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Raymond Rutjes rayrutjes
Software Engineer @algolia

@algolia France

BlurOne! BlurOne-GIT
I do a little coding 😈


DevPoodle DevPoodle
Hello! I'm DevPoodle, a game developer and youtuber.
Stefano Garuti garubi

Ottomedia s.r.l. Italy

pattingthestar hcsrtg
Audiodev who is working for a 100% public domain soundfont.
Jose Gustavo Abreu Murta Gustavomurta
Technical consultant, retired from IBM Brasil.


Stan Verberkt verberktstan

Nieuwegein, the Netherlands

Jason Krueger sourc3array

GEN Audio Eugene, OR

i create random things

55.661349, 37.710840

Simon Hobbs snhobbs
Optical measurement product design, circuit design, PCBs, embedded systems, FPGA development, and physics.

ElectroOptical Innovations Houston, Texas

Nicola Ariutti ariutti

Limulo Milano, Italy