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File metadata and controls

1227 lines (811 loc) · 36.2 KB

Lexical grammar


A program consists of modules.

Each module can import more modules at the beginning of its source file.

Modules are executed when they are imported.

If a module is imported multiple times, it is executed only the first time.


A module's source file consists of UTF-8 characters.

A module's source file is processed in the following steps:

  1. The lexer converts the source file to a series of tokens.

  2. The parser reads in the tokens from the lexer and converts them to an intermediate form, such as an abstract syntax tree.

  3. The intermediate from can be optimized and converted to bytecode for future execution, or it can be directly executed.

Module's global scope is executed the first time the module is imported.

If a module is imported several times by multiple modules, its global scope is not executed again.

Lexer input

The input to the lexer is a source file, which consists of UTF-8 characters.

If the first character of the source file is byte order mark U+FEFF (bytes 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF), it is ignored.

Lexer output

The output of the lexer consists of a list of tokens.

Token types

The lexer recognizes and outputs the following types of tokens:

  • Whitespace
  • Comment
  • Identifier
  • Keyword
  • Decimal integer number
  • Decimal floating-point number
  • Hexadecimal integer number
  • Binary integer number
  • String
  • Separator
  • Operator


A contiguous series of whitespace non-EOL characters is treated as a single whitespace token. Whitespace characters include:

  • U+000B vertical tab
  • U+000C form feed
  • U+0020 space
  • U+00A0 non-breaking space
  • U+2028 line separator
  • U+2029 paragraph separator
  • U+FEFF byte order mark

Character U+0009 (horizontal tab) is not treated as a whitespace character and is not allowed, except in string literals.

Each EOL character sequence is treated as a single whitespace token. An EOL character sequence is either LF, CR-LF, or CR, if it's not followed by LF.

Eol                ::= ( "\r" "\n" ) | "\r" | "\n"
                     | "\x{2028}" | "\x{2029}"

WhitespaceChar     ::= " " | "\f" | "\v"
                     | "\x{A0}" | "\x{FEFF}"

WHITESPACE_LITERAL ::= ( WhitespaceChar ( WhitespaceChar )* ) | Eol


A single-line comment starts with a # character or a sequence of // and ends at the end of line. The initial characters and the EOL sequence are treated as part of the comment token.

A multi-line comment starts with the /* sequence and ends with the */ sequence. It can include EOL characters.

LineCommentChar  ::= UTF8_CHARACTER except ( "\r" | "\n" )

BlockCommentChar ::= ( UTF8_CHARACTER except "*" )
                   | ( "*" not followed by "/" )

LineComment      ::= "/" "/" ( LineCommentChar )* Eol

HashLineComment  ::= "#" ( LineCommentChar )* Eol

BlockComment     ::= "/" "*" BlockCommentChar "*" "/"

COMMENT_LITERAL  ::= LineComment | HashLineComment | BlockComment


An identifier can consist of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and an underscore _.

The first character of an identifier must be a letter or underscore, it cannot be a digit.

If the identifier token matches one of the reserved keywords, it is treated as a keyword token.

LowercaseLetter      ::= "a" .. "z"

UppercaseLetter      ::= "A" .. "Z"

DecimalDigit         ::= "0" .. "9"

Underscore           ::= "_"

Letter               ::= LowercaseLetter | UppercaseLetter

LetterOrUnderscore   ::= Letter | Underscore

AlphanumOrUnderscore ::= Letter | DecimalDigit | Underscore

IDENTIFIER_NAME      ::= LetterOrUnderscore ( AlphanumOrUnderscore )*


Keywords are identifiers matching one of the reserved keywords. The following reserved keywords are defined:

  • _
  • __line__
  • assert
  • break
  • case
  • catch
  • class
  • const
  • constructor
  • continue
  • default
  • defer
  • delete
  • do
  • else
  • extends
  • fallthrough
  • false
  • for
  • fun
  • get (reserved)
  • if
  • import
  • in
  • instanceof
  • loop
  • match (reserved)
  • propertyof
  • public
  • repeat
  • return
  • set (reserved)
  • static (reserved)
  • super
  • switch
  • this
  • throw
  • true
  • try
  • typeof
  • var
  • void
  • while
  • with
  • yield

Keywords true, false, void and _ are output by the lexer as special literal types.

