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EJ maddawik
Software Engineer @vulncheck

@VulnCheck /dev/tty

sweet sweetbbak
swizzling your bits
Gedeon gedeondoescode

@commetchat South Florida

Agustín Catellani holaguz

La Plata, Argentina

Archisman Mridha Archisman-Mridha
CloudNative Engineer ☁️ | Interested in Ethereum core protocol 🔮 | Rustacean 🦀

Obmondo Kolkata, India

Eli lishaduck
Student. Earthling. Programmer.\nFlutter, Python, TypeScript, Elm, Java, shell, Nix.

Pattonville School District (@PSDTools, @PHS-TSA) Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Universe, Multiverse

Mathieu Roy mathroy0310
Student at 42 Québec. My side project:
Lee Cannon leecannon
Just a programmer, with a particular love of Zig.

United Kingdom

Jan Ph. H. matu3ba
System Analyzer and Builder; Low Level Engineer and finisher. next articles: debugging design, formal semantics code-gen. next projects: CI lib.


I like writing code as a hobby. Maybe a bit too obsessively, for a hobby.
Ross Wilson wilsncc

@ABNAMRO Nederland

Sarfaraz sarfaraz1373
Privacy goy, Python Dev, Low Level Enthusiast, in love with reading about chips and CPUs

Iran - Qom

Noriyo Akita noriyotcp


Samuel Fiedler sfiedler0
My projects are on codeberg. I use this account mainly to contribute to other GitHub projects.
Lilly Sieberer Khitiara
idk I write code and do bad ideas.
Julian Parzival-3141
Surprisingly average
Artem Ivanov follow39

Epay Munich, Germany

Adi asyncci
Just a student , trying go low level )
ShiningLea AnErrupTion
A 17-year-old student doing too many ambitious projects. Quite busy due to school, unfortunately. Also available on Codeberg @ AnErrupTion.


Larson T. Lrs121
Migrating back to selfhosted git.


Mfanakagama hexaredecimal
A programmer from the internet


01010010010101010101 D4Fi

FreeLance world

Darrin Eden dje
Software composer

Thoughtful AI Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

NeO - Wesley Souza neopromic
✨ Hello outsider! ✨ Welcome. I'm Wesley aka Neo! If you need help with something, I'm here!

Mata Redonda, Paraíba, Brasil.

Colton Franklin foxnne
Software developer, zig enjoyer, pixel pusher.

Louisiana, US

leap123 leap0x7b
15yo, autistic, indonesian


David davidgmbb
Systems programmer.

Birth Software Remote

Sora SoraTenshi
Reversing is cool and all, but have you tried debugging your GDB script?
