Legit Feature List:
Category: Dungeon
- Positional Messages: Sends a message when you're near a certain position. /posmsg
- Dungeon Waypoints: Custom Waypoints for Dungeon Rooms.
- Teammate Highlight: Enhances visibility of your dungeon teammates and their name tags.
- Dungeon Requeue: Automatically starts a new dungeon at the end of a dungeon.
- Terracotta Timer: Displays the time until the terracotta respawns.
- Blessing Display: Displays the current active blessings of the dungeon.
- Warp Cooldown: Displays the time until you can warp into a new dungeon.
- Puzzle Solvers: Displays solutions for Water Board, TP Maze, Ice Fill, Blaze, Creeper Beams, Three Weirdos, Quiz and Boulder dungeon puzzles.
- Secret Clicked: Provides both audio and visual feedback when a secret is clicked.
- Key Highlight: Highlights wither and blood keys in dungeons.
- Spring Boots: Shows the current jump height of your spring boots.
- Swap Sound: Plays a sound when you successfully stonk swap.
- Blood Camp: Features for Blood Camping.
- Leap Menu: Renders a custom leap menu when in the Spirit Leap gui.
- Extra Stats: Shows additional dungeon stats at the end of the run in chat.
- Map Info: Displays stats about the dungeon such as score, secrets, and deaths.
- Can Clip: Tells you if you are currently able to clip through a stair under you.
- Mimic: Highlights and announces mimic kills in dungeons.
Category: Floor 7
- Inactive Waypoints: Shows inactive terminals, devices and levers.
- Terminal Simulator: Simulates a floor 7 terminal from phase 3.
- Melody Message: Helpful messages for the melody terminal in floor 7.
- Terminal Sounds: Plays a sound whenever you click a correct item in a terminal.
- Wither Dragons: Tools for managing M7 dragons timers, boxes, priority, health, relics and alerts.
- Terminal Solver: Renders solution for terminals in floor 7.
- Terminal Times: Records the time taken to complete terminals in floor 7.
- Arrows Device: Shows a solution for the Sharp Shooter puzzle in floor 7.
- Arrow Align: Shows the solution for the Arrow Align device.
- Tick Timers: Displays timers for Necron, Goldor, and Storm.
- Simon Says: Shows a solution for the Simon Says device.
Category: Render
- Etherwarp Helper: Provides configurable visual and audio feedback for etherwarp.
- Render Optimizer: Disables certain render function when they are not necessary.
- Custom Highlight: Allows you to highlight selected mobs. (/highlight)
- Dragon Hitboxes: Draws dragon's correct hitboxes around them.
- Personal Dragon: Spawns your own personal dragon.
- Name Changer: Replaces your name with the given nick, color codes work (&).
- Item Highlight: Highlights items on the ground.
- Space Helmet: Equips you with a space helmet.
- Block Overlay: Lets you customize the vanilla block overlay.
- Visual Words: Replaces words in the world with other words. (/visualwords)
- CPS Display: Displays your clicks per second.
- BPS Display: Displays how many blocks per second you're breaking.
- Animations: Changes the appearance of the first-person view model.
- Server Hud: Displays your current ping, FPS and server's TPS.
- Waypoints: Allows to render waypoints based on coordinates in chat.
- Click Gui: Allows you to customize the GUI.
- Camera: Allows you to change camera settings.
- Sidebar: Various settings to change the look of the minecraft sidebar.
- DVD: No further explanation.
Category: Skyblock
- Command Keybinds: Various keybinds for common skyblock commands.
- Wardrobe Keybinds: Keybinds for wardrobe equipping and unequipping.
- Invincibility Timer: Timer to show how long you have left Invincible.
- Deployable Timer: Displays the active deployable remaining time.
- Chat Commands: Type !help in the corresponding channel for cmd list. Use /chatclist.
- No Cursor Reset: Makes your cursor stop resetting between guis.
- Player Display: Allows to customize the player stat displays (health, strength and more).
- Ability Timers: Provides timers for Wither Impact, Tactical Insertion, and Enrage.
- Pet Keybinds: Keybinds for the pets menu. (/petkeys)
- Diana Helper: Displays the location of the Diana guess and burrows.
- Hide Players: Hides players in your vicinity.
- Mob Spawn: Sends a message whenever a mob spawns.
- Hide Armor: Hide armor pieces.
- Auto Sprint: Automatically makes you sprint.
