Bring the early-2021 UI back to YouTube!
Warning: Firefox releases may be outdated! Current rolling release version: v1.15.0
- Download this repository(Code -> Download ZIP) and unpack it into any folder
- Navigate to
- Enable Developer mode
- Click "Load unpacked"
- Select the folder you unpacked this repo to or the manifest.json file inside
- Enjoy!
- Download the latest release
- Accept the automatic installation
- Enjoy!
Try to disable RYD. Unironically. Lmfao. Who's even surprised at this point?
No. Most transformers will have their colors broken under white theme.
It's in the description of the extension: early-2021 UI.
SeriStyle hides it because it's implemented in such a disgusting way that it cannot even work standalone without breaking on video switch. Digging around other people's code to fix it isn't something I do.
This is a general, non-exhaustive list of SeriStyle's features.
- General changes
- Old dark theme colors
- Old subscribe button
- Old top bar: search bar, menu icon, mic search icon
- Remove rounded corners of thumbnails and some containers
- Revert "pink theme" back to red
- Videopage changes (Similarity: 99.9%)
- Old icons: like, dislike, share, add to playlist, menu
- Old metadata view
- Old description panel
- Configurable changes
- True Old UI and general changes for playlists (Similarity with True Old UI enabled: 90%)
- Minor homepage changes (All configurable)
- Minor videoplayer changes (All configurable)
The screenshots were made with old dark theme colors and all True Old UI features enabled. May be outdated.
- Old icons
- Comment section (paired with better text colors, perhaps play around with font and alignment)
- Left side menu
- Menu
- Home
- Subscriptions
- Library
- History
- Watch Later
- Liked
- Settings
- Report History
- Send Feedback
- Help
- Your videos (can be modded from Library)
- Shuffle & Repeat in playlists
- Subscription notification bell icon
- Keep as-is
- Fill (match notification bell icon)
- Fill, wider cross line
- Hide using Exel
- "Add To Playlist" and X button in the Queue panel
- Old X, Shuffle and Loop buttons in the Playlist panel
- Deuglify 3 dots in Playlist panel(on video sel & top bar) and Queue panel(on video sel)
- Old Edit icon in Playlist view
- Convert recommended playlists into videos using noembed or hide them(snip in -general)
- Old fonts in playlist & queue panels
- Old control buttons on your channel page
- Old Playlist & Queue panel styles(revamp entirely w/ colors and borders)
- Expand & Collapse arrows
- Left side menu
- Playlist view
- Other places (maybe?)
All of the following services are free-of-charge, which is already worth being credited.
- Wayback Machine/Web Archive - For archiving old versions of several YouTube pages to match against.