TopMovies is an iOS application that list top , upcoming, popular movies in a decent UI, it just make it easier for your life finding the latest and the best movies ever
- it shows up a bunch of latest and updated Movies with the pagination for better performance and a very neat user interface
- it shows the details for every and each Movie item
- it gives you the ability to search for whatever you want'
- it gives you the ability to save movies in the favourite list
- swift 5
- POP (protocol oriented programming)
- VIPER Arch
- Core Animation
- Core Graphics
- Swift Package Manager(SPM)
- Moya
- Cosmos
- Lottie
- SDWebImage
- Toast-Swift
- Realm
- Clone repo
git clone
- run the project
open .xcworkspace
- Xcode 12.2 at least
- iOS 13+
- Swift 5