FUSS is a project for building functional strongly-typed streams-based reactive code in Golang.
The code is mostly idiomatic go. In addtion, there is a tendency to write functional code (i.e very low side-effects -- preferring to return new slices instead of mutating input arg, for example). There is a lot of immutable types used.
The code is somewhat sparsely documented but pleqse feel free to file issues for even simple questions.
The core directory implements a small set of utility libraries that are expected to change rarely if at all. Consumers are not expected to use this library directly
The dom directory implements the set of UX primitives that can be used to build UX apps. This has both a html (server-side) and a js (gopherjs-based browser-side) driver in sub-directories.
The todo directory has an example TODO MVC app.
The fussy directory has the parser and code generator used within the framework.
While standard go get -u ./...
and go test ./...
should work, all
pull requests to this project will be tested against ./x/lint.sh and
go test --coverprofile=cover.out
go tool cover --html=cover.out
Linting is done using gometalinter but with
a very specific set of lint rules. Please run ./x/lint.sh
to lint the project.
go get -u github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter
gometalinter --install --update
Please feel free to file issues whether it is a simple matter of trying understand code or project ideas or if it is an actual bug report.
"There are no stupid questions."
Pull requests are welcome and appreciated.