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Aurthur Musendame aurthurm
Python is my powerhouse electrifying my datascience and web development projects. Javascript is my Bae, taking care of my aesthetics.

Founder @beak-insights Bulawayo, ZW

marlon mt marmonto
Expert Database Administrator + Architect | SLCD: UML, US | SQL, ETL | Rusty OO Dev: .Net, Java, JS | IT-Ops | Aspiring Dev.Sec.Ops, PM, Scrum Master

Open to Projects Medellín, Colombia

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


pzdrk id-2

@yolorollo @ton-bot @pizdarikihq @hummingcraft @webmindapp @jetrover @christofari human in the loop

Kadu Diógenes kdiogenes

@fnix Cascavel - Paraná, Brasil

JamesJian JamesJian-tech


Tomas Espinoza sunlight0102
Expert in Python | Data Science, AI/ML/DL/RL | NLP | ChatBot | TensorFlow | Django | AWS

Villa Matias del Este, Argentina

Jon Chun jon-chun
Successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur and Fortune 500 Dev Director combining industry best practices with interdisciplinary ML/AI research on the big questions

Kenyon College Gambier, OH

Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Pavel Zadorski zadorski
Our hobbies define us better than chapter "About me" :)

Ciklum Köln, Deutschland

Keane Moraes kj3moraes
Trying to learn more by building cool stuff. Really interested in PKM.

Waterloo, ON, Canada

A.B. Samma abesamma
Medical doctor & researcher; I love building on the web. I have a thing for wikis and knowledge/thought processing tools aka tools for thought.

MUHAS, @OnePlaybookLab, StrongRoom AI Canberra, Australia

Ayesh Vininda AyeshGK
Undergraduate Department of Computer Science & Engineering at University of Moratuwa

Galle, Sri Lanka.

Sina Rampe SinaRampe
Pharmacist with 10 years in community pharmacies. Fascinated by AI and its healthcare applications. Passionate about autism research and innovative service appr


Robert Nixon syloktools

TikTok USDS London, GB

Kevin O'Neill kevinoneill

Melbourne, Australia