___ ___ ________ ___ _________ ___ ___ ________ ________ ________ |\ \|\ \|\ ___ \|\ \|\___ ___\ |\ \ / /| |\ _____\\ __ \|\ ____\ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \|___ \ \_| \ \ \/ / / \ \ \__/\ \ \|\ \ \ \___|_ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / \ \ __\\ \ ____\ \_____ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/ / / \ \ \_| \ \ \___|\|____|\ \ \ \_______\ \__\\ \__\ \__\ \ \__\__/ / / \ \__\ \ \__\ ____\_\ \ \|_______|\|__| \|__|\|__| \|__|\___/ / \|__| \|__| |\_________\ \|___|/ \|_________|This is A Unity FPS Shooting Framework
- Model, API: Everything is Including Here and Accessible
- technologys: Valkun, DirectX, TurboC++, blender, Unity, etc.
- Programming Language: Python, C#, C++,
For any questions or support, feel free to open an issue on the respective repository or contact us directly at Drchamyoung@gmail.com, Studio.inbora@gmail.com
FPS Framework is designed for both new Unity users and seasoned developers. With a robust foundation, clean codebase, and exceptional optimization, this framework is adaptable for virtually any FPS project, including pre-existing ones. The framework is continuously evolving and becoming richer in features.
The FPS Framework has been tested with the following Unity versions and render pipelines:
Unity Version | Built-in | URP | HDRP |
2021.3.40f1 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
- Seamlessly replace the character controller with a Rigidbody FPS Controller.
- Swap out core components like movement with your custom implementations.
- Accommodates custom guns, items, and virtually any object. Create any custom item type and the framework will handle it perfectly.
- An easy-to-use, modular firearm system enabling the creation of any gun type.
- Modular explosion systems to craft stunning and accurate explosions.
- Modular audio system for managing and playing audio clips, with the ability to add custom events for full control.
- Add attachments to firearms that affect their functionality. The process is quick and straightforward.
Generate any FPS animation with minimal effort. Input a value and let the system take care of the rest.
- Modular systems enable smooth animations and an exceptional game feel with minimal effort.
- Built on Unity's new input system, making gamepad and mobile support seamless.
- Out-of-the-box support for all gamepads.
- Highly flexible settings menu accepting custom code. Easily add any option.
Useful default UI elements, including:
- Settings menu
- Hitmarker
- Gun info (Gun name, Ammo count, Ammo type)
- Player info (Player name, Player health)
- Improved slider UI Element
- Carousel selector UI Element
- Menu manager and more
To start using the FPS Framework, follow these steps:
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/fps-framework.git