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284 lines (226 loc) · 19.5 KB


File metadata and controls

284 lines (226 loc) · 19.5 KB


Unreleased (latest)

  • Nothing yet.

2.0.4 (2025-03-22)

  • Add more gracefull error handling and warning message if no albums are found for the provided YouTube Music link.

2.0.3 (2025-03-22)

  • Fix AudioConfig.beautify() failing from generator of nested AudioInfo object pre-exhausted.
  • Replace eyeD3==0.9.6 by fmigneault/eyeD3@no-install-tests to avoid invalid extra tests dependencies.
  • Fix CR/LF across repository using portable LF everywhere.
  • Fix multiple linting issues with additional linting tools.

2.0.2 (2025-03-17)

  • Fix Duration class positional arguments failing when generated from deepcopy calling __new__.

2.0.1 (2025-03-17)

  • Fix aiu.clean.beautify_string lookup of first word separated by sentence punctuations.
  • Fix aiu.clean.beautify_string potentially applying beautification an entire sentence as if it was a single word, leading to lowercase characters for following words of the sentence not properly capitalized by the string formatter.

2.0.0 (2025-03-16)

  • Refactor definitions originally within to to avoid install import error.
  • Add --no-beautify option (beautification enabled by default) to control ID3 tag renaming and word/stopword operations employed to adjust the audio fields based on resolved configuration files. When disabled, the field values will be employed directly as provided or resolved by --info, --all and --link references.
  • Modify the string beautification process to occur at a centralized step to more easily inspect its results, rather than spread across local configuration parsing and YouTube resolution steps.
  • Update aiu.clean.beautify_string to employ string-formatter operators rather than hardcoded string capitalize/lower methods.
  • Fix loading of stopwords and exceptions configuration files to discard empty definitions or lines.
  • Fix loading of stopwords to enforce lowercase for lookup.
  • Fix StrField not using the raw str representation (e.g.: merging configuration resulted in forwarding of the StrField object between instances), causing invalid output and logs parsing from unknown object types.
  • Allow --parser names to be specified in a case-insensitive manner.
  • Adjust --prefix-track to imply --rename-title even when omitted to make the operation effective.
  • Fix parameter reference in --rename-format (from FORMAT to RENAME_FORMAT) to match the displayed metavar.

1.11.1 (2024-07-27)

1.11.0 (2023-11-05)

  • Add search path override to output directory location when the current directory path is detected as the script path.
  • Add --no-heuristic-tag-match and corresponding heuristic_tag_match flag applied by default that will attempt matching existing ID3 tags from the source audio files against target configuration ID3 tags when file names were not sufficient to find a match.
  • Add more file name matching heuristics to consider duplicated descriptors across multiple file names, in order to reduce the set of false-positive candidates using only word portions of the title that are distinct and descriptive.
  • Add options --heuristic-stopword and --heuristic-config that allows providing a set of stopwords to be ignored only during the heuristic file name matching strategy. These allow removing words often found in file names that cause noise for the purpose of matching the audio file title. The default file employed if no parameters for these options are unspecified is aiu/config/ignore.cfg.
  • Rename aiu.Config.EXCEPTIONS and aiu.Config.STOPWORDS to aiu.Config.EXCEPTIONS_RENAME and aiu.Config.STOPWORDS_RENAME respectively to distinguish them from new aiu.Config.STOPWORDS_MATCH employed by --heuristic-stopword and --heuristic-config.
  • Add alternative option names --rename-exceptions-config and --rename-stopwords-config to corresponding --exceptions and --stopwords options to provide more explicit representation of their purpose.
  • Fix heuristic_word_match and heuristic_delete_duplicates flags not passed down for iterative per-album call.
  • Apply the resolved album_artist ID3 tag or its default value set by artist ID3 tag according to options --no-match-artist and --album-artist as detailed in their description.
  • Fix default value of match_artist, set when omitting -no-match-artist that caused --album-artist value provided explicitly to be ignored.
  • Remove duplicate and unimplemented function for applying ID3 tags.
  • Move ID3 tag and cover file utilities from aiu.utils to aiu.updater module.
  • Fix ID3 tags properties passed by individual options (-A, -T, etc.) to be incorrectly reported in the logging definition, as well as passing them as individual AudioInfo objects instead of a single combined one under the generated AudioConfig for these tags. If more than one literal ID3 tag field was provided simultaneously, this would cause erroneous mismatches in length comparison between multiple AudioConfig from the various sources.
  • Fix logging calls not using the lazy string evaluation format in some cases.

