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Charles Igella igizchuck43
Am a slow walker but I'll never walk backwards.


Ahairwe Jordan GP10DevHTS
Software Developer at Nugsoft @nugsoft CEO at AJJITech Systems @ajjitech (formerly HollyTech Solutions @hollytech30 ) Studied at Kyambogo University (@kyucs

@nugsoft @ajjitech @kyucs Kampala Uganda

Akech Sandra Akech-sandra
Software Engineering student @refactory academy

Groundbreaker Talents Bukerere

Benjamin Maziku Mashimba benny-png
Python geek </>, polymath🤓, Computer Vision and ML practitioner👨🏻‍💻, Scientist🧪, Marvel fan 🕷... For the love of science and Tech! 🚀

UDSM 3D Robotics Lab Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA

groc coders groc-coding-school
Hi, I'm a self taught web developer and a programmer from uganda. Please follow me on my social meda platforms. Youtube, Facebook and more groc-coding-school


Owen ManagerOwen
Cybersecurity enthusiast | Passionate about securing systems & building tech solutions. Always learning, always evolving.

Kyambogo University mukono, uganda