TrueLiteral         ::= "t" "r" "u" "e"

FalseLiteral        ::= "f" "a" "l" "s" "e"

BOOLEAN_LITERAL     ::= TrueLiteral | FalseLiteral

VOID_LITERAL        ::= "v" "o" "i" "d"


The following keywords are currently reserved - get, match, static and set.

The main difference between keywords and non-keyword literals is that keywords cannot be used as variable names. However, keywords can still be used as object property names.

Decimal numbers

A decimal number is either an integer or a floating-point number.

A decimal integer number is either a 0 or a sequence of digits starting with a non-zero digit.

A decimal floating-point number consists of base, mantissa and exponent.

Base is a 0 or a decimal integer number. Base is followed by a ..

The optional mantissa following the . consists of any number of digits.

Exponent is e, E, p or P followed by an optional sign + or -, followed by a decimal number.

If e or E is specified, the exponent is a power of 10. If p or P is specified, the exponent is a power of 2.

NonZeroDecimalDigit      ::= "1" .. "9"

NonZeroDecimalNumber     ::= NonZeroDecimalDigit ( DecimalDigit | Underscore )*

DecimalNumber            ::= "0" | NonZeroDecimalNumber

Base                     ::= DecimalNumber

Mantissa                 ::= "." ( DecimalDigit | Underscore )*

ExponentSpecifier        ::= "e" | "E" | "p" | "P"

Exponent                 ::= ExponentSpecifier [ "+" | "-" ] DecimalNumber


DEC_FLOAT_LITERAL        ::= Base [ Mantissa ] [ Exponent ]

Hexadecimal numbers

A hexadecimal number consists of a 0 followed by x or X, followed by at least one hexadecimal digit.

LowercaseHexDigit    ::= "a" .. "f"

UppercaseHexDigitExt ::= "A" .. "F"

HexDigit             ::= DecimalDigit
                       | LowercaseHexDigit
                       | UppercaseHexDigitExt
                       | Underscore

HEX_INTEGER_LITERAL  ::= "0" ( "x" | "X" ) HexDigit ( HexDigit )*

Binary numbers

A binary number consists of a 0 followed by b or B, followed by at least one binary digit.

BinaryDigit             ::= "0" | "1"

BinaryDigitOrUnderscore ::= BinaryDigit | Underscore

BIN_INTEGER_LITERAL     ::= "0" ( "b" | "B" ) BinaryDigitOrUnderscore
                            ( BinaryDigitOrUnderscore )*


A string is delimited by " characters. Both the beginning and the end of the string must be delimited by the " character.

UTF-8 characters with code greater than 127 are legal string components.

A \ character occuring inside a string indicates the beginning of an escape sequence.

EscapeSequence       ::= "f"
                       | "n"
                       | "r"
                       | "t"
                       | "v"
                       | "\"
                       | """
                       | "0"
                       | ( "x" HexDigit HexDigit )
                       | ( "x" "{" HexDigit ( HexDigit )* "}" )

EscapedChar          ::= "\" EscapeSequence

UnescapedStringChar  ::= UTF8_CHARACTER except ( """ | "\" | Eol )

StringChar           ::= UnescapedStringChar | EscapedChar

EscapedStringLiteral ::= """ ( StringChar )* """

RawStringLiteral     ::= ( "r" | "R" ) """ ( UTF8_CHARACTER except """ )* """

STRING_LITERAL       ::= EscapedStringLiteral | RawStringLiteral

A raw string literal, starting with r or R, does not contain any escape sequences, the \ character is treated literally.

If a double quote " character follows the \ backslash character inside a raw string literal, it is treated as part of the string lteral and does not terminate the string literal.

An escaped opening parenthesis begins a string interpolation expression. The lexer stops fetching further characters and returns the current token as a string. The parser expects a right hand side expression to follow. The right hand side expression is terminated with a mandatory closing parenthesis. The parser then puts the lexer back in string extraction mode, indicating to the lexer that all further characters are a continuation of a string.

The string interpolation syntax creates a dependency between the parser and the lexer, but it is a trade-off for a very useful syntax.

STRING_LITERAL_BEGIN ::= """ ( StringChar )* "\" "("

STRING_LITERAL_CONT  ::= ( StringChar )* "\" "("

STRING_LITERAL_END   ::= ( StringChar )* """


A separator is a single character from the separator set specified below:

                    | "]"
                    | "("
                    | ")"
                    | "{"
                    | "}"
                    | ","
                    | ";"
                    | ":"


If a character belongs to the list of characters which constitute operators, it is treated as the beginning of an operator. The lexer tries to match as many contiguous characters as possible to operators.

