about how the attribute mapper can be used to map Z-Wave command classes to UCL MQTT messages.
The guide How to interact with clusters goes into detail about the implementation of Cluster in Unify.
The guide Supported Command Classes goes into detail about how the command class are implemented. This documents gives specifics about the attributes store and MQTT topics that can interact with the class.
The doxygen generated ZPC API