Releases: sfxcode/formkit-primevue
Releases · sfxcode/formkit-primevue
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🚀 Enhancements
- FormEditor: Remember last used Editor Tab (931953e)
- JsonEditor: Prevent Table tab to expand to full width (20c2475)
- useFormKitSchema: Allow also boolean value for render (eb11fde)
- useFormKitSchema: Allow also boolean value for render (2f0b2b0)
- useFormKitSchema: Allow also boolean value for render property (ac6ef3d)
🏡 Chore
- dependencies: Update (55fde26)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.2.0 (f6f1193)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.2.0 (909b621)
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🚀 Enhancements
- FormKitDataEdit: Add named slots for messages / submit (976f184)
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🩹 Fixes
- typescript: Use vue-tsc in build step / fix typescript errors in src #41 (#41)
🏡 Chore
- dependencies: Update unocss and formkit drag and drop (efa9792)
❤️ Contributors
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🚀 Enhancements
- PrimeAutoComplete: Add options support with sample #61 (#61)
💅 Refactors
- FormKitDataEdit: Add button class prop (d3aa040)
📦 Build
- dependencies: Revert to unbuild 2.0.0 (5bb44fc)
🏡 Chore
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.1.0 (d5a312a)
- dependencies: PrimeVue 4.1.0 (1661cb2)
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