Thanks for your interest in contributing! This document outlines how we expect contributions to happen.
- Start by searching the issue tracker to see if your contribution, be it a problem or a suggestion for an enhancement, was brought up before.
- If nothing satisfying comes up, feel free to file a new issue. Provide as many details about your idea, problem, or suggestion as possible.
- Once a conversation with one or more established contributors has taken place, it should become clear when it is appropriate to suggest a change (via, for example, a pull request).
- If you are a first-time contributor, you do need explicit permission from at least one other established contributor before your changes can be accepted.
This project follows an open participation and lazy consensus model. This means that:
- anyone can chime in and get involved,
- everyone involved seeks consensus, and
- existing contributors do not require explicit permission from other contributors to proceed with their work - but do need to be prepared to rollback should objections arise from other contributors
If you'd like to speak to the contributors to this project, you can reach us through a bunch of different channels.
On, you can always notify the entire Open Source Office team by using the @open-source-office handle.
We're pretty active on #guild-opensource (internal to Adobe).
You can always e-mail the Open Source Office members at