1.7.2 (2022-09-22)
- gitlab-op: beautify callback page based html/template (8cb4930)
1.7.1 (2022-03-18)
- blocking some prefixes of milestone/feature/issue title (a144135)
- conf: ignore git rev-parse error (d20dcc6)
- cli/support: optimise config support function (efe729b)
- conf: log format adjust; use git toplevel as cwd firstly (ca8ff3b)
- conf/branchs: add branch enums in configuration which will replace builtin branch enums when it is configured. (97f8c0f)
- dash: feature dashboard could parse default feature branch name (f4e94e0)
- issue: redesign issue name (7921272)
- oauth: move appId and appSecret into build parameters, instead of configuring file. (9d88182)
- oauth: use oauth2 verification instead of personal token (d93544a)
- spin: create spiner (8512152)
- types/context: hide all attributes of context, avoiding wrong modifying from other package. (d0bc0a2)
1.6.7 (2021-06-07)
- dash: enhance dash milestone display; and finish one todo. (82a1496)
- dash: enhance feature detail information (f928a20)
- dash: project detail has more URL to open (a540c4d)
1.6.5 (2021-04-16)
- remove flags in feature sub commands; fix alias of feature branch name. (92281cc)
- handle git command result into stdout rather than error message. (779c393)
- new sync command (#9) (154b12b)
- OpFeatureContext support; force create merge request; feature branch name into
; (e804dbe) - query resourced ordered by created_at desc (0553e84)
- trim space of title and desc. (9248eab)
1.6.3 (2021-02-02)
- create remote resource enhance... (93dc87f)
- cwd could be specified from CLI command (28d6fcb)
- load projects when CLI command is loading, let user to decide which project should be used (18e5adf)
- support feature conflicts resolve. (9818dc5)
1.6.0 (2021-01-16)
- global flags supported projectName, openBrowser; optimism FlowContext usage; (aa7d4e1)
- global flags supported projectName, openBrowser; optimism FlowContext usage; (ac3b8e0)
- open issue do not create merge request, close would do this. (c2277dd)
- OpenBrowser cross platform support. (f6c0b98)
1.5.1 (2021-01-16)
- conf path and db path fixed; repository fixed; add log points; (5c6d099)
- feature commands fix; (31ae91d)
- git operator with space value (e4d315a)
- gitop checkout function (0852833)
- hotfix close with query first. (d4f0c07)
- close-issue; printAndOpenBrowser function; (b2353da)
- dash implements and repository debug settings. (36ce460)
- feature command implements; fix: repository query logic; (8b5c7a0)
- fill logic of flow and its components (743c3a1)
- flow and commands defines (bd85af3)
- flow and commands defines stage2; (5db377a)
- repository adjust and little test; flow implemented few functions; (2078090)