For example if the lexer finds a < character, it will treat is as a < operator only if it is not followed by < or = character, otherwise it will treat it as either << or <= operator.

                   | "-"
                   | "*"
                   | "/"
                   | "%"
                   | "&"
                   | "|"
                   | "^"
                   | "!"
                   | "~"
                   | "="
                   | ( "+" "=" )
                   | ( "-" "=" )
                   | ( "*" "=" )
                   | ( "/" "=" )
                   | ( "%" "=" )
                   | ( "&" "=" )
                   | ( "|" "=" )
                   | ( "^" "=" )
                   | ( "<" "<" "=" )
                   | ( ">" ">" "=" )
                   | ( ">" ">" ">" "=" )
                   | "<"
                   | ">"
                   | "?"
                   | "."
                   | ( "." "." "." )
                   | ( "<" "=" )
                   | ( ">" "=" )
                   | ( "<" "<" )
                   | ( ">" ">" )
                   | ( ">" ">" ">" )
                   | ( "!" "=" )
                   | ( "=" "=" )
                   | ( "&" "&" )
                   | ( "|" "|" )
                   | ( "-" ">" )
                   | ( "=" ">" )


Parser operation

The parser retrieves tokens from the lexer.

The parser ignores all whitespace and comment tokens, because these tokens are meaningless for syntactic analysis.

The remaining tokens are parsed according to the following rules.

Module source file

From the parser's perspective, a source file consists of zero or more statements.

An empty source file or a source file which contains only spaces or comments is still a valid source file.

SourceFile ::= ( ImportStatement )* ( Statement | PublicStatement )*


Statement ::= EmptyStatement
            | ExpressionStatement
            | FunctionDeclaration
            | ClassDeclaration
            | DoStatement
            | IfStatement
            | TryStatement
            | DeferStatement
            | WithStatement
            | SwitchStatement
            | LoopStatement
            | RepeatWhileStatement
            | WhileStatement
            | ForStatement
            | ContinueStatement
            | BreakStatement
            | FallthroughStatement
            | ReturnStatement
            | ThrowStatement
            | AssertStatement


Many statements are terminated with semicolons, but the semicolons are optional in most cases. The parser tries to parse as many tokens as it can, but when it encounters a non-whitespace, non-comment token which cannot be part of the parsed expression, and that token is first on the line, the parser treats the preceding end of line as a semicolon.

OptSemicolon ::= ";"
               | WHITESPACE_LITERAL containing Eol
               | COMMENT_LITERAL containing Eol

Import statement

ImportStatement  ::= "import" ( ImportModule | ImportGlobal | ImportAllGlobals | ImportList ) OptSemicolon

ImportModule     ::= ModulePath

ImportGlobal     ::= ModulePath "." Identifier

ImportAllGlobals ::= ModulePath "." "*"

ImportList       ::= ModulePath ":" Identifier ( "," Identifier )*

ModulePath       ::= ( Identifier "/" )* Identifier

Compound statement

A compound statement is a list of zero or more statements enclosed in curly braces.

CompoundStatement ::= "{" ( Statement )* "}"

Empty statement

Empty statement consists of a sole semicolon.

EmptyStatement ::= ";"

Expression statement

Expression statement is an expression followed by a semicolon.

ExpressionStatement ::= Expression OptSemicolon

Function statement

Function statement declares a local variable and assigns a function object to it. The variable cannot be assigned to again.

The function statement begins with a fun keyword, followed by identifier, which is the variable name, followed by parameter list, followed by the function body in the form of a compound statement.

FunctionDeclaration ::= "fun" Identifier [ ParameterList ] CompoundStatement

The following statements are equivalent:

fun Sum(x, y)
    return x + y

const Sum = fun(x, y)
    return x + y

const Sum = (x, y) => x + y

Function arguments

Function arguments are a list of comma-separated identifiers, which are names of the argument variables. The list of arguments is delimited by parentheses. The list of arguments is optional.

Arguments can have default values specified after an = assignment sign. The default values are computed at the place of function declaration.

The last argument name can be followed by ellipsis ..., indicating that the function takes a variable number of arguments. That argument becomes a list containing all remaining function arguments (zero or more).

Argument variables are assignable inside the function body.

