- dependencies: Update to primevue 4.3.02 - Fixes Autocomplete Issues (005ae09)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- linting: Prefer typeof syntax (e0cdd3b)
- dependencies: Update dependencies to latest versions - PrimeVue 4.3.1 (91d1fb2)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Textarea: Add rows to FormKitPrimeTextareaProps (6a9e44f)
- dependencies: Update to primevue 4.3.0 (5254c7f)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: Update to latest versions (f3f9001)
- dependencies: Update to latest versions (a2ff1da)
- dependencies: Update to latest versions (26b29a6)
- dependencies: Update minor dependencies (27e4038)
- dependencies: Update minor dependencies - "@formkit/drag-and-drop 0.4.0 (65fa1d7)
- linting: Fix lint problems (4e746ae)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: Update all dependencies (fe6c0d4)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: Update formkit drag and drop (4a2550d)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- wrappedPrimeInputs: Move export to definitions (c55efc6)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- wrappedPrimeInputs: List of PrimeVue inputs used by this Library plus Button needed for Form (a683bb5)
- dependencies: Update i18n to intlify version 11.x (ab75afa)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- sass: Use latest sass version and replace @import with @use in scss files (33746bd)
- release: Switch back to patch releases (107d89a)
- dependencies: Update i18n to intlify version 10.x (1905735)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.2.4 and update other dependencies (69d8a78)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- InputText: Add a prop to set the underlying input type #67 (#67)
- dependencies: Update (565bc23)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Textarea: Property 'rows' does not exist on type 'TextareaProps' (38862e4)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- types: Add options attribute to custom component types #66 (#66)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: FormKit 1.6.9 (2612038)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.2.2 - FormKit 1.6.8 (db5233d)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- inputs: Add size attributes (introduced in primevue 4.2) (e4382a5)
- types: Add custom component types #41 (#41)
- dependencies: Update (5d2ff06)
- linting: Add more directories (d727617)
- linting: Exclude dev (ecaabd6)
- linting: Exclude dev (3934715)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Update to FormKit-PrimeVue-Nuxt (0d5c891)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- release: Add test step (10cd286)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- release: Add test step (7af963b)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.2.1 (0161169)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- FormEditor: Remember last used Editor Tab (931953e)
- JsonEditor: Prevent Table tab to expand to full width (20c2475)
- useFormKitSchema: Allow also boolean value for render (eb11fde)
- useFormKitSchema: Allow also boolean value for render (2f0b2b0)
- useFormKitSchema: Allow also boolean value for render property (ac6ef3d)
- dependencies: Update (55fde26)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.2.0 (f6f1193)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.2.0 (909b621)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- FormKitDataEdit: Add named slots for messages / submit (976f184)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependabot: Fix cookie security issue (fe84224)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- typescript: Use vue-tsc in build step / fix typescript errors in src #41 (#41)
- dependencies: Update unocss and formkit drag and drop (efa9792)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.1.1 (bd777c8)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- datepicker: Multiple and range not working #62 (#62)
- dependencies: Vue 3.5.11 (8c2ebbe)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- PrimeAutoComplete: Add options support with sample #61 (#61)
- FormKitDataEdit: Add button class prop (d3aa040)
