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Dante DanteZii

china shandongsheng yantaishi

Bit0r Bit0r
Software and ML engineer.
Yoko yoko-murasame
student , a bug porter.
Jonty Brook jontybrook
Full stack dev working on [insert latest buzzword here].

Subcode Ventures London, UK

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Steve Yurong Su SteveYurongSu
Working on building IIoT systems. PMC member of @apache IoTDB & @apache TsFile. Committer on @apache StreamPipes. Tsinghua University Alumni.

@TimechoLab @apache Hangzhou, China | 杭州

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Muhammad Ubaid Raza mubaidr
Full-stack developer specializing in modern web technologies, passionate about building scalable SaaS solutions and open-source contributions.

Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Michael Lo Michael0520
Web Frontend Engineer

BuyAndShip Taiwan

Alex Swit AlexSwtlsk
Freelance / I help my clients to ship better webapps with @nuxt

Freelance Lille, France

Antony AntonyZ89
Dev. Full Stack, PHP, JS 💙 / Spreading the word of Vue.js