ParameterList       ::= "(" [ OneOrMoreParameters ] ")"

OneOrMoreParameters ::= ListParameter                           |
                        DefaultParameters [ "," ListParameter ] |
                        Parameters [ "," DefaultParameters ] [ "," ListParameter ]

Parameters          ::= Parameter ( "," Parameter )*

DefaultParameters   ::= DefaultParameter ( "," DefaultParameter )*

DefaultParameter    ::= ParameterName "=" RHSExpression

ListParameter       ::= ParameterName "..."

Parameter           ::= ParameterName | "_"

ParameterName       ::= Identifier

Class statement

ClassDeclaration   ::= "class" Identifier [ ExtendsDeclaration ] ClassBody

ExtendsDeclaration ::= "extends" MemberExpression

ClassBody          ::= "{" ( ClassMember )* "}"

ClassMember        ::= ConstructorDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | DataMember | ";"

DataMember         ::= "var" Identifier "=" RHSExpression

Constructor literal

Constructor function is a special type of function which serves the purpose of creating new objects.

The constructor function is invoked when creating an object of the class to which that constructor belongs.

When a constructor function is invoked, a new object is created and bound to this, even if the construction function is invoked on an object, with the exception of the apply function. If the apply function is invoked on a constructor function, the new object is not created, but this is bound to the first argument of apply.

The return statement inside a constructor function can only return this or nothing. No other value can be returned.

The yield operator is not allowed inside a constructor function.

ConstructorDeclaration ::= "constructor" [ ParameterList ] CompoundStatement

Do statement

The do statement can be used between other statements inside a compound statement to create an individual sub-scope. Variables declared inside this internal scope will not be visible outside of it.

DoStatement ::= "do" CompoundStatement

If statement

The if statement has a condition and a compound statement.

A non-compound statement is not allowed, meaning that curly braces must be used around the conditionally executed code.

The condition is a right-hand-side expression. The parentheses around the condition are optional - they are part of the condition expression.

The compound statement may optionally be followed by any number of else-if blocks, which have their own conditions. These blocks are executed only if the condition from the preceding blocks were falsy.

Optionally an else block may follow, which will be executed only if all of the preceding conditions were falsy.

IfStatement ::= "if" RHSExpression CompoundStatement
                ( "else" "if" RHSExpression CompoundStatement )*
                [ "else" CompoundStatement ]

Try statement

The try statement wraps a compound statement, followed by a catch block.

If an exception is thrown inside the try block and is not caught inside it, the catch block is executed. The exception object is assigned to the variable declared by the catch block. The parentheses around the variable declaration are optional. The lifetime of that variable is limited to the catch block.

An exception can be rethrown using the throw statement in the catch block.

TryStatement        ::= TryClause CatchClause

TryClause           ::= "try" CompoundStatement

CatchClause         ::= "catch" CatchExceptionSpec CompoundStatement

CatchExceptionSpec  ::= CatchExceptionInner
                     | ( "(" CatchExceptionInner ")" )

CatchExceptionInner ::= ( "var" | "const" ) Identifier

Defer statement

The defer statement defers the execution of its compound statement until the current (enclosing) scope finishes. The compound statement is executed regardless of whether the enclosing scope finishes normally or is interrupted via return, break or continue statement or via exception.

DeferStatement ::= "defer" CompoundStatement

If there are multiple defer statements in a scope, all of them are executed in the reverse order of declaration.

With statement

The with statement is used as a shorthand for acquiring and releasing resources. The statement consists of object definitions and a compound statement.

The parentheses around the object definitions are optional.

There can be multiple comma-separated object definitions specified.

Some object definitions can be assigned to constant variables.

The acquire function is invoked on each object definition, if it exists, before the compound statement is executed.

The release function is invoked on each object definition after the compound statement finishes. The release function is always invoked, even if there is a return statement or an exception is thrown from within the compound statement. If the release function does not exist, an exception is thrown.

WithStatement      ::= "with" WithExpression CompoundStatement

WithExpression     ::= WithExprInner
                     | ( "(" WithExprInner ")" )

WithExprInner      ::= WithObjExpression ( "," WithObjExpression )*

WithObjExpression  ::= [ "const" Identifier "=" ] RHSExpression

The following examples are equivalent:

with lock, const f = {
    // ...

// Effectively the same, but using defer
    if "acquire" in lock {
    defer { lock.release(); }

    const f =;
    if "acquire" in f {
    defer { f.release(); }

    // ...

