Updated July 2019 : Installation instructions & mini-guide below
Fructure at RacketCon 2019.My talk (from the livestream).Slides: Real version. Extended unedited version.
Fructure is a prototype structure editor, which can currently be used to write & edit small programs in a small subset of scheme/racket. This is a personal project where I'm playing with ideas in editing, programming languages, and interaction design.
Note: now that this is getting some traffic I wanted to put up a disclaimer that some of the code is currently in a bit of a state: I've commented out some things and hacked up some others to smoothen the demo. My immediate plans are - after taking a post-racketcon break and aside from general cleanup - to unhackify the way transforms currently work, properly re-instate variadic parameters for binding forms, and do some profiling and address the current sluggishness.
I wrote a bit about my then-current direction in September 2018, just before beginning my current implementation attempt. I've completed most of what I talk about there, with varying levels of success: Fructure 1 of 2 Fructure 2 of 2. There will soon be some slightly more up-to-date notes via my racketcon slides. For more updates cyberfollow @twitter and @elsewhere. Here's an ongoing dev screenshot dump; check out the chronological overview:
Basically, you need to install racket, a couple libraries, and a font if you don't want thing to look screwy.
- brew install racket --cask
- brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts && brew install font-iosevka --cask
- raco pkg install memoize
- raco pkg install rackjure
- git clone https://github.com/disconcision/fructure.git
Linux, Windows: (under construction)
- cd fructure
- racket src/fructure.rkt
FAQ: Q: Is it suppose to be this slow? A: It's open source.
- How to win: There are modes, but pressing ESC enough times should always get you to the base mode. From there, press SPACE to enter command mode. From here, PRESS "q" then RIGHT-ARROW to quit.
- Check the terminal for silent crashes (aka 'bonus' victory conditions)
Fructure starts in NAV(igation) mode. The selector (red) encloses a hole (yellow).
NAV keybindings
toggles TRANSFORM mode
A transform (red) maps the source (the hole) to (->) the target (selection (outlined in red) in menu (also outlined in red))
TRANSFORM keybindings
move menu / selector: find and select an "if" expression)ENTER
performs selected transform, toggles NAV mode: transform the hole to the if
NAV keybindings (continued)
move selector in preorder tree traversal: go right thrice and left twice to cycle the selection, settling on the first child
These keys (almost) suffice to build/delete arbitrary syntax, though not terribly conveniently. Build a tiny program this way. I say almost because you can't (yet, owing to a bug) input new identifiers in this way. Doing so (currently) requires being in the menu and pressing RIGHT on a lambda or define (see next step).
Approximating standard text-entry
NAV keybindings
selector to parent/first child
TRANSFORM keybindings
switch to NAV mode without performing transformationRIGHT
step into current transform: (essentially) perform selected transform, and then advance the selector/menu to the first created hole. (unless last action was an undo, in which case RIGHT is a redo)LEFT
undo (back to state at last step, delimited by entering transform mode)SPACE
in current implementation the same as RIGHT, minus the redo part. eventually, it should be part of alphanumericsalphanumerics
filter menu by search buffer prefix matchBACKSPACE
erase most recent character in search bufferDELETE
erase search buffer
Abstract copy/paste
NAV keybindings
capture selectionESC
clear captures
TRANSFORM keybindings
un/fold transform displaySHIFT
extend/contract displayed menu options
Simple settings scrubber
NAV keybindings
switch to COMMAND mode
TRANSFORM keybindings
switch to COMMAND mode
COMMAND keybindings
select propertyLEFT/RIGHT
scrub property- alphanumerics/BACKSPACE/DELETE : filter/unfilter property
return to NAV or TRANSFORM mode
EXPERIMENTAL & FICTIONAL keybindings: lies at best, trouble at worst
dump current structure to stdinCTRL
save structure to diskSHIFT
load structure from diskSHIFT
selector to siblingDOWN
step into capturealphanumerics
(restrict selector traversal to search buffer hits aka find as you type) TRANSFORMF2
dump current structure to stdinRCTRL
shortcut to select/insert parens