Pressing return in ZPC console logs will open Unify Command Line Interface. "help" command will display the available commands in Command Line Interface as shown below.
Unify Command line interface Help:
Several types of commands will be available. They use similar prefixes and suffixes. For example,
- attribute_store_ provides access to Attribute Store functionalities
- zwave_ provides access to Z-Wave functionalities
- _log prints out information about the state of a component
Note that the Command Line commands should only be used to log information and are not recommended to trigger changes, such as network management operations or modifying data in the Attribute Store.
When an unexpected outcome occurs, log the state of the components that are expected to perform an action.
Incoming Z-Wave API frames are printed directly to the console, which allows detecting incoming Z-Wave frames or other messages from the Z-Wave API module.
For example,
[zwapi_protocol_rx_dispatch] Incoming Z-Wave API frame (hex): Length=12 Type=00 Cmd=A8 00 00 01 00 02 04 86 14 5E 02 00 C0 00 7F 7F
If the ZPC is communicating to the nodes with S2/S0, the log message will show encrypted frames. The exact frame payload is typically not printed out.
Shortly after receiving the frame, the Command Class handler will print out the outcome of processing the Z-Wave frame:
[zwave_command_handler_callbacks] Command Class=0x25 - Command=0x03 from NodeID 004:1 handled successfully.
Outgoing Z-Wave frames can be identified in the console log. For example,
[zwave_tx_queue] Enqueuing new frame (id=0x24) - 001:0 -> 002:0 - Encapsulation 1 - Payload [6C 01 A4 04 8E 01 01 01 ]
A single frame can result in several TX Queue elements, so multiple TX Queue messages may appear.
The following console log describes various things about Z-Wave module.
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module type: 7
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module revision: 0
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module software version: 7.15
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module Manufacturer ID 0x0000
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module Product type 0x0004
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module Product ID 0x0004
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module supported setup mask 0xFE
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module provides a Controller API
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module is primary or inclusion controller
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module is SIS in the network
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module library type: 7
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API module RF region 1
The following console log describes version information about Z-Wave Protocol.
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API protocol type: 0
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API protocol version: 7.15.03
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API protocol build number: 211
[zwave_rx] Z-Wave API protocol git commit: 30313233343536373839414243444546
S2 keys are printed in console logs under each key level header.
S2 Unauthenticated: Key class 1 S2 Authenticated: Key class 2 S2 Access: Key class 4 S2 Authenticated LR: Key class 8 S2 Access LR: Key class 10
For example,
[zwave_s2_keystore] Key class 1
[zwave_s2_keystore] Key class 2
Unify Build version is printed on the first line after the ZPC starts. It looks like the following:
# uic build: ver_0.0.6_RC1-339-g3af36c4c
[mqtt_client] Subscribing to: ucl/by-group/+/Basic/Commands/WriteAttributes
[mqtt_client] Subscribing to: ucl/by-group/+/Basic/Commands/ResetToFactoryDefaults
[mqtt_client] Subscribing to: ucl/by-group/+/PowerConfiguration/Commands/WriteAttributes
[mqtt_client] Subscribing to: ucl/by-group/+/DeviceTemperatureConfiguration/Commands/WriteAttributes
Log level of ZPC can be changed by using the following command line argument or config file option.
zpc --log.level arg (=d)
d: Debug i: Info w: Warning e: Error c: Critical
Log levels of ZPC can also be changed on component granularity by using the following command line argument or config file option for each component.
Tag based log level
# Format: <component>:<severity>,<component>:<severity>
zpc --log.tag_level component1:level,component2:level
For example, to set ZPC MQTT log level to Info(i) and UIC Main log level to Error(e), use the following command line.
zpc --log.tag_level uic_mqtt:i,uic_main:e
Serial Log collection in ZPC can be enabled by using the following command line argument or config file option.
zpc --zpc.serial_log_file <filename>
If this is set, the ZPC will write a log of the communication over the serial interface with the Z-Wave module to the path provided. If the file exists, the log will be appended to this file, otherwise, the file will be created. The ZPC will not handle log rotation.
can be used to parse this serial log file to better
human readble format
python serial_log.txt