Switch statement

The switch statement defines multiple execution paths depending of the value of an evaluated expression.

The switch statement consists of an expression and case sections executed depending on the value of that expression. The parentheses around the expression are optional (they are treated as part of the expression).

Each new case section begins with a "case" keyword followed by one or more right-hand-side expressions separated with comas followed by a colon, or with "default" keyword followed by a colon, and is followed by at least one statement.

Each case section constitutes a new scope. Variables declared inside a case section are not visible in other case sections.

The "default" case is optional.

There can be only one "default" case defined for a given switch statement.

The "default" case does not have to be specified last.

If the value of the switch expression is equal to one of the right-hand-side expressions, the corresponding compound statement is executed.

If the value of the switch expressions does not match any right-hand-side expression, then the compound statement following default is executed, if it exists, otherwise the switch statement terminates.

If a fallthrough statement is found inside any case section, the switch statement does not terminate, but the execution continues in the next case section, regardless of whether the switch expression matches the condition in that case statement or not.

A fallthrough statement is not allowed in the last case section.

SwitchStatement ::= "switch" RHSExpression
                    "{" ( SwitchCase )* [ DefaultCase ] ( SwitchCase )* "}"

SwitchCase      ::= "case" CaseSpec [ ":" ] "{" Statement ( Statement )* "}"

DefaultCase     ::= "default" [ ":" ] "{" Statement ( Statement )* "}"

CaseSpec        ::= RHSExpression ( "," RHSExpression )*

Loop statement

The loop statement has a compound statement, which is exectued forever in a loop. The loop can be interrupted with break or continue.

LoopStatement ::= "loop" CompoundStatement

Repeat-while statement

The repeat-while statement consists of a compound statement and a condition. It executes the compound statement as long as the condition is truthy. The condition is evaluated after each iteration of the compound statement.

The parentheses around the condition expression are optional - they are part of the expression.

RepeatWhileStatement ::= "repeat" CompoundStatement
                         "while" RHSExpression OptSemicolon

While statement

The while statement consists of a condition and a compound statement. It executes the compound statement as long as the condition is truthy. The condition is evaluated before each iteration of the compound statement.

The parentheses around the condition expression are optional - they are part of the expression.

WhileStatement ::= "while" RHSExpression CompoundStatement

For statement

The for statement consists of a control expression and a compound statement. The loop control expression declares variables and an expression, which shall produce a container over which the loop will iterate.

ForStatement ::= "for" ForLoopControl CompoundStatement

ForLoopControl ::= ForInExpression
                 | ( "(" ForInExpression ")" )

ForInExpression ::= ( VarList | ConstList | IdentifierList ) "in" RHSExpression

Variables declared in the loop control expression are visible only within the compound statement.

Before the first loop commences, the expression is evaluated and a generator is extracted from its result. For example, if the resulting container is an array, the generator will go over all elements of the array.

If a generator cannot be extracted, an exception is thrown.

For every loop, a new item from the generator is assigned to the variables.

If there is a single variable, the item is assigned to it. If there are multiple variables, consecutive elements of the item are assigned to them by iterating over the item. If the item does not support extracting elements, an exception is thrown.

Continue statement

The continue statement is legal only inside for, loop, while or repeat-while loops. If used in the global scope or in a function outside of the loop statements, it will produce a compilation error.

The statement causes a jump to the end of the compound statement of the innermost loop when executed.

ContinueStatement ::= "continue" OptSemicolon

Break statement

The break statement is legal only inside for, loop, while, repeat-while and switch statement. If used in the global scope or in a function outside of one of the above statements, it will produce a compilation error.

The statement interrupts the loop or switch statement and causes the execution flow to contine after the loop or switch statement.

BreakStatement ::= "break" OptSemicolon

Fallthrough statement

The fallthrough statement is legal only inside a switch statement. It can occur at any place inside a switch statement, except the last case/default block.

The fallthrough statement causes execution to continue in the next case block even if the switch's tested expression doesn't match the case.

FallthroughStatement ::= "fallthrough" OptSemicolon

Return statement

The return statement can be used only in a function. It is illegal in the global scope, if used in the global scope it will produce a compilation error.

The return statement interrupts execution of a function.

The optional right-hand-side expression used in the return statement is evaluated and it's outcome is used as the function's return value. If the expression is omitted, the return value of the function is void.

