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Wilson Beirigo Duarte wbeirigo

Aecom Belo Horizonte, MG

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tansu Ozcelebi tansuozcelebi
Delphi, Borland Pascal, SQL, Mikro, Mikroskop


邢洲 zhouzxing
Linux kernel distributed system and parallel programming
A Radha Krishna Reddy rkreddy12345
Software Engineer-I

CGLIA Solutions LLP Hyderabad, Telangana, India

tianlong 1989tianlong


Mikhail Sokolov electroshaman

Smekalka Moscow, Russia

Json jsonzsh
java c# python html js developer

new york

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Keshribhan Suryavanshi Keshari07
Linux System Administrator professional with 1 year of experience in High-Performance Computing (HPC). Skilled in managing Linux servers.

Pune MH

Khaled BOUSSEBAT kboussebat
Software & System Architect, Java & Rust Developer
shuchen seishuchen
I am shuchen, a linux crazy fan, and also a developer that focus on SOA. Be an eager beaver, not an eager-beaver. Keep moving!!! #Linux #SOA #Java #Erlang
Taketoday taketoday7
Java Developer


冯桂宁 MrFeng1993
this is Morise Feng, a handsome guy.

四川优森科技 绵阳

aiqiulin aql123,Love programming, technology sharing talent


Simon Von SimonVonXCVII
Hard work is the basic condition.

上海石亭科技有限公司 Shanghai, China

HasonWei JasonWeiMin
Just Do youself

ShenZhen, China

Venkata Phani Vadapalli venkataphaniv
Architect & Technology Evangelist

Brussels, Belgium