This is a KUAL extension that turns a Kindle Paperwhite 3 into a dashboard that shows details for:
- Google Scholar
- Gwent (player rank)
- TVMaze (upcoming episode for TV shows)
More details how to set up your Kindle and an overview of the code can be found on the blog (part one, part two)
- A Jailbroken Kindle Paperwhite 3
- KUAL installed with Python 3
- If you are looking for instructions to do this, check here for details and links to additional resources.
Copy the folder dashboard
from the repository to the /extensions
folder on the kindle (if that folder is not there
KUAL isn't installed properly).
Open the file /extensions/dashboard/bin/
and fine the following lines:
scholar_url = ""
gwent_url = ""
tvmaze_ids = [6, # The 100
79, # The Goldbergs
38963, # The Mandalorian
17128 # This Is Us
And add the URL to the desired scholar profile, gwent profile and show IDs from TVMaze in the appropriate locations.
First type ~ds
in the searchbar and hit enter. This will disable the Kindle's own deep sleep and screensaver, this is
required as this will put the device in deep sleep without the wake-up timer enabled eventually. Which in turn will
stop the dashboard from refreshing. To disable this you will need to restart the Kindle by holding the power button for
15-20 seconds and pushing restart in the menu.
Next, open KUAL and start "Dashboard", wait 30 seconds for the dashboard to appear and done!
rsvg-convert included in this repo is derived from as well as the configuration files to integrate the script with KUAL.