- Gyro Wand: Shows area of effect and cooldown of the Gyrokinetic Wand.
- Farm Keys: Temporarily changes your minecraft keybind configuration for farming in Skyblock.
- Arrow hit: Counts how many arrows you hit in certain time periods.
- Rag Axe: Provides alerts about ragnarock axe's state.
- Splits: Provides visual timers for Kuudra and Dungeons.
Category: Nether
- Kuudra Reminders: Displays reminders about Kuudra.
- Blaze Attunement: Displays what attunement a blaze boss currently requires.
- Kuudra Requeue: Automatically starts a new kuudra at the end of a kuudra.
- Pearl Waypoints: Renders waypoints for pearls in Kuudra.
- Team Highlight: Highlights your teammates in Kuudra.
- Kuudra Display: Displays information about Kuudra entity itself.
- Pre-Spot Alert: Alerts the party if a pre spot is missing.
- Remove Perks: Removes certain perks from the perk menu.
- Supply Helper: Provides visual aid for supply drops in Kuudra.
- Vanq Notifier: Notifies you when a vanquisher is nearby.
- Build Helper: Displays various information about the current state of the ballista build.
- Fresh Timer: Shows the time until fresh timer.
QOL Feature List:
Category: Dungeon
- Positional Messages: Sends a message when you're near a certain position. /posmsg
- Teammate Highlight: Enhances visibility of your dungeon teammates and their name tags.
- Dungeon Waypoints: Custom Waypoints for Dungeon Rooms.
- Dungeon Requeue: Automatically starts a new dungeon at the end of a dungeon.
- Dungeon Abilities: Automatically uses your ability in dungeons.
- Terracotta Timer: Displays the time until the terracotta respawns.
- Blessing Display: Displays the current active blessings of the dungeon.
- Secret Hitboxes: Extends the hitboxes of secret blocks to a full block.
- Warp Cooldown: Displays the time until you can warp into a new dungeon.
- Puzzle Solvers: Displays solutions for Water Board, TP Maze, Ice Fill, Blaze, Creeper Beams, Three Weirdos, Quiz and Boulder dungeon puzzles.
- Secret Clicked: Provides both audio and visual feedback when a secret is clicked.
- Key Highlight: Highlights wither and blood keys in dungeons.
- Ghost Blocks: Creates ghost blocks by key, tools, swap stonk, stonk delay and pre configured.
- Spring Boots: Shows the current jump height of your spring boots.
- Swap Sound: Plays a sound when you successfully stonk swap.
- Blood Camp: Features for Blood Camping.
- Close Chest: Allows you to instantly close chests with any key or automatically.
- Leap Menu: Renders a custom leap menu when in the Spirit Leap gui.
- Extra Stats: Shows additional dungeon stats at the end of the run in chat.
- Triggerbot: Provides triggerbots for Blood, Spirit Bear, Crystal Triggerbot, Secret Triggerbot, Relic Triggerbot.
- Auto GFS: Automatically refills certain items from your sacks.
- Auto Sell: Automatically sell items in trades and cookie menus. (/autosell)
- Map Info: Displays stats about the dungeon such as score, secrets, and deaths.
- Can Clip: Tells you if you are currently able to clip through a stair under you.
- Mimic: Highlights and announces mimic kills in dungeons.
Category: Floor 7
- Inactive Waypoints: Shows inactive terminals, devices and levers.
- Terminal Simulator: Simulates a floor 7 terminal from phase 3.
- Melody Message: Helpful messages for the melody terminal in floor 7.
- Terminal Sounds: Plays a sound whenever you click a correct item in a terminal.
- Terminal Solver: Renders solution for terminals in floor 7.
- Wither Dragons: Tools for managing M7 dragons timers, boxes, priority, health, relics and alerts.
- Terminal Times: Records the time taken to complete terminals in floor 7.
- Arrows Device: Different features for the Sharp Shooter puzzle in floor 7.
- Terminal Aura: Automatically interacts with inactive terminals.
- Lights Device: Features to help with the lights device.
- Queue Terms: Queues clicks in terminals to ensure every click is registered (only works in custom term gui).
- Freeze Game: Freezes the game when you press the keybind.
- Hover Terms: Clicks the hovered item in a terminal if it is correct.
- Fuck Diorite: Replaces the pillars in the storm fight with glass.
- Tick Timers: Displays timers for Necron, Goldor, and Storm.