- dependencies: Revert to unbuild 2.0.0 (5bb44fc)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- sass: Replace unocss apply with css expression (3b176f3)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: Stay with vue-i18n@9.x (26c0d41)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- PrimeOutputText: Remove wrapper span (1308ae1)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- PrimeOutputText: Remove wrapper span (db72166)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- PrimeOutputText: Add import for computed (2274bfb)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- PrimeOutputText: IsTranslationKey prop added and i18n handling (cc51941)
- PrimeOutputText: IsTranslationKey prop added and i18n handling (69debed)
- FormKitDataEdit: Use FormKit form slots and PrimeVue Button component - try to fix #59 - add some more styling (#59)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- slots: Support Slots (87a3119)
- slots: Add default slots to data components (c4005f4)
- demos: Add Data Demos including Slots (161acba)
- demos: Update and create messages composable (248e3dc)
- cleanup: Remove unused files (71097d1)
- dependencies: Update and add quill as dependency #55 (#55)
- dependencies: Update and add quill as dependency #55 (#55)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- inputs: Remove defaults in components pointing to prime icons because the actual default use svg #57 (#57)
- Update dependencies (693ebbf)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- inputs: Use no icon field wrapper if no icons are defined #54 (#54)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- registerInputs: Move to index.ts (003daef)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- InputNumber: Add import for watch #53 (#53)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- InputNumber: Number was not updated correctly when using min value, fix rounding issue #53 (#53)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- InputNumber: Number was not updated correctly #53 (#53)
- InputMask: Changes was not reflected properly (46eee08)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- unstyled: Safer handling of usePrimeVue (50b8af7)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- unstyled: Reflect changes in primevue config (1547f2d)
- unstyled: Reflect changes in primevue config (e80678a)
- Update dependencies (a9e62bd)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Dependencies use intlify 9.14 (777e770)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Null safe value for PrimeOutputLink (73d0115)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- primeInputs: Create composable for easy setup of the needed components (104976a)
- Update dependencies (b887014)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- OutputReference: Remove the direct import for vue router RouterLink and use only the component name as default #50 (#50)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- demo: JsonEditorVue Live Update was broken (da72199)
- demo: JsonEditorVue Live Update was broken (4dd6702)
- demo: Update Styling Homepage (b4edb49)
- css: Remove unused css (43602a3)
- css: Use css by Aura Theme (d8e4a43)
- OutputList: Use custom p-chip-item styling from sass (64a7344)
- Update dependencies (521ce8c)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Outputs: Add some more properties and add new PrimeOutputReference component (730f20e)
- demo: Update Output demos (0e8db2d)
- OutputReference: Add title in definition (1c34a31)
- InputEditor: Better handling of empty values - add innerClass and wrapperClass to Style section (c7ef469)
- FormEditor: Update UI (f0a46e8)
- README: Add PrimeOutputs and some minor text changes (774572f)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- PrimeOutputBoolean: Add new Properties trueValue and falseValue (417f20a)
- PrimeOutputBoolean: Add new Properties trueValue and falseValue (185aad1)
- PrimeOutputList: Introduce Divider and more styling options - Add Chips Demo (d5f6eca)
- Menu: Update Input Matrix (00651a0)
- dependencies: Update to PrimeVue 4.0.3 (cdf4cab)
- dependencies: Update to PrimeVue 4.0.4 (598826e)
- dependencies: Switch to unbuild 3 (cdbb1c6)
- Use linting (0e25c05)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- imports: Add missing imports for FormKitDataEdit and FormKitDataView (41e9068)
- vitepress: Update files and add new content (ed228ff)
- Switch release to patch (0f22987)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- icons: Breaking change name of leftIcon property to iconPrefix and right icon property to iconSuffix to prevent conflicts with formkits icon resolver #49 (#49)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- style: Move p-formkit-data-debug to upper level (2f1d09d)
- uuid: Use uuid 4 from uuid packacke (03c60f2)
