This theme requires nico 0.4.6+ now.
The basic configuration for a blog:
"source": "content",
"output": "_site",
"theme": "_themes/minimal",
"sitename": "Nico",
"siteurl": "",
"permalink": "{{directory}}/{{filename}}.html",
"writers": [
Additional configuration this theme:
- tagline: A description of your site.
- touchIcon: Link of Apple Touch Icon.
- hideNico: Hide nico copyright at bottom.
- github: Github link, a github fork badge will display.
- github_issues: GitHub issues link, all comments of the issue will display.
- navigation: A array of items of navigation.
GitHub example:
"github": [
{"title": "ZIP File", "link": ""},
{"title": "TAR Ball", "link": ""},
{"title": "GitHub", "link": ""}
Navigation example:
"navigation": [
{"title": "Life", "link": "/life/index.html"},
{"title": "Work", "link": "/work/index.html"}
Comment is available for posts. This theme support disqus and duoshuo.
Configure a disqus short name:
"disqus": "short name"
If you prefer duoshuo:
"duoshuo": "short name"
Use GitHub Comments:
"githubIssues": "Your github repo issues url" // For example: