layout | title | parent |
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Combine Subscribers - Assign & Sink |
Cocoa |
We learned the basics of subscribers in Combine - Publisher, Subscriber & Subscription and implemented our own. Here we're extending our discussion on subscribers by looking at two concrete subscriber types that come with Combine:
is subscriber intended for assigning a publisher’s output to a property of an object. Let's see an example of how it's used before we break down how it works.
// A ValuePrinter prints its value to the console whenever its value changes
class ValuePrinter<Value> {
var value: Value {
didSet {
init(_ value: Value) {
self.value = value
// Here we define a publisher that publishes values from 1 to 5
// and register to it a subscriber of type Assign, who then writes
// the values received to the ValuePrinter's value property
Array(1...5).publisher.assign(to: \.value, on: ValuePrinter(0))
// And the console outputs:
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
Now let's look at the implementation of Subscribers.Assign
// A Subscriber can be in one of 3 states:
// - Awaiting a subscription
// - Subscribed with a subscription
// - Terminated subscription
enum SubscriptionStatus {
case awaitingSubscription
case subscribed(Subscription)
case terminal
extension Subscribers {
// Subscribers.Assign is a cancellable subscriber that never fails
public final class Assign<Root, Input>: Subscriber, Cancellable {
public typealias Failure = Never
// This subscriber holds the destination object and keypath of its destination property
// to which the subscriber should write to whenever it receives a value
public private(set) var object: Root?
public let keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Input>
// The subscriber's subscription status is initially in the awaiting state
// Note that SubscriptionStatus holds the subscription for the subscriber
private var status = SubscriptionStatus.awaitingSubscription
// The subscriber's initializer requires the object & property keypath of the destination
// object be designated
public init(object: Root, keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Input>) {
self.object = object
self.keyPath = keyPath
// The subscriber receives a subscription
// 1. If the subscriber is currently subscribed or the previous subscription has been cancelled:
// the received subscription will be cancelled
// 2. If the subscriber is awaiting a subscription:
// the received subscription is accepted, and the subscriber makes a request for
// unlimited demand to the subscription
public func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
switch status {
case .subscribed, .terminal:
case .awaitingSubscription:
status = .subscribed(subscription)
// The subscriber receives a value
// Write to the destination object's property through its keypath only if the
// the subscriber is currently subscribed
// Ignore the value otherwise
public func receive(_ value: Input) -> Subscribers.Demand {
switch status {
case .subscribed:
object?[keyPath: keyPath] = value
case .awaitingSubscription, .terminal:
return .none
// The subscriber receives a completion event
// Subscribers.Assign never fails & ignores the completion event altogether
// The subscription is cancelled when the completion event is received nonetheless
public func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Never>) {
// Call cancel to cancel the subscription
// If the subscriber is currently susbcribed, cancel the subscription and move
// SubscriptionStatus to terminated
public func cancel() {
guard case let .subscribed(subscription) = status else {
status = .terminal
object = nil
extension Publisher where Failure == Never {
// We can call assign on the publisher to attach a Subscribers.Assign subscriber to it
// (like we did in our example)
public func assign<Root>(to keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Output>,
on object: Root) -> AnyCancellable {
// 1. Create a Subscribers.Assign subscriber using its default initializer
// 2. Subscribe to the puslisher passing in the subscriber object
// 3. Return the subscriber object wrapped as AnyCancellable
let subscriber = Subscribers.Assign(object: object, keyPath: keyPath)
return AnyCancellable(subscriber)
(Snippet from OpenCombine)
is subscriber whose behavior is defined by closure-wrapped logic assigned to it. Again, let's see an example of how it's used before we break down how it works.
