A node client for the Customer.io REST API.
npm i --save customerio-node
In order to start using the library, you first need to create an instance of the CIO class:
let CIO = require('customerio-node');
const cio = new CIO(siteId, apiKey, [defaults]);
Both the siteId
and apiKey
are required in order to create a Basic Authorization header, allowing us to associate the data with your account.
Optionally you may pass defaults
as an object that will be passed to the underlying request instance. A list of the possible options are listed here.
This is useful to override the default 10s timeout. Example:
const cio = new CIO(123, 'abc', {
timeout: 5000
Creating a person is as simple as identifying them with this call. You can also use this method to update a persons data.
cio.identify(1, {
email: 'customer@example.com',
created_at: 1361205308,
first_name: 'Bob',
plan: 'basic'
- id: String (required)
- data: Object (optional)
- email is a required key if you intend to send email messages
- created_at is a required key if you want to segment based on signed up/created date
This will delete a person from Customer.io.
- id: String (required)
The track method will trigger events within Customer.io. When sending data along with your event, it is required to send a name key/value pair in you data object.
Simple event tracking
cio.track(1, { name: 'updated' });
Sending data with an event
cio.track(1, {
name: 'purchase',
data: {
price: '23.45',
product: 'socks'
- id: String (requiredl)
- data: Object (required)
- name is a required key on the Object
- data is an optional key for additional data sent over with the event
Anonymous event tracking does not require a customer ID and these events will not be associated with a tracked profile in Customer.io
name: 'updated',
data: {
updated: true,
plan: 'free'
- data: Object (required)
- name is a required key on the Object
- data is an optional key for additional data sent over with the event
Sending a page event includes sending over the customers id and the name of the page.
cio.trackPageView(1, '/home');
- id: String (required)
- url: String (required)
Trigger an email broadcast using the email campaign's id. You can also optionally pass along custom data that will be merged with the liquid template, and additional conditions to filter recipients.
cio.triggerBroadcast(1, { name: 'foo'}, { segment: { id: 7 }});
You can also use emails or ids to select recipients, and pass optional API parameters such as email_ignore_missing
cio.triggerBroadcast(1, { name: 'foo'}, { emails: ['example@emails.com'], email_ignore_missing: true }
You can learn more about the recipient fields available here.
- id: String (required)
- data: Object (optional)
- recipients: Object (optional)
Add a device to send push notifications.
cio.addDevice(1, "device_id", "ios", { primary: true });
- customer_id: String (required)
- device_id: String (required)
- platform: String (required)
- data: Object (optional)
Delete a device to remove it from the associated customer and stop sending push notifications to it.
cio.deleteDevice(1, "device_token")
- customer_id: String (required)
- device_token: String (required)
Add customers to a manual segment.
cio.addToSegment(1, ["1", "2", "3"])
- segment_id: String (required)
- customer_ids: Array (required)
Remove customers from a manual segment.
cio.removeFromSegment(1, ["1", "2", "3"])
- segment_id: String (required)
- customer_ids: Array (required)
Suppress a customer.
cio.supress(1, ["1", "2", "3"])
- segment_id: String (required)
All calls to the library will return a native promise, allowing you to chain calls as such:
const customerId = 1;
cio.identify(customerId, { first_name: 'Finn' }).then(() => {
return cio.track(customerId, {
name: 'updated',
data: {
updated: true,
plan: 'free'
We've included functional examples in the examples/ directory of the repo to further assist in demonstrating how to use this library to integrate with Customer.io
npm install && npm test
Released under the MIT license. See file LICENSE for more details.