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Luca Zoccarato lucaz88
Bioinformatician with a passion for microbe interactions

BOKU CF Bioinformatics Vienna, Austria

Lilith Feer lilithfeer
PhD Student in the Medical Informatics Group. Formerly Bioinformatician in the NCCR Microbiomes and @SushiLab ETH Zurich.


Gregor Rot grexor
#computerscience #bioinformatics #RNA

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Ahmed M. A. Elsherbini AhmedElsherbini
Tübingen Uni, Ph.D. student, Infection Biology (Nile Uni, Bioinformatics Diploma & Antwerp Uni, Infectious Diseases MSc) Prokaryotic genomics & metagenomics


Vini Salazar vinisalazar
Microbial oceanography and research software engineering

Melbourne / Floripa

Alex Myczko alexmyczko
@Debian Developer. Contributor to @openstreetmap. @gnustep, @  and @Homebrew fan.

ETH Zurich + @Debian To infinity and beyond.

Hanshuo Lu ECHO0725

University of Liverpool

Anyi Hu AnyiHu
Microbial Ecology, Environmental Microbiology

Institute of Urban Environment, CAS Xiamen, China

Samuel Miravet-Verde samuelmiver
Postdoctoral bioinformatics researcher @SushiLab // Past: PhD in computational biology in Design of Biological Systems (Serrano Lab) at @CRG-CNAG

ETH-Zurich Switzerland

I commit for microbiome informatics.


Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Shuangbin Xu xiangpin

Southern Medical University GuangZhou,China

Albert Vill acvill
PhD in metagenomics. ❤️phage. Currently in the Turner Lab at Yale.

Connecticut, USA