// Here we define a publisher that publishes values from 1 to 5
// and register to it a subscriber of type Sink which outputs:
// "Completed with:" with a Subscribers.Completion instance when a completion event is received, or
// "Received value:" with the value received when a value is received
Array(1...5).publisher.sink(receiveCompletion: { print("Completed with: \($0)") })
{ print("Received value: \($0)") }
// And the console outputs:
// Received value: 1
// Received value: 2
// Received value: 3
// Received value: 4
// Received value: 5
// Completed with: finished
Now let's see the implementation of Subscribers.Sink
// A Subscriber can be in one of 3 states:
// - Awaiting a subscription
// - Subscribed with a subscription
// - Terminated subscription
enum SubscriptionStatus {
case awaitingSubscription
case subscribed(Subscription)
case terminal
extension Subscribers {
// Subscribers.Sink is a cancellable subscriber that can fails
// A simple subscriber that requests an unlimited number of values upon subscription.
public final class Sink<Input, Failure: Error> : Subscriber, Cancellable {
// This subscriber's behavior is user-defined, respectively via:
// 1. Closure to handle received values
// 2. Closure to handle completion event
public let receiveValue: (Input) -> Void
public let receiveCompletion: (Subscribers.Completion<Failure>) -> Void
// The subscriber's subscription status is initially in the awaiting state
// Note that SubscriptionStatus holds the subscription for the subscriber
private var status = SubscriptionStatus.awaitingSubscription
// The subscriber's initializer requires:
// 1. A closure that defines how received values should be handled
// 2. A closure that defines how the completion event should be handled
public init(
receiveCompletion: @escaping (Subscribers.Completion<Failure>) -> Void,
receiveValue: @escaping ((Input) -> Void)
) {
self.receiveCompletion = receiveCompletion
self.receiveValue = receiveValue
// The subscriber receives a subscription
// 1. If the subscriber is currently subscribed or the previous subscription has been cancelled:
// the received subscription will be cancelled
// 2. If the subscriber is awaiting a subscription:
// the received subscription is accepted, and the subscriber makes a request for
// unlimited demand to the subscription
public func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
switch status {
case .subscribed, .terminal:
case .awaitingSubscription:
status = .subscribed(subscription)
// The subscriber receives a value
// Defer to user-defined logic to handle the value
public func receive(_ value: Input) -> Subscribers.Demand {
return .none
// The subscriber receives a completion event
// Defer to user-defined logic to handle the completion event
public func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Failure>) {
status = .terminal
// Call cancel to cancel the subscription
// If the subscriber is currently susbcribed, cancel the subscription and move
// SubscriptionStatus to terminated
public func cancel() {
guard case let .subscribed(subscription) = status else {
status = .terminal
extension Publisher {
// We can call sink on the publisher to attach a Subscribers.Sink subscriber to it
// (like we did in our example)
public func sink(
receiveCompletion: @escaping (Subscribers.Completion<Failure>) -> Void,
receiveValue: @escaping ((Output) -> Void)
) -> AnyCancellable {
// 1. Create a Subscribers.Sink subscriber using its default initializer
// 2. Subscribe to the puslisher passing in the subscriber object
// 3. Return the subscriber object wrapped in a AnyCancellable type
let subscriber = Subscribers.Sink<Output, Failure>(
receiveCompletion: receiveCompletion,
receiveValue: receiveValue
return AnyCancellable(subscriber)
extension Publisher where Failure == Never {
// This sink call attaches a Subscribers.Sink subscriber to a publisher that never fails,
// and is the one to use if the subscriber is not interested in the completion event
public func sink(
receiveValue: @escaping (Output) -> Void
) -> AnyCancellable {
// 1. Create a Subscribers.Sink subscriber using its default initializer, passing
// a no-action completion event handler as default value
// 2. Subscribe to the puslisher passing in the subscriber object
// 3. Return the subscriber object wrapped in a AnyCancellable type
let subscriber = Subscribers.Sink<Output, Failure>(
receiveCompletion: { _ in },
receiveValue: receiveValue
return AnyCancellable(subscriber)
(Snippet from OpenCombine)