- uuid: Use uuid 4 from uuid package (805cf3c)
- uuid: Use uuid 4 from uuid package (75d7655)
- Use only p-formkit-data-debug for styling (24f6df3)
- checkbox: Use Label class for suffix and prefix (22415f6)
- dependencies: Add UUID (d19eaa6)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- samples: Some minor fixes (953d78d)
- repeater: Style by class (d166f6d)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- inputs: Use prefix and suffix instead of labelLeft and labelRight (206fbea)
- RadioButton: Use flex styling for better aligning in default (68c7950)
- Outputs: Add prefix, iconPrefix, suffix, iconSuffix to definition (3b1579a)
- editor: Use Columns (433439d)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- data: Data Edit / View (ab95443)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- data: Add formClass to DataEdit and DataView - add demo for formkit class styling (b656541)
- editor: Add option to display a text as number if possible (e281dd1)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- output: Add components to editor (629bc39)
- components: Remove wrapperClass because of clash with fromkit class handling (4f4f640)
- components: Use formkit notation for icons (8e7e2cf)
- PrimeInputText: Use forkit notation for icons (c2ba491)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- i18n: Add missing import (046afa7)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Outputs: Add Form Output (Some outputs need https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/ for formatting reasons) (17a0094)
- Outputs: Add demos (079eeba)
- InputText: Icons (9f0df8c)
- linting: Fix errors (0820bf2)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- InputEditor: Options to JSON / code (0c77410)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- plugins: Add Asterisk Plugin (4f4f91e)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- InputEditor: Update to prime 4 and add some more styling (06fd35a)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Add missing definitions (39e1ea9)
- PrimeInputSwitch => primeToggleSwitch (529c603)
- demo: Remove chips (695bc64)
- Move styleClasses functions from useFormKitInput (a09d242)
- Move styleClasses functions from useFormKitInput (12368c0)
- Use styleClass and some functions from useFormKitInput (71aae45)
- Add composable for common input functions (111fd1e)
- Use new wrapperClass and add some new samples (8b32d18)
- readme: Update for PrimeVue 4 (0e7f0f8)
- release: Prepare 2.1 Releases and update dependencies (962f4fa)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- autocomplete: Typeahead and prevent submit on enter (4d39672)
- autocomplete: Typeahead and prevent submit on enter (7a0965a)
- readme: Update for PrimeVue 4 (87e37d5)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- imports: Removed direct import of PrimeVue components - (b77c679)
- imports: Removed direct import of PrimeVue components - (c8ee640)
- readme: Hint to Version 2.0.0 for PrimeVue 4 (78bd380)
- readme: Hint to Version 2.0.0 for PrimeVue 4 (b935a73)
- build: Add pnpm as default package manager (0ab7f8b)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- imports: Removed direct import of PrimeVue components - (6ef02e8)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- primevue4: Remove TriStateCheckBox and add direct import of components (fd8f4a9)
- primevue4: Remove TriStateCheckBox and add direct import of components (7562160)
- PrimeInputText: Add imports (57d8a39)
- primevue4: Remove Imports for input components used by formkit (f7411f5)
- primevue4: Some changes in demo app (4231bbb)
- primevue4: Some changes in demo app (c94c961)
- Toast: Show header in meessage (7a53172)
- build: Add pnpm as default package manager (96facc6)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- PrimeInputText: Remove iconPosition from IconField - property no longer exists in V4 (314bf89)
- dependencies: Update to primevue 4 RC 3 (485318b)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: Update all (3c826c5)
- dependencies: Update all (ca00768)
- dependencies: Update all (6dbde4b)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- formkit: Update to 1.6.5 (35deeb5)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- readme: Add Limitation Entry #43 (#43)
- formkit: Update to 1.6.3 (483132a)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- schema: Input Editor from schema (599f57b)
- schema: Input Editor add key =s in schema for conditional parts (61a764b)