- Simon Says: Different features for the Simon Says device.
- Auto Terms: Automatically solves terminals.
- Arrow Align: Shows the solution for the Arrow Align device.
- Relic Aura: Automatically picks up relics in the Wither King boss.
Category: Render
- Etherwarp Helper: Provides configurable visual and audio feedback for etherwarp.
- Render Optimizer: Disables certain render function when they are not necessary.
- Custom Highlight: Allows you to highlight selected mobs. (/highlight)
- Dragon Hitboxes: Draws dragon's correct hitboxes around them.
- Personal Dragon: Spawns your own personal dragon.
- Name Changer: Replaces your name with the given nick, color codes work (&).
- Space Helmet: Equips you with a space helmet.
- Item Highlight: Highlights items on the ground.
- Block Overlay: Lets you customize the vanilla block overlay.
- Visual Words: Replaces words in the world with other words. (/visualwords)
- CPS Display: Displays your clicks per second.
- BPS Display: Displays how many blocks per second you're breaking.
- Trajectories: Displays the trajectory of pearls and bows.
- Server Hud: Displays your current ping, FPS and server's TPS.
- Animations: Changes the appearance of the first-person view model.
- Waypoints: Allows to render waypoints based on coordinates in chat.
- No Debuff: Removes various unwanted effects from the game.
- Chest Esp: Displays chests through walls.
- Click Gui: Allows you to customize the GUI.
- Camera: Various camera improvements and settings.
- Sidebar: Various settings to change the look of the minecraft sidebar.
- DVD: No further explanation.
Category: Skyblock
- Command Keybinds: Various keybinds for common skyblock commands.
- Wardrobe Keybinds: Keybinds for wardrobe equipping and unequipping.
- Chocolate Factory: Automates the Chocolate Factory.
- Auto Experiments: Automatically click on the Chronomatron and Ultrasequencer experiments.
- Farming Hitboxes: Expands the hitbox of some crops to a full block.
- Deployable Timer: Displays the active deployable remaining time.
- Invincibility Timer: Timer to show how long you have left Invincible.
- Chat Commands: Type !help in the corresponding channel for cmd list. Use /chatclist.
- No Cursor Reset: Makes your cursor stop resetting between guis.
- Cancel Interact: Cancels the interaction with certain blocks, so that the item can be used instead.
- Player Display: Allows to customize the player stat displays (health, strength and more).
- Ability Timers: Provides timers for Wither Impact, Tactical Insertion, and Enrage.
- Pet Keybinds: Keybinds for the pets menu. (/petkeys)
- Diana Helper: Displays the location of the Diana guess and burrows.
- Hide Players: Hides players in your vicinity.
- Auto Clicker: Auto clicker with options for left-click, right-click, or both.
- Mob Spawn: Sends a message whenever a mob spawns.
- Hide Armor: Hide armor pieces.
- Auto Sprint: Automatically makes you sprint.
- Gyro Wand: Shows area of effect and cooldown of the Gyrokinetic Wand.
- Escrow Fix: Automatically reopens the ah/bz when it gets closed by escrow.
- Farm Keys: Temporarily changes your minecraft keybind configuration for farming in Skyblock.
- Auto Harp: Automatically Completes Melody's Harp.
- Arrow hit: Counts how many arrows you hit in certain time periods.
- No Block: Prevents you from blocking with items that have an ability, this is effectively NoSlow.
- Rag Axe: Provides alerts about ragnarock axe's state.
- Ghosts: Adds visual changes to ghosts.
- Splits: Provides visual timers for Kuudra and Dungeons.
Category: Nether
- Kuudra Reminders: Displays reminders about Kuudra.
- Blaze Attunement: Displays what attunement a blaze boss currently requires.
- Kuudra Requeue: Automatically starts a new kuudra at the end of a kuudra.
- Pearl Waypoints: Renders waypoints for pearls in Kuudra.
- Team Highlight: Highlights your teammates in Kuudra.
- Kuudra Display: Displays information about Kuudra entity itself.
- Pre-Spot Alert: Alerts the party if a pre spot is missing.
- Remove Perks: Removes certain perks from the perk menu.
- Supply Helper: Provides visual aid for supply drops in Kuudra.
- Vanq Notifier: Notifies you when a vanquisher is nearby.
- Build Helper: Displays various information about the current state of the ballista build.
- Fresh Timer: Shows the time until fresh timer.