Releases: fullcalendar/fullcalendar-workspace
Releases · fullcalendar/fullcalendar-workspace
- business hours per-resource (#61)
- fix non-business days without styles (#109)
- fix bug with scrollbars causing selection after the first (#192)
- certain rendering actions, such as initial rendering of a resource view,
would not always execute synchronously once jQuery 3 was introduced.
fixes have been made to ensure synchronous execution with jQuery 3. - integration with TravisCI
- refetchResources and view switching causes blank screen (#179)
- UMD definition for Node, defined core dependency (#172)
- setResources should return an array copy (#160)
- revertFunc misbehaves for events specified with multiple resourceIds (#156)
- nowIndicator sometimes incorrectly positioned on wide screens (#130)
- memory leak upon destroy (#87)
touch support introduced in core v2.7.0
version 1.3.0-beta
- allow minTime/maxTime to be negative or beyond 24hrs in timeline (#112)
- fix for nowIndicator not updating position on window resize (#130)
- fix for events resourceId/resourceIds being non-string integers (#120)
- fix external drag handlers not being unbound (#117, #118)
- fix refetchResources should rerender resources in vertical view (#100)
- fix events incorrectly rendered when clipped by minTime/maxTime (#96)
- fix resourceRender's resource object param when resources above dates (#91)
- fix eventOverlap:false with eventResourceField (#86)
- fix license key warning being rendered multiple times (#75)
- fix broken Resource Object eventClassName property
- fix separate event instances via multiple resourceIds, wrong color assignment
- current time indicator (#9)
- pass resourceId into the drop event (#27)
- fix for refetchEvents reseting the scroll position (#89)
- fix for addResource/removeResource failing to rerender in vertical views (#84)
- fix for timeline resource rows sometimes being misaligned when column grouping (#80)
- fix for timeline events not rendering correctly when minTime specified (#78)
- fix for erradic resource ordering in verical views when no resourceOrder specified (#74)
- fix bug where external event dragging would not respect eventOverlap (#72)
- fix dayClick not firing in resource views
- fix businessHours not rendering
- fix event overlap not working in day/week/month view (#24)
Vertical resource view. see the issue tracker ticket for more info.
As makeshift documentation, view the source of the example page.
This is a beta release. Please do not use it in a production environment just yet.