- schema: Editor output tuning (be8ff8c)
- readme: Add useInputEditorSchema (c43dbfe)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- attributes: Change _readonly to readonly (97865b8)
- dependencies: Update all (d2f4dbb)
- dependencies: Update all (630d4b6)
- dependencies: Update all (043e205)
- lint: Fixes (771da34)
- useFormKitSchema: Add tests for group and list (c909c59)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: Update and remove .eslintignore file - since eslint 9 it is not supported anymore (93f7843)
- dependencies: Update all (3eb7e25)
- dependencies: Update PrimeVue to 3.52 (f8604f6)
- linting: Fix some issues (421a35c)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: Update FormKit to 1.6.2 (ad0afb9)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- build: Move definitions to own folder (4abc985)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- dependencies: Update FormKit to 1.6.1 (61b1467)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Allow reactivity of icon attribute (34feb7a)
- Remove debug output in html (d9b4ca6)
- Use icon and iconPosition prop defined in formkit component, to allow kebab-cased props in non-schema definitions (c7d61b4)
- Update CHANGELOG.md for v1.9.5 [skip ci] (b801812)
- release: Add unjs / changelogen (0a318c7)
- Sfxcode (@sfxcode)
- Kswzr kevin@wzr.es
v1.9.5 - 2024-03-16
- dependencies: Update PrimeVue to 3.50 (commit by @sfxcode)36899b7
- linting: fix some issues (commit by @sfxcode)cd9e896
- release: New Version (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.9.4 - 2024-03-13
- RadioButton: Add Label class #37 (commit by @sfxcode)da4c322
- InputOtp: Add new component (commit by @sfxcode)06d7fed
- RadioButton: Add Label class #37 (commit by @sfxcode)
- dependencies: Update (commit by @sfxcode)bde1bfb
- release: New Version (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.9.3 - 2024-03-11
v1.9.2 - 2024-03-11
v1.9.1 - 2024-03-08
- addListGroupFunctions: add default object for add node- change insertNode to copyNode (commit by @sfxcode)73ce845
- demo: add schema based repeater demo (commit by @sfxcode)
- linting: fix issues (commit by @sfxcode)6317ae2
- dependencies: update all (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.9.0 - 2024-03-05
- import deps and add formkit prop typede9a026
- use handle blur corrected015f3
- add types (for intellisense) and allow to have kebab-cased component attributes instead of formkit attrsca65896
- add icon left right on input mask
- use only formkit disabled state instead of attrs which could lead into false disabled statesba3aff9
- do not store attrs in a variable, otherwise reactivity on attrs are not working4ebc0a8
- cleanup and reactivity fixesbe8e01e
- move components to correct destination, which had wrong path due to rebase41f3235
- rebase conflictsaea515a
- PrimeAutoComplete: add styleClass (commit by @sfxcode)bdd82fb
- components: :value should be preferred instead of v-bind (commit by @sfxcode)
- linting: remove lint problems with lint:fix (commit by @sfxcode)173e2b7
- linting: fix some issues (commit by @sfxcode)8037d57
- fix some minor issues (commit by @sfxcode)787889f
- release: New Version (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.8.6 - 2024-03-04
v1.8.5 - 2024-03-04
- package: add missing exports (commit by @sfxcode)b22ab30
- components: add as plugin (commit by @sfxcode)f175e63
- components: add imports (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.8.1 - 2024-03-03
v1.8.0 - 2024-02-28
due to
- Icons (commit by @sfxcode):IconField and InputIcon from latest PrimeVue 3.39.x is required for showing Icons - displaying icons on both sides is not longer supported
- state: Missing input disabled state, while submitting a form via XHR/Fetch request. #35 (commit by @sfxcode)80396b0
- ui: Typo for TriStateCheckbox (commit by @sfxcode)6f137aa
- demo: Some more styling for editor was needed (commit by @sfxcode)
- InputText: Icons (commit by @sfxcode)9e2520e
- Inputs: Use v-bind for Attributed to passthrouh the maximum of all available attributes for PrimeVue components - however, some attributes has to be defined to work ... (commit by @sfxcode)
- release: Next Version 1.7.3 (commit by @sfxcode)ad693bc
- release: Next Version 1.7.4 (commit by @sfxcode)cf8da49
- release: Next Version 1.7.4 (commit by @sfxcode)567627b
- release: Next Version 1.7.4 (commit by @sfxcode)e7689dc
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.49.1 (commit by @sfxcode)9342532
