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TuanNX tuannx

United States

Alexander Yenkalov AlexYenkalov
Software engineer, entrepreneur, music addict

@Portabl Dubai

Jesús Jiménez lozano sins921
por favor alguien que me explique

apichi gadalajara

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


MD Limon Husain ImLimonH
I’m a passionate entrepreneur with a vision to make a mark in the Bangladesh Web space. Driven by innovation and inspired by possibilities.

Complex Dream Studios Bangladesh

02CodingHero ZeroToCodingHero
My Personal Journey Into The World Of Coding
Dev univers > idea


Sam Samneek
The World Continues To Get Smaller

N/A England

Guillaume Claret clarus
Security researcher at @formal-land 🌲 for Web3 applications Applying the 🐓 proof system to find all the vulnerabilities.

Formal Land Paris

Rain mengmengmengqiang

ByteDance Beijing,Shanghai,Dali,Hangzhou

Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States

zilong.dai zilong-dai
What does when mean? Rust, C++, Go Developer. ZK Engineer @QEDProtocol

QEDProtocol ShenZhen

Eliécer eliecerhf

@DexKit RN, Brazil

NRDX Labs NerdyX
Web3 dapp creator
sepehr damavandi SepehrDamavandi
Applied Cryptography, ZK, Web3
Must479 must479


Mehdi Rad mehdiradx
Software Developer
MARSUDTSEAL gogog01-29-2021
QuantreseachAutomation React Js 20240518 Functinal Programming Graphql Assetmanagement Java system 2024 C++ Numeric analysis202407 Rust.Haskell.Solidit


Gavin Zheng gavinzheng
Enthusiastic in BlockChain Technology. Full stack developer in Solidity programming, IPFS, ZKP, MPC,NFT, Rust, substrate, Quantitative Finance.白话区块链作者

Toronto, Canada

atoM xGentuso
I think; Therefore I am. 👨‍💻 Software Developer

Trios College Niagara Region

Phillip Ressler resslerruntime1983
Hi there. I am a continuing computer science student who would like to learn how to code in multiple languages.

Ressler Runtime Palmdale, California USA

Nikki H Serenitychic
Fuññ stack global software, analytics, compliance & deployment developer. Crypto development pro Wisconsin

Nik B nikicat
Building on Bitcoin and EVM ⚡
