A super light docker web server with Apache
and php-fpm
on top of Alpine Linux for php developers.
- Apache 2.4.63 with SSL
- php-fpm 8.4.5, 8.3, 8.2, 8.1, 8.0 or 7.4
- Xdebug 3.4.2 - debugger and profiler
- composer 2.8.6
- SPX prolifer dev-master
- zsh 5.9
- Alpine 3.21.3 using edge repositories
- php along with the most commonly used extensions
- Just works with any domain name
- Support for multiple virtual hosts
- https is configured out of the box
- Apache and php configuration files are exposed on the host for easy editing
- All changes to configuration files are automatically applied (hot reload)
- Xdebug is configured for step by step debugging and profiling
- Profile php code with SPX or Xdebug
- download
- select php version:
is the default flavor, to use php8.3
, select the image indocker-compose.yml
- start
Docker Desktop
and rundocker-compose up
- open the browser at
- update the source code in
Note: On Windows file changes notification to the container doesn't work with the WSL 2 engine, you need to use the Hyper-V
engine. Uncheck Use WSL 2 based engine
. What this means, is that files you update on Windows are not updated inside the container unless you use Hyper-V
Note: If you need a fully-fledged development environment, checkout the php sandbox project.
Starting the container with docker-compose
offers all functionalities.
# start container in detached mode on Windows in cmd
start /B docker-compose up
# start container in detached mode on linux, mac and mintty
docker-compose up &
# view logs
docker-compose logs -f
# stop container
docker-compose stop
# delete container
docker-compose down
Alternatively the container can also be started with docker run
# php 8.4
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name web 8ct8pus/apache-php-fpm-alpine:2.4.2
# php 8.3
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name web 8ct8pus/apache-php-fpm-alpine:2.3.3
# php 8.2
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name web 8ct8pus/apache-php-fpm-alpine:2.1.3
CTRL-C to stop
There are 2 sites you can access from your browser
The source code is located inside the sites/*/html/public/
Setting a domain name is done by using virtual hosts. The virtual hosts configuration files are located in sites/config/vhosts/
. By default, localhost
and test.com
are already defined as virtual hosts.
For your browser to resolve test.com
, add this line to your system's host file. Editing the file requires administrator privileges.
On Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Linux and Mac: /etc/hosts test.com www.test.com
A self-signed https certificate is already configured for localhost
and test.com
To remove "Your connection is not private" nag screens, import the certificate authority file sites/config/ssl/certificate_authority.pem
to your computer's Trusted Root Certification Authorities then restart your browser.
In Windows, open certmgr.msc
> click Trusted Root Certification Authorities
, then right click on that folder and select Import...
under All Tasks
On Linux and Mac: [fill blank]
For newly created domains, you will need to create the SSL certificate:
docker-exec -it web zsh
selfsign certificate /sites/domain/ssl domain.com,www.domain.com,api.domain.com /sites/config/ssl
Note: Importing the certificate authority creates a security risk since all certificates issued by this new authority are shown as perfectly valid in your browsers.
This repository is configured to debug php code in Visual Studio Code. To start debugging, open the VSCode workspace then select Run > Start debugging
then open the site in the browser.
The default config is to stop on entry which stops at the first line in the file. To only stop on breakpoints, set stopOnEntry
to false
in .vscode/launch.json
For other IDEs, set the Xdebug debugging port to 9001
To troubleshoot debugger issues, check the sites/localhost/logs/xdebug.log
If host.docker.internal
does not resolve within the container, update the xdebug client host within docker/etc/php/conf.d/xdebug.ini
to the docker host ip address.
xdebug.client_host =
Code profiling comes in 2 variants.
Note: Disable Xdebug debugger xdebug.remote_enable
for accurate measurements.
To start profiling, add the XDEBUG_PROFILE
variable to the request as a GET, POST or COOKIE.
Profiles are stored in the log
directory and can be analyzed with tools such as webgrind.
- Access the SPX control panel
- Check checkbox
Whether to enable SPX profiler for your current browser session. No performance impact for other clients.
- Run the script to profile
- Refresh the SPX control panel tab and the report will be available at the bottom of the screen. Click it to show the report in a new tab.
docker exec -it web zsh
docker exec -it web zsh
apk add php82-<extension>
Let's extend this docker image by adding the php-curl
docker-compose up --detach
docker exec -it web zsh
apk add php-curl
docker-compose stop
docker commit web apache-php-fpm-alpine-curl:dev
To use newly created image, update the image reference in docker-compose.yml
When you update the docker image version in docker-compose.yml
, it's important to know that the existing configuration in the docker
dir may cause problems.
To solve all problems, backup the existing dir then delete it.
docker build -t apache-php-fpm-alpine:dev .
- update
and uncomment the development image
# development image
image: apache-php-fpm-alpine:dev
Note: This is only for the maintainer of this project.
# build php spx module
# bump version
# build local image
docker build --no-cache -t 8ct8pus/apache-php-fpm-alpine:2.4.2 .
# test local image
# push image to docker hub
docker push 8ct8pus/apache-php-fpm-alpine:2.4.2