1.10.1 (2023-07-04)

  • Add Makefile target version to quickly retrieve the information to facilitate use with bump targets.
  • Fixes to Makefile and encountering issues on reinstall.

1.10.0 (2023-06-28)

  • Add --force-fetch option complementary to --no-fetch to enforce re-download of files if matches are found in the output directory, instead of reusing previously cached results.
  • Add more result file matching combinations to attempt better detection of cached pre-downloaded audio files. Notably, when the --prefix-track and/or --rename-title options are omitted, most predefined match patterns where never able to work due to assumed track indices. A combination of {artist} - {song} patterns allow to match commonly employed file name conventions for song track naming.
  • Fix and improve common mismatches between desired file name patterns and downloaded ones caused by youtube_dl over-sanitizing valid file-system characters that contained unicode or accents. These characters will now be preserved to better retain the original song title, album and artist names using those characters, and as a side effect, more efficiently match the expected download file name against target ID3 metadata.
  • Add DevOps Makefile along with multiple inspection, linting and validation utilities.

1.9.1 (2022-10-30)

  • Fix the generated output audio file name that could sometime contain illegal characters after substitution of the requested metadata according to the rename format. Illegal characters will be replaced by _ prior to rename.

1.9.0 (2022-09-05)

  • Add multiple heuristic rules to attempt matching ambiguous file names against provided audio information.
  • Add heuristics and patched characters conditions to better detect ambiguous file names renamed following download to better detect them once again on subsequent download operation, taking advantage of cached file contents.
  • Add CLI options to allow toggling of experimental heuristics that are more prone to errors than typical "hard" matching conditions, at the expense of potential failure to resolve more complicated matching cases.

1.8.0 (2022-09-03)

  • Update TODO items that have been implemented in previous versions.
  • Set default logging level to INFO (i.e.: -v option) to provide basic steps and progress bar details.
  • Fix reported cover field in generated output configuration to use the saved image within the output location instead of the temporary location employed for downloading the YouTube album/song cover.
  • Fix missing properties to better handle CoverFile class attributes.

1.7.2 (2022-08-16)

  • Fix invalid double quote character (") incorrectly escaped into single quote character (') instead of expected underscore character (_) by internal python-youtube-music (ytm) code under Windows, causing invalid path resolution of the downloaded file in combination with dispatched call to youtube_dl.

1.7.1 (2022-04-14)

  • Fix missing encoding when writing JSON temp file metadata that contains characters needing UTF-8.
  • Fix LP_OVERLAPPED error by upgrading requirement of yt-dlp with more recent version.

1.7.0 (2022-01-08)

  • Add support of input YouTube Music channel link to automatically download and process all available artist albums. Individual albums are iteratively processed as separate aiu operations and downloaded songs are stored into corresponding album sub-directories.
  • Fix incorrect direct reference to YoutubeMusicDL instead of CachedYoutubeMusicDL implementation when no tqdm progression is requested.
  • Fix base YouTube downloader to employ yt_dlp instead of youtube_dl, providing download speed improvements and other YouTube related issue handling.
  • Fix displayed SSL warnings caused by underlying YouTube downloader requests that cannot be addressed directly by this tool.
  • Add --nP and --no-progress argument to allow disabling only progress bars while keeping more verbose logging.
  • Add --no-summary to better represent --no-result argument behaviour.
  • Replace --nP by --nS for argument --no-result.
  • Fix failing resolution of single AudioInfo element (single audio file) due to Duration field not allowing additional positional arguments during deepcopy.

1.6.0 (2021-09-22)

1.5.0 (2021-08-27)

  • Add option --remove-track to allow explicit removal of ID3 Tag track number and also support invalid values provided to --track option (integer < 1, empty string "") as equivalent to the new one.

