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309 lines (222 loc) · 9.7 KB

Object detection tool

An object detection tool based on Tensorflow Object detection API.


Step 1: Create project environment.

conda env create --file environment.yml

Step 2: Download Tensorflow Object detection API repository under lib/tf_od_api path.

git clone lib/tf_od_api/models

Step 3: Go to models path.

cd lib/tf_od_api/models

Step 4: Go to Tensorflow Object detection API installation instructions and follow next steps:

Step 5: Check that installation process it's ok.


Training a model

Step 1: First of all must generate a dataset with train(70%) & test(30%) samples. There are many ways to generate a dataset:

  1. From scratch taking photos from cellphone and then mark each bounding box under each image using labelimg. Maybe this is the more straightforward way to generate a dataset, but not the best way to reach state of the art results. The problem is that it take a lot of time to make a tiny and consistent dataset.

  2. Other way to generate a dataset could be take a photo of each object class and then use this to generate new examples that combine this classes or not. Also can apply many transformations and filters but this totally depends on the domain of the problem to solve. This process is called data augmentation and can use a tool like imgaug. These option has better results but you have to choose the transformations and filters with a lot of criteria.

The dataset must have next structure:

    sampleN.xml <---- Pascal VOC file
    sampleN.xml <---- Pascal VOC file

Pascal VOC files contains position, size and class for each bounding box you want to infer from an image. This files are generated by labelimg tool but also you can create these from scratch.

Step 2: Create label_map.pbtxt file under dataset path. This file map class names from Pascal VOC files to integer values. Add next items for each class to label_map.pbtxt file:

item {
  id: 1
  name: 'Class1'
item {
  id: 2
  name: 'Class2'
item {
  id: N
  name: 'ClassN'

Step 3: Select a model to train from Tensorflow detection model zoo. For example, download faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco and extract this under as a directory with training name.

Step 4: Config next properties in pipeline.config:

train_config {
  fine_tune_checkpoint: "/PATH/TO/training/model.ckpt"

train_input_reader {
  label_map_path: "/PATH/TO/dataset/label_map.pbtxt"
  tf_record_input_reader {
    input_path: "/PATH/TO/training/train.record"

eval_config {
  num_examples: 3000 <= Numer of samples under dataset/test/samples.

eval_input_reader {
  label_map_path: "/PATH/TO/dataset/label_map.pbtxt"
  tf_record_input_reader {
    input_path: "/PATH/TO/training/test.record"

Step 5: Remove training/checkpoint file.

Step 6: Generate train.record and test.record files under training path. This files contains all samples data and images. Run next command to perform this task:

bin/prepare-dataset $(pwd)/dataset

Step 7: Read Configuring the Object Detection Training Pipeline to understand who to make model tuning.

Step 8: Train model.

bin/train 500000

Note: 500.000 is the number of steps. An steps represent the number of batches of samples to process.

To see training output can use:


Step 9: To check the accuracy of model must use mAP, AR and F1 Score metrics. You can check this from a tensorboard. To run tensorboard:


Step 10: Go to http://localhost:6006 url.

Step 11: After train model you must export inference graph to model directory. Select a checkpoint number from training path:

$ ls -l training/model.ckpt-*.meta
-rw-r--r-- 1 adrian adrian 15929850 Apr  3 14:42 training/model.ckpt-22718.meta
-rw-r--r-- 1 adrian adrian 15929850 Apr  3 14:52 training/model.ckpt-23162.meta
-rw-r--r-- 1 adrian adrian 15929850 Apr  3 15:02 training/model.ckpt-23606.meta
-rw-r--r-- 1 adrian adrian 15929850 Apr  3 15:12 training/model.ckpt-24050.meta
-rw-r--r-- 1 adrian adrian 15929850 Apr  3 15:22 training/model.ckpt-24494.meta

And next run export-inference-graph script:

bin/export-inference-graph 24494


Metrics per category tensorflow/models#4778


Model Prediction

To see how trained model detect objects from images, videos or event from a webcam follow next steps:

Step 1:: Activate environment.

source object-detection

Step 2::

* Detect objects on images:

    bin/predictor \
        --model-path models/inference_graph_16232/frozen_inference_graph.pb \
        --label-map-path dataset/label_map.pbtxt \
        --input-image ./input/never_seen_sample_4.jpg \
        --output ./output

* Detect objects on video files:

    bin/predictor \
        --model-path models/inference_graph_16232/frozen_inference_graph.pb \
        --label-map-path dataset/label_map.pbtxt \
        --input-video input/test_video_2.mp4 \
        --output ./output/test_video_2.mp4 \
        --show-preview \
        --preview-scale 50

* Detect objects from webcam:

    bin/predictor \
        --model-path models/inference_graph_16232/frozen_inference_graph.pb \
        --label-map-path dataset/label_map.pbtxt \
        --input-webcam 2 \
        --output ./output/video.mp4

Step 3:: Press q key to end process.

Step 4: Use --help param to check all param options:

$ bin/predictor --help        

usage: object-detection-predictor [-h] [--model-path MODEL_PATH]
                                  [--label-map-path LABEL_MAP_PATH]
                                  [--input-image INPUT_IMAGE]
                                  [--input-video INPUT_VIDEO]
                                  [--input-webcam INPUT_WEBCAM]
                                  [--show-preview] [--disable-bboxes]
                                  [--preview-scale PREVIEW_SCALE]
                                  [--output OUTPUT]

Object detection predictor

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model-path MODEL_PATH
                        Path of final model graph
  --label-map-path LABEL_MAP_PATH
                        Path of label map file
  --input-image INPUT_IMAGE
                        Input image path.
  --input-video INPUT_VIDEO
                        Input video path.
  --input-webcam INPUT_WEBCAM
                        Input video port. Available ports: [0, 2] (Detected &
                        non-used /dev/videoX port).
  --show-preview        Force show preview window.
  --disable-bboxes      Force disable bounding boxes
  --preview-scale PREVIEW_SCALE
                        Change preview scale. Default: 100
  --output OUTPUT       Output image/video path.

Prediction examples

I am still tuning training process, dataset generation and model hyper-parameters but at this moment these are any results:

Sample Image

Sample Image

Sample Image