Welcome to the Full JavaScript Course Repository! This repo contains everything you need to master JavaScript 🚀. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you'll find valuable concepts, examples, and projects here.
✅ Basics: Variables, Data Types, Operators, Ternary, Switch Statements
✅ Functions: Regular Functions, Arrow Functions, Callbacks, Default Parameters
✅ Objects & Arrays: Destructuring, Array Methods, Advanced Operators
✅ Loops & Control Flow: for, while, break, continue, recursion
✅ OOP (Object-Oriented Programming): Classes, Getters/Setters, Inheritance
✅ Modern JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await, Fetch API, ES6 Modules
✅ Projects: Mini Projects & Advanced Applications
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Navigate into each topic folder and run JavaScript files using Node.js or test them in the browser console.
⚡ Use const
& let
instead of var
⚡ Always declare functions with meaningful names
⚡ Use arrow functions for concise syntax
⚡ Keep functions short & modular
⚡ Comment complex logic properly
⚡ Use ES6+ features whenever possible
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to improve this repo:
- Fork the repo
- Create a new branch
- Commit your changes
- Submit a Pull Request
📩 Email: allanotieno2001@gmail.com 📘 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/allan-otieno-b973a5251/