1.4.0 (2021-08-26)

  • Improve YouTube Music Download operation with check of already available song file to bypass unnecessary re-download from python-youtube-music (ytm) package. Cached file references that skip download are reported in logs (debug level) after progress bar processing completes.
  • Validate that all required ID3 tags information are available for track renaming operation against the different CLI flag against predefined and custom format names. Missing explicit ID3 tags within the template name format will be raised and identified in logs to help resolution from the user by providing missing fields.
  • Fix incorrect parsing of file paths with some UTF-8 encoded characters during evaluation of MP3-like files by bumping requirement of eyeD3 to more recent 0.9.6 version.

1.3.0 (2021-07-08)

  • Add support to --link referring to a single YouTube Video or Music URL instead of a full album.
  • Reapply master of original YouTube Music repository (instead of fork) with integrated fix of missing track (see PR tombulled/python-youtube-music#11).

1.2.0 (2021-05-24)

  • Add download progression display in the outputs when --link and --debug/--verbose are requested.
  • Add option --output-dir (-O, --outdir) to define an alternate output directory location when fetching files in combination with --link.
  • Add alias --output-format to --format option.
  • Change default value of --output to output.yml to align it with the default value of --format.
  • Save the album cover image file that is retrieved from the remote Youtube Music link when fetching tracks.
  • Fix some literal fields provided by input options (--album, album-artist, --year) that were incorrectly dropped.
  • Fix an issue where resolution between cover file sources already resolved would not be recognized and raise an error.

1.1.0 (2021-04-04)

  • Fix handling of shared ID3 metadata across audio files when only global options are provided. For example, only giving --artist <ARTIST> without any other audio configuration file to match audio files against caused many AttributeError and incorrect application of specified tags to all files (fixes #1).
  • Fix YouTube Music attempting to set ID3 metadata tags unsupported by AudioConfig and AudioInfo objects.
  • Fix failing YouTube Music album download operation due to missing track field in some rare cases (relates to PR python-youtube-music#11).
  • Fix and improve fetching with caching of cover art from Youtube Music album metadata.
  • Fix false positive of csv parser with all empty values against a list formatted configuration file.
  • Improve reporting of the cause of failure when parsing or merging multiple configuration files.
  • Remove multiple unnecessary package dependencies.

1.0.0 (2021-03-02)

  • Add basic implementation allowing fetch of metadata and downloading of YouTube Music album files.
  • Add options --no-cover, --no-info, and --no-all to disable default auto-detection of configuration files.
  • Add featuring abbreviations handling in exceptions.cfg file.
  • Drop support of Python 2.7 and 3.5

0.5.1 (2020-12-05)

  • Fix parsing list format when number of lines can both result into 3-fields and 2-fields variant.
  • Fix handling unspecified --rename-format, --rename-title and --prefix-track.

0.5.0 (2020-12-05)

  • Add argument --backup that will enforce saving a copy of audio files to be edited beforehand.
  • Add argument --exceptions to override default file config/exceptions.cfg.
  • Add argument --stopwords to override default file config/stopwords.cfg.
  • Add list parser that takes track numbers, song titles and duration on separate lines as often retrieved from raw copy-paste conversion in text file from web-pages that display the information with HTML table/divs.
  • Drop docopt in favor of argparse which offer more explicit and versatile configuration of options.
  • Fix parsing of single --file path to search default directory locations of other arguments (e.g.: --info).
  • Fix processing and writing of tag fields that employ different internal names (eye3D.id3.Tags) against generic names employed by the parser (e.g.: track -> track_num).

0.4.0 (2020-05-03)

  • Add file renaming operations using flags --rename-title, --rename-format and --prefix-track.
  • Add config/exceptions.cfg file that provides a map of exceptions to ignore for rename/beautify operations.
  • Add more reporting and processing control with flags --no-rename, --no-update, --no-output and --no-result.
  • Improve error code reporting with corresponding sections.
  • Avoid full traceback dump of error unless --debug was requested. Only display where error happened.

0.3.0 (2020-04-30)

  • Add --dry option to run process without applying modifications/actions.
  • Fix handling the default value for --path.
  • Fixes to logging formats.

0.2.0 (2020-04-29)

  • Add audio file rename options.
  • Fix no arguments raising parsing error. Know does default --help.
  • Fix runtime execution path not found to metadata.

0.1.0 (2019-10-26)

  • First structured release.