Releases: rern/rAudio
Releases · rern/rAudio
Fix & Improve: System - Shared Data
Fix: Library - Bookmarks traversing
Fix: Playback - Character LCD
Fix: Features - AutoPlay - Bluetooth
Fix: Playback/Player - Bluetooth volume control
Fix: System - Character LCD - GPIO setting
Improve: Playback - Keyboard navigation
Add: Settings - Keyboard navigation
Fix: System - Rotary Encoder
Improve: Volume control in all modes
Fix: Playback - Mute
Fix: DSP volume control
Improve: Playlist - Tracks with no time data
Fix: Playback - Suppress QR code on replace play
Fix: Playback - Not response after browser moved to background
Improve: System - Storage - Mount without ping
Fix: Features - Multiple rAudios setting
Improve: Features - SnapClient and SnapServer
Improve: Features - Replace SnapClient setting with Snapweb
Fix: Status of Bluetooth playback in receiver mode
Fix: Library - Add/Replace + Play in non-file modes
Fix: Playlist - Toggle consume mode while playlist empty
Fix: Player - Maximum buffer size
Fix: Library - Slow browsing in file modes
Fix: Features - Browser on RPi mouse pointer setting
Fix: System - Restore data
Fix: Network - Missing Wired LAN IP address
Fix: Network - Connecting Wi-Fi from list
Fix: Playback - Next random track on click
Fix: Playlist - Replaced by saved playlist
Fix: Networks - Wi-Fi static IP
Fix: Library - Excluded directories/folders
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