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Sam Scherso
runtime terror

Washington, D.C.

John Godman KnightsWhoSayNi0
Student ; Studying Computer Science and Cybersecurity ; Audio & lighting engineer, maker, and leader.

Student North America

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Stefan Vezenkoski stefanvezenkoski
💻 CSE Student.

Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Repubic of Macedonia

Aiden Voth Breadspeed1
Hey! Please check out my portfolio!

Northville, Michigan

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Yaser Issa(KernelQ) yaseressa
As a computer scientist, I strongly desire to advance technology and pursue excellence in all my computer-related endeavors.

Hargeisa, Somalia

Lukas Peters c0untingNumbers
3rd year Computing Security student at Rochester Institute of Technology

@ritsec Rochester, NY

Olivia Gallucci oliviagallucci
Senior Security Engineer. Free(dom) and open source advocate. Personal account.


yasingaziturk yasingaziturk
computer engineering student


Brian Minier bminier
Carbon based lifeform randomly creating patterns of one's and zero's.
Glenn Tatum GlennTatum

Rochester Institute of Technology

Clyde Geyer CodingArctic
hey! web & mobile major @ RIT

rochester, ny

Emma S emma-schmitt
-CS Student at RIT- -coffee addict who loves the outdoors-
Mel F PackrBot
andy aerori
your average ux nerd

rochester, new york

Eleanor Rose Tallman eleanor-rose-t
Currently pursuing an accelerated B.S./M.S. in Cybersecurity with a minor in Italian from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Nathan Russo NathanRusso
Software Engineer pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science, a Minor in Mathematics, and a Minor in Finance at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Davood Fleeaz
Here to learn something new.


Robert Hochgraf rhochgraf21
Undergraduate High Performance Computing Researcher. Focus on BLAS Libraries. Student @ RIT since Fall 2021.
Trevor Sherrard sherrardTr4129
Roboticist and computer vision enthusiast. Constantly trying to further my knowledge in these subjects.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Atlanta, GA

sahil sahil-h-patel
Computer Science major at RIT, Member of @ComputerScienceHouse
Will Hellinger Will-Hellinger
RIT Computer Science Major | Systems Administrator at @ComputerScienceHouse

BlueCycle LLC Rochester, NY

Garrett Maury GarrettMaury7921
[CCNA & CCNP SVPN] Doing Video Game Development as a Hobby!

Rochester Institute of Technology

Ella S pikachu0542
College Student, Programmer, Gamer
Joey DeGrand jdegrand
Computer Science alumni of Rochester Institute of Technology

@intuit @sandboxunion San Diego, CA

Mobmaker Mobmaker55
Hey! I'm Mobmaker. I make Minecraft plugins, Discord bots, and run Minecraft servers.