Angular Parallax Carousel Library
Seed project for Angular libraries that are AOT/JIT compatible and that use external SCSS-styles and HTML-templates.
This project contains TickTock library example. The library itself is small and the only thing it does is displaying current time (Plunker example). But what most important is that the project contains reusable environment for the libraries that allows to build, test, lint, document, explore and publish them.
Read more about architectural challenges and solutions used in this repository.
- You want to create library for Angular 4.
- You want your library to be ready for further AOT or JIT compilation.
- You want your library to be ready for further usage directly in browsers (let's say UMD bundle loaded by SystemJS).
- You want to write component styles in external SCSS files.
- You want to write component templates in external HTML files.
- You want to have watch-mode for library builds (including AOT build).
- AOT/JIT compatible library build via Angular Compiler (ngc).
- UMD build via Webpack that allows you to use your library for browser builds. You may play with it on Plunker.
- Testing with Karma and Jasmine.
- Test coverage report via Istanbul.
- Watch modes for building and testing procedures that makes developing process easier.
- Linting with TSLint and Codelyzer for static code analysis.
- Exploring your build via Sourcemap Explorer that shows you a treemap visualization to help you debug where all the code is coming from.
- Documentation generation via Compodoc. Take a look at documentation example.
- Documentation hosting via GitHub Pages.
- AOT/JIT/UMD demos via Webpack and SystemJS that allows you to test library builds.
- Continuous integration with Travis CI.
- Code coverage badge via Codecov as a reminder to cover code with tests.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Go to repository folder
cd angular-library-seed
# Install all dependencies
yarn install
# Build the library
yarn build
├─ demo * Folder for demo applications (MAY BE DELETED if not required)
| ├─ esm * AOT/JIT demo project
| ├─ umd * UMD demo project
| └─ ... * More details about this folder may be found in demo folder README file.
├─ src * Library sources home folder (THE PLACE FOR YOUR LIBRARY SOURCES)
| ├─ components * Example of library components with tests
| ├─ services * Example of library services with tests
| ├─ index.ts * Library entry point that is used by builders
| └─ tick-tock.module.ts * Example of library module
├─ .editorconfig * Common IDE configuration
├─ .gitignore * List of files that are ignored while publishing to git repo
├─ .npmignore * List of files that are ignored while publishing to npm
├─ .travis.yml * Travic CI configuration
├─ LICENSE * License details
├─ * README for you library
├─ gulpfile.js * Gulp helper scripts
├─ karma-test-entry.ts * Entry script for Karma tests
├─ karma.conf.ts * Karma configuration for our unit tests
├─ package.json * NPM dependencies, scripts and package configuration
├─ tsconfig-aot.json * TypeScript configuration for AOT build
├─ tsconfig.json * TypeScript configuration for UMD and Test builds
├─ tslint.json * TypeScript linting configuration
├─ webpack-test.config.ts * Webpack configuration for building test version of the library
├─ webpack-umd.config.ts * Webpack configuration for building UMD bundle
└─ yarn.lock * Yarn lock file that locks dependency versions
Install latest Node and NPM following the instructions. Make sure you have Node version ≥ 7.0 and NPM ≥ 4.
brew install node
for Mac.
Yarn package manager is optional but highly recommended. If you prefer to work with npm
directly you may ignore this step.
Yarn installs library dependencies faster and also locks theirs versions. It has more advantages but these two are already pretty attractive.
Install Yarn by following the instructions.
brew install yarn
for Mac.
this repository.clone
your fork to your local environment.yarn install
to install required dependencies (ornpm i
This step may be optional at first since you might just want to play with existing library example.
Once you're ready to develop your own library you should do the following.
- Check and re-configure
fields likename
etc. You may read about specifics of npm's package.json handling to do that. - Replace the content of
folder with your library sources. Your library must haveindex.ts
file as an entry point for further building. - Update
sources to make them consume your library in case if you want to keep the demo folder.
yarn build
for building the library once (both ESM and AOT versions).yarn build:watch
for building the library (both ESM and AOT versions) and watch for file changes.
You may also build UMD bundle and ESM files separately:
yarn build:esm
- for building AOT/JIT compatible versions of files.yarn build:esm:watch
- the same as previous command but in watch-mode.yarn build:umd
- for building UMD bundle only.yarn build:umd:watch
- the same as previous command but in watch-mode.
yarn lint
for performing static code analysis.
yarn test
for running all your*.spec.ts
tests once. Generated code coverage report may be found incoverage
folder.yarn test:watch
for running all you*.spec.ts
and watch for file changes.
yarn docs
for generating documentation locally.yarn gh-pages
for generating documentation and uploading it to GitHub Pages. Documentation example.
yarn explorer
to find out where all your code in bundle is coming from.
npm version patch
to increase library version. More on bumping.
script in this case will automatically run project testing and linting in prior in order to check that the library is ready for publishing.
npm publish
to publish your library sources on Once the library is published it will be available for usage in npm packages.
script in this case will automatically run project testing and linting in prior in order to check that the library is ready for publishing.
yarn clean:tmp
command will clean up all temporary files likedocs
etc.yarn clean:all
command will clean up all temporary files along withnode_modules
In order to debug your library in browser you need to have Angular project that will consume your library, build the application and display it. For your convenience all of that should happen automatically in background so once you change library source code you should instantly see the changes in browser.
There are several ways to go here:
- Use your real library-consumer project and link your library to it via
yarn link
command (see below). - Use demo applications that are provided for your convenience as a part of this repository.
- Use Angular-CLI to generate library-consumer project for you and then use
yarn link
to link your library to it.
You may take advantage of watch-modes for both library build and demo-projects builds in order to see changes to your library's source code immediately in your browser.
To do so you need to:
- Open two console instances.
- Launch library build in watch mode in first console instance by running
yarn build:watch
(assuming that you're inangular-library-seed
root folder). - Launch demo project build (JIT version) in watch-mode by running
yarn start
in second console instance (assuming that you're inangular-library-seed/demo
As a result once you change library source code it will be automatically re-compiled and in turn your JIT demo-project will be automatically re-built and you will be able to see that changes in your browser instantly.
For more details about demo projects, their folder structure and npm commands please take a look at demo projects README.
In you library root folder:
# Create symbolic link
yarn link
# Build library in watch mode
yarn build:watch
In you project folder that should consume the library:
# Link you library to the project
yarn link "angular-library-seed"
# Build your project. In case of Angular-CLI use the following command.
ng serve --aot
Then you need to import your library into your project's source code.
Now, once you update your library source code it will automatically be re-compiled and your project will be re-built so you may see library changes instantly.
More information about yarn link
At the moment of publishing this project there is a bug exists when using
yarn link
in combination with Angular CLI. The issue is caused by havingnode_modules
folder inside linked library. There is a workaround has been provided that suggests to add apaths
property with all Angular dependencies to thetsconfig.json
file of the Angular CLI project like it is shown below:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": { "@angular/*": ["../node_modules/@angular/*"] }