This language was written to be difficult to program in, and as such I greatly encourage you to try and figure out the language by yourself before referencing these docs to get the true NIL experience
NIL is written bottom to top to parsing with start with the end of the file and work its way up line by line. Any code that you want to be executed need to go in between a pair of /* */
, anything outside of these pairs are consider comments and ignored by the lexer. Additional the completely unnecessary ;
is mandatory and each statement must start with one.
The NIL language has 3 types: str, bool, and of course num
Strings in NIL are surrounded, of course by the ,
symbol, which when compared to other typical languages allows for faster* creation of strings
,Hello NIL!,
- note: the use of commas has in no way be proved to be any faster the single or double quotes
Inorder to initialize variables in NIL the following syntax is used:
;name type
Type has to be ignored if a variable is initialize with a value
;value = name
Variables are all mutable by default so inorder the change the value the same syntax can be used ex:
;count + 1 = count
;0 = count
Seeing as almost every programming languages uses some form of the famous if then else
statements NIL has chose to use a 100% original and different not if(nif) then else nif
) else nif !cond (
;nif cond (
this is the equivalent of the following js segment:
if (!cond) {
} else {
To add to the 100% original innovations the NIL language as created are not loops or noops demonstrated below
;noop cond (
equivalent js code:
while (!cond) {
NIL has both built in and user definable functions, both of which can be called like so
;{fn_name} args
using the built-in output looks like this:
;{output} ,hello world!,
User Defined functions can be created like so:
) {args...} fn_name
def (
- note: the last value of the statement in the function is the return value
example of a function that squares a passed number and returns it
) {x} sqaure
;x * x
def (
Name | Args | Return | Desc. |
output | ANY | TRUE | Output any value passed to the terminal |
num_input | STR | NUM | Gets users input with optional prompt |
str_input | STR | STR | Gets users number with optional prompt |
round | NUM | NUM | round passed number |
Op | Args | Return | Desc. |
+ | NUM, NUM | NUM | Adds two numbers |
- | NUM, NUM | NUM | Subtracts two numbers |
/ | NUM, NUM | NUM | Divides two numbers |
* | NUM, NUM | NUM | Take a guess |
% | NUM, NUM | NUM | Returns the Remainder of division |
Op | Args | Return | Desc. |
Op | Args | Return | Desc. |
== | ANY*,ANY* | BOOL | Equal Operation |
!= | ANY*,ANY* | BOOL | Not Equal Operation |
&& | BOOL, BOOL | BOOL | OR Operation |
| | BOOL, BOOL | BOOL | AND Operation |
>= | NUM, NUM | BOOL | Greater Than or Equal Operation |
> | NUM, NUM | BOOL | Greater Than Operation |
<= | NUM, NUM | BOOL | Less Than or Equal Operation |
> | NUM, NUM | BOOL | Less Than Operation |
- note: the and and or operation have be swapped for the sole purpose of causing confusion