The optional right-hand-side expression can only be this if it is inside a constructor function.

If the optional right-hand-side expression is specified in a generator function, it can only be void or resolve to void at compile time.

ReturnStatement ::= "return" [ RHSExpression ] OptSemicolon

Throw statement

The throw statement takes the provided object and initiates an exception.

During an exception, the control is passed out of the currently executing function.

If an exception is thrown inside a try block, it can be caught by a catch block accompanying that try block, provided it matches the catch block's expression.

If an exception is thrown inside a catch block, it will not be processed by this or any other catch blocks of the accompanying try block.

If an exception is thrown inside an iterator function and not caught inside it, it is propagated to the caller. The caller sees the iterator throw the exception.

ThrowStatement ::= "throw" RHSExpression OptSemicolon

Assert statement

The assert statement checks a condition expression, and if the condition is not truthy, it throws an exception.

AssertStatement ::= "assert" RHSExpression OptSemicolon

The following two pieces of code are equivalent:

assert n > 0;

if ! (n > 0) {
    throw "Assertion failed: n > 0";

Public statement

The public statement declares global variables exported from the module. These variables can be accessed from other modules.

Any variables declared without the public statement are not visible outside of the current module.

PublicStatement ::= "public" PublicDeclaration

PublicDeclaration ::= FunctionDeclaration
                    | ClassDeclaration
                    | VariableDefinitionExpression


Expression                   ::= AssignmentExpression |
                                 ArithAssignmentExpression |
                                 VariableDefinitionExpression |

AssignmentExpression         ::= AssignmentTargetList AssignmentOperator RHSExpression

ArithAssignmentExpression    ::= MutableAssignmentTarget ArithAssignmentOperator RHSExpression

VariableDefinitionExpression ::= ( VarList | ConstList ) "=" RHSExpression

VarList ::= "var" IdentifierList

ConstList ::= "const" IdentifierList

IdentifierList ::= Identifier
                 | MultipleIdentifiers

MultipleIdentifiers ::= IdentifierOrPlaceholder "," IdentifierOrPlaceholder ( "," IdentifierOrPlaceholder )*

IdentifierOrPlaceholder ::= Identifier
                          | PLACEHOLDER_LITERAL

AssignmentTargetList ::= MutableAssignmentTarget
                       | MultiAssignmentTargetList

MultiAssignmentTargetList ::= AssignmentTarget "," AssignmentTarget ( "," AssignmentTarget )*

MutableAssignmentTarget ::= Identifier
                          | ( MemberExpression Refinement )

AssignmentTarget ::= MutableAssignmentTarget |

RHSExpression ::= StreamExpression
                | YieldExpression

YieldExpression ::= "yield" StreamExpression

StreamExpression ::= [ StreamExpression "->" ] ConditionalExpression

ConditionalExpression ::= LogicalExpression
                          [ ConditionalOperator ConditionalExpression
                          ":" ConditionalExpression ]

LogicalExpression ::= LogicalAndExpression | LogicalOrExpression

LogicalAndExpression ::= ComparisonExpression
                         LogicalAndOperator ComparisonExpression
                         ( LogicalAndOperator ComparisonExpression )*

LogicalOrExpression ::= ComparisonExpression
                        ( LogicalOrOperator ComparisonExpression )*

ComparisonExpression ::= ArithBitwiseExpression
                         [ ComparisonOperator ArithBitwiseExpression ]

ArithBitwiseExpression ::= ArithExpression
                         | BitwiseExpression
                         | ConcatExpression

BitwiseExpression ::= BitwiseOrExpression
                    | BitwiseAndExpression
                    | BitwiseXorExpression
                    | BitwiseShiftExpression

BitwiseOrExpression ::= UnaryExpression BitwiseOrOperator UnaryExpression
                        ( BitwiseOrOperator UnaryExpression )*

BitwiseAndExpression ::= UnaryExpression BitwiseAndOperator UnaryExpression
                         ( BitwiseAndOperator UnaryExpression )*

BitwiseXorExpression ::= UnaryExpression BitwiseXorOperator UnaryExpression
                         ( BitwiseXorOperator UnaryExpression )*

BitwiseShiftExpression ::= UnaryExpression BitwiseShiftOperator UnaryExpression

ArithExpression ::= AdditiveExpression

AdditiveExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression
                       ( AdditiveOperator MultiplicativeExpression )*

ConcatExpression ::= UnaryExpression ConcatOperator UnaryExpression
                     ( ConcatOperator UnaryExpression )*

To avoid ambiguities, the AdditiveOperator cannot be the first non-whitespace, non-comment token on the line if the AdditiveExpression is part of the outermost RHSExpression.

