Original Recipe
- 9g instant yeast
- 335g water (105F to 115F degrees)
- 450g Flour
- 9g salt
- 9g Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Additional olive oil for baking sheet
- Additional 20g Olive Oil for topping before baking
- Additional 20g water for topping before baking
- Add the 9g yeast to the 335g warm water along with a spoonful of the flour. Leave for 5-10min to ensure yeast is good.
- Mix 450g flour, 9g salt, and the yeast+water mixture, until no dry flour remains.
- Pour the 9g olive oil over the dough, work until absorbed.
- Cover and let rest for 20 minutes.
- Repeat the following steps 4 times:
- Dip fingers into bowl of water
- Grab and stretch as far as dough can without breaking, fold dough over itself
- Rotate bowl 180, stretch and folder the reverse direction.
- Rotate bowl 90 degrees (onto other axis), strech, fold, rotate, repeat.
- Rest for 30min
- Drizzle olive oil to covera high-walled baking sheet.
- Pour dough into pan, ensure all sides get oiled up.
- Work dough into edges of the pan. Cover and let rest 10-15min if dough struggles to fit into corners of pan.
- Proof for 45 to 60min, until it has risen and has air bubbles.
- Dimple the dough. Don't go through the dough.
- Combine 20g olive oil and 20g water, emulsify.
- Pour mixture over top of dough; optionally add herbs or salt over the top after the mixture.
- Bake for 25min at 450F-degree.
- Let rest on wirerack.