- release: Next Version 1.8.0 (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.7.4 - 2024-02-24
- Components: fix(state): Missing input disabled state, while submitting a form via XHR/Fetch request. #35 sfxcode (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.7.1 - 2024-02-15
- dependencies: FormKit 1.5.9 (commit by @sfxcode)27a22e4
- release: Next Version (commit by @sfxcode)41dc5b4
- release: Next Version (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.7.0 - 2024-02-08
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.48 (commit by @sfxcode)27eb2a7
- release: Next Version (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.6.5 - 2024-02-02
- dependencies: FormKit 1.5.3 (commit by @sfxcode)1eadf86
- release: Next Version (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.6.4 - 2024-01-24
v1.6.3 - 2024-01-24
v1.6.2 - 2024-01-21
v1.6.1 - 2024-01-17
v1.6.0 - 2024-01-13
due to
- Merge pull request #31 from DanielleHuisman/fix/option-defaults (commit by @sfxcode):OptionLabel or OptionValue has to be set
due to
- optionLabel and optionValue has no default values anymore (commit by @sfxcode):OptionLabel or OptionValue has to be set manually
- Options: Merge pull request #31 from DanielleHuisman/fix/option-defaults (commit by @sfxcode)3133dc0
- Options: optionLabel and optionValue has no default values anymore (commit by @sfxcode)e863176
- footer: Footer in demo has now updated versions (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.5.10 - 2024-01-13
v1.5.9 - 2023-12-15
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.44 (commit by @sfxcode)19c3dae
- dependencies: Update all (commit by @sfxcode)aeef2e6
- release: Next Version 1.5.9 (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.5.8 - 2023-12-13
- dependencies: Update all (commit by @sfxcode)2c728c0
- release: Next Version (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.5.7 - 2023-12-07
- dependencies: Update vue, vite, unocss (commit by @sfxcode)130b8d2
- demo: Add missing password attributes in playground (commit by @sfxcode)b7fd077
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.43, FormKit 1.4.0 (commit by @sfxcode)959e8a7
- feature: add autoAnimate plugin (commit by @sfxcode)4aeaa98
- release: Next Version (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.5.6 - 2023-12-03
v1.5.2 - 2023-11-25
v1.5.1 - 2023-11-12
- release: Next Version (commit by @sfxcode)f53eff4
- release: Fix Version (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.4.5 - 2023-11-02
v1.4.4 - 2023-11-01
- PrimeInputText: icon tag was shown even when no icons should be used (commit by @sfxcode)aa79a53
- PrimeCalendar: does not trigger error when validation: 'required" on blur #22 (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.4.3 - 2023-10-20
v1.4.2 - 2023-10-18
- footer: update versions (commit by @sfxcode)d58e5f9
- Validation: Add p-invalid to class attribute if not valid and validationVisible (commit by @sfxcode)196b699
- Input: Add RadioButton (commit by @sfxcode)
- Dropdown: p-invalid was not added to input class (commit by @sfxcode)d8d473d
- Calendar: primeCalendar input does not show placeholder #21 (commit by @sfxcode)
- inputs: Surround with div tag (commit by @sfxcode)329eed2
- inputs: Surround with div tag (commit by @sfxcode)712e5a7
- styling: remove formkit-messages margin-left (commit by @sfxcode)
- dependencies: PrimeVue (commit by @sfxcode)54daf1e
- dependencies: PrimeVue (commit by @sfxcode)ad29572
- dependencies: PrimeVue (commit by @sfxcode)fc3e168
- dependencies: PrimeVue (commit by @sfxcode)35a6646
- dependencies: update all (commit by @sfxcode)6d5dd4d
- dependencies: update all (commit by @sfxcode)df19578
- dependencies: update all (commit by @sfxcode)d782243
- dependencies: Formkit 0.17.0 - primevue 3.29.0 (commit by @sfxcode)4313104
- dependencies: Formkit 0.17.0 - primevue 3.29.0 (commit by @sfxcode)8b205f0
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.30.0 (commit by @sfxcode)a4cccd7
- dependencies: Formkit 1.1.0 (commit by @sfxcode)69ea7c2
- dependencies: Update (commit by @sfxcode)60e11c3
- Version: Prepare Release (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.4.1 - 2023-10-14
v1.4.0 - 2023-10-09
due to
- Remove formkit-prime-inputs.scss (commit by @sfxcode):Remove formkit-prime-inputs.scss
- styles: Remove all fixed With (commit by @sfxcode)cdb256c
- styles: Remove formkit-prime-inputs.scss (commit by @sfxcode)33222fb
- styles: remove some margins (commit by @sfxcode)00bdba3
- styles: extract error color (commit by @sfxcode)
