A collection of themes (4 dark, 1 light) written in Lua for Neovim
Themes have been designed to be unintrusive, simple, and pleasing to the eyes.
A dark theme with colors inspired from Nintendo's Ice Climbers characters
A dark, brown pastel theme
A darker, greener take on the classic Everforest theme
Inspired by ThePrimeagen's use of the Rosé-Pine theme with tmux and no color fixing.
A light variant of ICECLIMBER
Install via your favorite package manager:
-- Using lazy.nvim
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = function()
-- optional configuration here
will call set colorscheme
with your chosen theme.
If you prefer, you can use vim.cmd("colorscheme <theme>")
instead. For
example, to use darkforest: vim.cmd("colorscheme darkforest")
. Note if you
use vim.cmd("colorscheme neomodern")
, iceclimber
will be used.
There are 5 themes included (4 dark, 1 light).
The light theme is used when { style = "daylight" }
is passed to setup(options)
or when vim.o.background = "light"
Default options are given below
-- Choose between 'iceclimber', 'coffeecat', 'darkforest', 'roseprime', 'daylight'
theme = "iceclimber",
-- Keymap (in normal mode) to toggle between themes in theme list
cycle_theme_key = nil,
cycle_theme_list = { "iceclimber", "coffeecat", "darkforest", "roseprime", "daylight" },
-- Keymap (in normal mode) to toggle between light and dark mode.
-- Recommended to remove `daylight` from `toggle_theme_list` if you are also using
-- `cycle_theme_key` keymap for a more intuitive cycle behavior
toggle_mode_key = nil,
-- Don't set background
transparent = false,
-- If true, enable the terminal
term_colors = true,
-- If true, docstrings will be highlighted like strings, otherwise they will be highlighted
-- like comments. Note, behavior is depending on the language server.
colored_docstrings = true,
-- If false, brackets will be highlighted similar to the default fg color
colored_brackets = true,
-- Don't set background of floating windows. Recommended for when using floating windows
-- with borders.
plain_float = false,
-- Show the end-of-buffer tildes
show_eob = true,
-- If true, highlights {sign,fold}column the same as cursorline
cursorline_gutter = true,
-- If true, highlights current line number as an alternate color
alt_culnr_hl = true,
-- if true favor treesitter highlights over semantic highlights
favor_treesitter_hl = false,
diagnostics = {
darker = true, -- Darker colors for diagnostic
undercurl = true, -- Use undercurl for diagnostics
background = true, -- Use background color for virtual text
-- The following table accepts values the same as the `gui` option for normal
-- highlights. For example, `bold`, `italic`, `underline`, `none`.
code_style = {
comments = "italic",
conditionals = "none",
functions = "none",
keywords = "none",
headings = "bold", -- Markdown headings
operators = "none",
keyword_return = "none",
strings = "none",
variables = "none",
-- The following options allow for more control over some plugin appearances.
plugin = {
lualine = {
-- Bold lualine_a sections
bold = true,
-- Don't set section/component backgrounds. Recommended to not set
-- section/component separators.
plain = false,
cmp = {
-- Don't highlight lsp-kind items. Only the current selection will be highlighted.
plain = false,
-- Reverse lsp-kind items' highlights in cmp menu.
reverse = false,
-- Options are 'borderless' or 'bordered'.
telescope = "bordered",
-- Override default colors
colors = {},
-- Override highlight groups
highlights = {},
-- Convenience function that simply calls `:colorscheme <theme>` with the theme
-- specified in your config. If not specified, `iceclimber` is used.
Example setup for plain cmp (preview below):
-- Use these opts in setup and also rounded borders enabled in your lsp config
plain_float = true,
plugin = {
cmp = {
plain = true,
Example using custom colors and highlights:
require("neomodern").setup {
colors = {
orange = '#ff8800', -- define a new color
keyword = '#817faf', -- redefine an existing color
highlights = {
["@keyword"] = { fg = "$keyword", fmt = 'bold' },
["@function"] = { bg = "$orange", fmt = 'underline,italic' },
Treesitter keywords have changed for Neovim
Available here
Pull requests are welcome.
If you are wanting to submit a new theme/style, please create a pull request with your new colors in this file.
If you are wanting support for a plugin, either open an issue or submit a pull request with your highlight additions in this file.