MultiplicativeExpression ::= UnaryExpression
                             ( MultiplicativeOperator UnaryExpression )*

UnaryExpression ::= UnaryOperatorExpression

UnaryOperatorExpression ::= ( UnaryOperator )* MemberExpression


AssignmentOperator      ::= "="

ArithAssignmentOperator ::= "+="
                          | "-="
                          | "++="
                          | "*="
                          | "/="
                          | "%="
                          | "&="
                          | "|="
                          | "^="
                          | "<<="
                          | ">>="
                          | ">>>="

ConditionalOperator     ::= "?"

LogicalAndOperator      ::= "&&"

LogicalOrOperator       ::= "||"

ComparisonOperator      ::= "=="
                          | "!="
                          | "<="
                          | ">="
                          | "<"
                          | ">"
                          | "in"
                          | "instanceof"
                          | "propertyof"

BitwiseOrOperator       ::= "|"

BitwiseAndOperator      ::= "&"

BitwiseXorOperator      ::= "^"

BitwiseShiftOperator    ::= "<<"
                          | ">>"
                          | ">>>"

AdditiveOperator        ::= "+"
                          | "-"

MultiplicativeOperator  ::= "*"
                          | "/"
                          | "%"

ConcatOperator          ::= "++"

UnaryOperator           ::= "typeof"
                          | "delete"
                          | "+"
                          | "-"
                          | "~"
                          | "!"

Member specification

MemberExpression ::= PrimaryExpression
                   | FunctionLiteral
                   | ClassLiteral
                   | ( MemberExpression Invocation )
                   | ( MemberExpression Refinement )

FunctionLiteral ::= SimpleFunctionLiteral
                  | CompoundFunctionLiteral

SimpleFunctionLiteral   ::= ( Identifier | "_" | ParameterList ) "=>" RHSExpression

CompoundFunctionLiteral ::= "fun" [ ParameterList ] CompoundStatement

ClassLiteral ::= "class" [ ExtendsDeclaration ] ClassBody

Invocation ::= "(" [ ArgumentList ] ")"

To avoid ambiguities, the opening parenthesis ( cannot be the first non-whitespace, non-comment token on the line if the Invocation is part of the outermost MemberExpression.

ArgumentList ::= NamedArgumentList | UnnamedArgumentList

NamedArgumentList ::= NamedArgument ( "," NamedArgument )*

NamedArgument ::= Identifier "=" RHSExpression

UnnamedArgumentList ::= UnnamedArgument ( "," UnnamedArgument )*

UnnamedArgument ::= RHSExpression [ "..." ]

Refinement ::= ( "[" [ "?" ] RHSExpression "]" )
             | ( "[" [ RHSExpression ] ":" [ RHSExpression ] "]" )
             | ( "." [ "?" ] Identifier )
             | ( "." [ "?" ] StringLiteral )

To avoid ambiguities, the opening square bracket [ cannot be the first non-whitespace, non-comment token on the line if the Refinement is part of the outermost MemberExpression.

PrimaryExpression ::= "this"
                    | "super"
                    | "__line__"
                    | Literal
                    | Identifier
                    | ArrayLiteral
                    | ObjectLiteral
                    | ( "(" RHSExpression ")" )

          | StringLiteral
          | VOID_LITERAL

Identifier ::= IDENTIFIER_NAME

ArrayLiteral ::= "[" [ ArrayElement ( "," ArrayElement )* [ "," ] ] "]"

ArrayElement ::= RHSExpression [ "..." ]

ObjectLiteral ::= "{" [ PropertyList ] "}"

PropertyList ::= PropertyDefinition ( "," [ PropertyDefinition ] )*

PropertyDefinition ::= PropertyName ":" RHSExpression

PropertyName ::= StringLiteral
               | Identifier

StringLiteral ::= STRING_LITERAL
                | FormattedDoubleQuotedString

FormattedDoubleQuotedString ::= STRING_LITERAL_BEGIN
                                ( ")" STRING_LITERAL_CONT RHSExpression )*
                                ")" STRING_LITERAL_END