v1.3.5 - 2023-10-01
v1.3.4 - 2023-09-24
v1.3.3 - 2023-09-17
v1.3.0 - 2023-09-02
v1.2.9 - 2023-08-28
- dependencies: update dependencies (commit by @sfxcode)3e8dc54
- dependencies: update dependencies (commit by @sfxcode)709a452
- release: update package because of deprecation (commit by @sfxcode)
1.2.1 (2023-07-18)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.30.1 (162464d)
1.2.0 (2023-07-12)
- Input: Add RadioButton (38be693)
- Input: Add RadioButton (7c4b3d7)
- Input: Add RadioButton (54295a7)
- Input: Add RadioButton (380a5b5)
- dependencies: Formkit 0.17.3 - primevue 3.29.2 (d3b7836)
- dependencies: Formkit 0.17.4 (ed34919)
- dependencies: Formkit 0.17.4 (5b6328b)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.30.0 (047c258)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.30.0 (db746df)
- dependencies: update dependencies (55f3dd9)
- dependencies: Vue 3.3.4 (2d0129f)
1.1.2 (2023-05-14)
- dependencies: Formkit 0.17.0 - primevue 3.29.0 (cc34762)
- dependencies: Formkit 0.17.0 - primevue 3.29.0 (4af4952)
- dependencies: updates (94f1b6e)
- dependencies: updates (53b311c)
1.1.0 (2023-04-26)
- Calendar: wrong icon (9e421a7)
- footer: update versions (30240cc)
- Validation: Add p-invalid to class attribute if not valid (96802d2)
- Validation: Add p-invalid to class attribute if not valid and validationVisible (6a66826)
- Validation: Add p-invalid to class attribute if not valid and validationVisible (6c2ea44)
- build: add index.d.ts (036ef20)
- dependencies: Formkit 0.16.5 (bcde6bb)
- dependencies: PrimeVue (98139fc)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.25.0 (91c1184)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 3.27.0 (3b965b5)
- dependencies: PrimeVue, Formkit (89ca028)
- dependencies: update all (aa92369)
- dependencies: update all (85050df)
- dependencies: update all (f55d22c)
- dependencies: updates (2beb295)
- dependencies: updates (5cdaf2b)
- dependencies: updates (5c6399a)
1.0.0 (2023-03-08)
- dependencies: PrimeVue (048cb1e)
- dependencies: PrimeVue, Formkit (021d0e7)
- dependencies: PrimeVue, Formkit (ba6f8b7)
- dependencies: PrimeVue, Formkit (0dcd81b)
0.9.5 (2023-01-22)
- dependencies: PrimeVue, Formkit (16b1db2)
0.9.4 (2022-11-19)
0.9.3 (2022-11-17)
- dependencies: PrimeVue (28d20bc)
0.9.1 (2022-11-16)
- Inputs: PrimeInputTextArea => PrimeTextArea Name alignment with PrimeVue
- Inputs: Rena PrimeInputTextArea (991b6de)
- dependencies: PrimeVue (4cecf64)
0.9.0 (2022-11-15)
- Inputs: PrimeCheckBox => PrimeCheckbox Name alignment with PrimeVue
- Inputs: Add Editor for Demos (6da62f4)
- Inputs: Add missing properties and create demo for each (744fca3)
- Inputs: Add some styling tweaks (f6a88ab)
- Inputs: Add tabindex and aria (64cc6fc)
- Inputs: Refactor Elements and create Demo for each (d4f9166)
- Inputs: Refactor Elements and create Demo for each (62df6ff)
- Inputs: Refactor Elements and create Demo for each (fa389c2)
- Inputs: Refactor Elements and create Demo for each (4925f71)
- Input: Add TriStateCheckbox (7d9b29f)
0.8.4 (2022-11-10)
- build: Add inputs (0881796)
- build: Add primevue-formkit.css (9371fbf)
- chore: Build Types (4712e64)
- Input: Add Chips (e6aa855)
- Input: Add Knob (f92bc37)
- Input: Add SelectButton (8b99cec)
- Input: Calendar (c3f178f)
- Input: Calendar (634ae29)
- Input: Calendar (6bf3c6c)
- Input: Dropdown (939a946)
- Input: InputMask and Rating (f50c372)
- Input: MultiSelect (758291b)
- Input: Password (574646c)
- Input: primeInputs (0ad88de)
- inputs: Add Checkbox, TextArea and Editor (89f8593)
- inputs: Add InputSwitch (1c4ce68)
- inputs: Add InputSwitch (bb37a67)
- Input: Slider (8aafb2c)
- Dependencies: Formkit Beta 10 (82d35c5)
- Dependencies: Formkit Beta 8 (2be8d1b)
- Dependencies: Formkit Beta 8 (981239d)
- Dependencies: Formkit Beta 8 (9a0e118)
- dependencies: Nuxt3 (41e7603)
- dependencies: PrimeIcons (fee2858)
- dependencies: PrimeIcons (32496ab)
- dependencies: PrimeVue (81774b8)
- dependencies: PrimeVue (24010f1)
- dependencies: PrimeVue (62bc93f)
- dependencies: PrimeVue (d0e681b)
- Dependencies: Remove unused (f879d05)
- Dependencies: Remove unused (444c67b)
- dependencies: Update (fc15e02)
- Dependencies: Updates (fdb61e3)
- dependencies: Vite 3 (4a2d40a)
- dependencies: Vite 3 (92592bd)
- deps: Modules (8124ef0)
- deps: Modules (0194d44)
- feat: New Inputs (66371eb)
- Linting: eslint fix (f55a411)
- Linting: eslint fix (ce8461a)
- Notes: Readme and Some package info (aa9452e)
- Notes: Readme and Some package info (c2af7b0)
- release: new version (784260f)