We're so glad you're here! 🎉 Welcome to this project where you can find a list of resources for your journey through the amazing field of Computer Science after completing your Nanodegree.
We would like to thank you for contributing to this project that we will all build together 😃
- Fork the project
- Add a new branch with a descriptive name.
- Make the necessary changes to the file that corresponds to your School (Please include a descriptive commit message)
- Submit a pull request (instructions below, see Pull Request).
- Please, add the resource under its corresponding category.
- Each School and category has a file with main categories. These main categories may have subcategories.
- If the resource you are going to add belongs to a subcategory that already exists, please add it following the format below.
- If the resource belongs to a category that does not exist, you can add subcategories following the format below.
- Each School and category has a file with main categories. These main categories may have subcategories.
- Subcategory Title
- Resource Title - Description (optional)
- Please try to add your resource into one of the existing main categories
- If you think a file may need an additional main category, please open an issue and we can discuss your idea. Suggestions are always welcome! 😃
- Add a link to the open source project's repository and a short description on the Open Source Projects section in your School following this format:
- Project Title - Project Description
To contribute with a project idea, please add a line to the "Project ideas" main section of the file that corresponds to your School following this format:
- Short and descriptive title for your idea - Brief description of the project and the technologies required.
To contribute with a rubric for your idea:
- Go to the "Rubrics" folder inside your School's main folder
- Create a markdown file named exactly as the title you included in the "Project ideas" section.
- Inside that file add a title and the requirements for the project as bullet points.
NOTE: Contributing with a rubric is optional, you can add a project idea without a rubric.
- After you fork the project, create a branch with a descriptive name and add your resource.
- Submit a pull request from that branch to the project's master branch.
You've contributed to the project, that's awesome! 👍 We would be honored to include you in the contributors list. If you wish to be included, please add your GitHub username and/or Name to Contributors.md in your pull rAdd yourself as a contributor
Please send a pull request with the fix by creating a branch with a descriptive name and submitting the pull request from your branch to the project's master branch.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please open an issue and we can discuss it in more detail. Suggestions are always welcome! 😀
We really appreciate your contributions! 👍