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Rohan Rohhaannn
A passionate Web, front-end and MERN stack developer from India.

Engineer's Cradle India

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Eswar sai Yarra eswarsaiyarra2602
#problemsolving #c++ #dsa #development #publicspeaking

Rajahmundry , Andhrapradesh

Shalini snpathaks
2nd year Computer Science Student. Ai | ML 🤖

Gurugram, Haryana

Always looking forward to learn more and more.
Bharat Singh imbharat420
I'm in your repo with an unsolicited PR 🔖


Anubhav Jaiswal anubhavxdev
Developer by Day, Gamer by night.

Lovely Professional University Punjab

Prem Kumar Mpremk

Amity University chandigarh

Aman Choudhary amanchoudhary9980
Software developer & UI/UX, Brand Identity Designer.



phagwara punjab

Ayush Dama ayushdama11
Coding enthusiast pursuing B.Tech degree with a focus on MERN stack web development.

Vapi, Gujarat

ARIJIT PARIA arijitparia2002
Founding SDE at Tasklabs | Udemy Instructor | Core Team @gdsclpu

Lovely Professional University Kolkata, West Bengal

vampire vampire20045

lovely professioanl university punjab

Aman Uchitkar amanuchitkar
🚀 Aspiring passionate about Web Development. Currently learning Backend with Python and Django. Proficient in GCF. Let's connect.
Aditya aditya-2k23
Passionate Computer Science and Engineering student with a dream have a strong career in the tech industry. Innovation and Upgradability inspires me.

Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Chandan singh TechyCSR
I code little bit to make you little more happy . AI/ML is what I live through. Part of @github-club-lpu .


Harsh Bansal bansal-harsh-2504
Har Har Mahadev🙇


Vansh kumar Vansh16aug
pursuing Btech CSE 3rd year from lovely professional university. Passionate to become a Web Developer.

V.P.O Lakhanpal , Jalandhar

shilpa kumari Shilpa805
Python || HTML || JavaScript || CSS ||

lovely professional university phagwara,Punjab

Veer Rajpoot rahoolsingh
Astronaut stuck in the coding space. Pluto in the solar system. 🌌

Thala's City

OxyGenius SolutionisTech
the "Real" Zero-knowledge guy. I learn only what I must learn in order to make my life easier. Hence, coding is a Chinese to me.. I am just using my mind.


pursuing data science from @lovelyprofessionaluniversity

jalandhar, punjab

Samarth Shrivas samarthshrivas
Learning new things Student at LPU, Punjab
Tushar Shukla 12219829 shuklatushar12219829
I am Tushar Shukla i am pursuing BTech CSE at Lovely Professional University .I have completed my 10+2 from St Mary's Orthodx School. I am a great learner.

Phagwara, Punjab

Abhishek Mohan abhi-mohan
Data Analyst , Web Developer & Pursuing B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering

Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh, India

Bhavesh Mali imbmali
Engineering, AI-ML, Cloud/DevOps, Dev Tools & too much open source.

Bengaluru, India

Lakshay Choudhary unlux
I build shi sometimes


Bilal Pervez rajabilal555
Devops / Full Stack Developer | Laravel-Flutter-React | SZABIST'24

@halacarly Karachi, Pakistan

Destro 3142akay
Currently Acquiring new skills 👾

Punjab, Chandigarh

Sai Prashanth saiprashanth751
Sophomore | Computer Science & Engineering | Full Stack Developer


Nitin Lakra nitintinn

nitin uttar paradesh

Gourav Chalotra gourav-chalotra
Work for passion

Jammu and Kashmir/samba/vijapur

Satyam Yadav 54TYAM
Hi I'm a committed CSE student pursuing a B.Tech degree at Lovely Professional University. Good in Linux systems, Python, HTML5, CSS............................

Lovely Professional University India

Mahesh N D MaheshND-321
Student at Global Academy of Technology
Anshul Choudhary 0xRad1ant
Hey, my name is Anshul Choudhary, A convergent Thinker who values processes as well as a dependable individual who enjoys learning. A man who enjoys innovating

LPU Punjab,India