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The easiest way to get started with development on all_seaing_vehicle with native performance, powered by the Nix package manager


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Arcturus Nix :shipit:

The easiest way to get started with development on all_seaing_vehicle with native performance, powered by the Nix package manager

A quick introduction

Ubuntu and Red Hat Users Guild: We've got you surrounded! Come use containers! Me, a Nix intellectual: I HATE DOCKER! I HATE DOCKER!

And so it begins…

Technical overview

flowchart TB
    %% Styles and classes
    classDef foundation fill:#b3d1ff,stroke:#333
    classDef build fill:#ffcccc,stroke:#333
    classDef runtime fill:#d9f2d9,stroke:#333
    classDef config fill:#ffe6cc,stroke:#333
    classDef script fill:#e6ccff,stroke:#333
    classDef doc fill:#f2f2f2,stroke:#333

    %% Foundation Layer
    subgraph Foundation
        NixPM["Nix Package Manager"]:::foundation

    %% Build Infrastructure Layer
    subgraph BuildInfra["Build Infrastructure"]

    %% Runtime Environment Layer
    subgraph Runtime["Runtime Environment"]
        ROS2["ROS2 Runtime"]:::runtime
        Python["Python Environment"]:::runtime

    %% Documentation
    subgraph Docs["Documentation"]

    %% Relationships
    NixPM --> FlakeNix
    NixPM --> FlakeLock
    FlakeNix --> BuildSh
    FlakeLock --> BuildSh
    InstallSh --> PullSh
    PullSh --> BuildSh
    BuildSh --> ROS2
    BuildSh --> Python
    EnvRC --> ROS2
    EnvRC --> Python
    UpdateSh --> FlakeLock
    HashSh --> BuildSh
    ROS2 --> LaunchSh
    Python --> RunSh

    %% Click events
    click FlakeNix ""
    click FlakeLock ""
    click BuildSh ""
    click InstallSh ""
    click PullSh ""
    click UpdateSh ""
    click HashSh ""
    click EnvRC ""
    click LaunchSh ""
    click RunSh ""
    click ReadMe ""
    click Assets ""

    %% Legend
    subgraph Legend
        L1["Foundation Component"]:::foundation
        L2["Build Component"]:::build
        L3["Runtime Component"]:::runtime
        L4["Configuration File"]:::config

Generated with GitDiagram.

Getting up and running (in less than a minute)


See what is and isn't supported for more information.

Run the following in a Bash shell on a Linux-based system to build individual Python nodes (simulations and nodes requiring YOLO models will not work). Use this if you want to be on the bleeding edge of development, build code fast and cut through bloat, and get a taste of NixOS god complex. Full reproducibility is theoretically guaranteed, and dependency specifications, environment setup, and the like are much clearer and easier to change in Nix than in a Docker container.

Do not use this if you don't like Linux, hate Nix, don't like cutting edge technology, and don't want to be part of the software revolution. You can run from Nix, but you can't hide.

  1. Install the Nix package manager (if you install from another source, make sure flakes are enabled—scroll up for NixOS-specific instructions)
  2. Run this in a Bash shell wherever you want to clone this repository:
git clone
cd arcturus_nix
nix develop
chmod +x *.sh

If you are on a resource-constrained system, suffer in silence while your computer attempts to build the entirety of the Arcturus ROS codebase and its dependencies from source—this may take a while. Work is currently underway to automate this using a locally hosted build server, but in the meantime enjoy the Gentoo user experience.

  1. The last line of the install script should tell you how to run your first node. It should be (note the period):
. module_name
# or (aliased to):
run module_name

Alternatively, you can simply add all modules to the build path so ROS can run them ( does this automatically, but use the below command if you don't want to run any specific node initially):

  1. Make sure you run the above command (and any other commands related to running and building nodes) from a Nix devshell (i.e. run nix develop prior to running any of these commands). Cloning this repository and updating dependencies are exceptions to this rule (see below).
  2. To update your local environment, run this from the arcturus_nix directory:
git pull
nix develop
  1. In general, after completing steps 1-2, you can run a module for the first time (since entering a devshell) using the command in step 3 and later with:
ros2 run module_name

Other ROS commands (like ros launch) will work too. You can manage the source code for all_seaing_vehicle in dev_ws/src/all_seaing_vehicle.


To ensure you replicate a certain environment exactly, you need two specific versions. First, the version of this repository (the answer to the question: what build recipe are you running?). Second, the version of the all_seaing_vehicle repository (the answer to the question: what code are you building?).

Before obtaining these versions, ensure you have not made any changes to the working tree. You should not have any changes that are not pushed to the remote repository. You can then find the versions you are using by running:

# or (aliased to):

The output should look something like this:



Now, say you have this output and you want to reproduce this setup on another machine. We'll refer to the arcturus_nix hash as hash1 and the all_seaing_vehicle hash as hash2. Replace step 2 with the following:

git clone
cd arcturus_nix
git checkout hash1  # in this example, 1dfcfe0fc43aaa2c9dcbbef88b26489dd26ff409
nix develop
chmod +x *.sh
pull hash2  # in this example, e16e44c8a35bdaa9a0468624e0cc4b2b5fd377fa

Remember to substitute hash1 and hash2 with the corresponding versions from the output of hash. Everything from step 3 onwards can now be applied and your environment will update accordingly. It is important you do not make changes to the environment so your working tree stays clean. If you are debugging an error, you should also run the same sequence of commands in the same order to reproduce it. If the error still cannot be reproduced, enter the devshell with nix develop -i instead of nix develop (see below for more options).

Reproducibility in Production

It is important to note that to achieve true reproducibility, you will want to clear the development shell of system packages. You can do that like so:

nix develop -i --keep HOME

The astute among you may notice that this is technically not completely reproducible (rather, it is reproducible up to your home directory, which generally does not include any programs, so this is good enough for our purposes) since it includes your home directory. This is to prevent you from reproducibility hell, where ROS is unable to access logs stored on your system and your shell breaks down. If you insist on full reproducibility (up to this repository and all_seaing_vehicle only) and are willing to accept these issues, you can run:

nix develop -i

Note that some launch files will not work due to requiring access to ROS logs stored in a folder under your home directory. Such is the jank of ROS. Thus, we cannot recommend this even in production, but we can work on increasing reproducibility by limiting the directories that are kept to only the ones absolutely required by ROS if necessary. You can launch specific nodes in all_seaing_bringup with:

# for ``:
./ node
# or (aliased to):
launch node

This will automatically spawn the reproducible devshell and run ros2 launch under the hood. Specifying no arguments will launch the default Nix testing file.

Other commands

pull <ref> (./ <ref>) will get the latest version of the all_seaing_vehicle repository or the specified revision and set up dev_ws. It will not build the Nix packages.

build (./ will run the Nix build process for the project. dev_ws must have already been set up. install runs pull then build. Splitting up the commands allows you to build different versions of the all_seaing_vehicle codebase (not just the latest one).

update <ref> (./ <ref>) will update all_seaing_vehicle to the specified revision or to the latest version if no revision is specified and rebuild the project. You may get an error saying things have already been built, which is fine.


For those interested in contributing to this repository (that is, the build repository for all_seaing_vehicle), note that there is a secondary development shell dev that can be launched like so:

nix develop .#dev

This features pre-commit hooks with automatic formatting, among other things. We also have a .envrc file to enable this shell automatically with direnv. This is not the shell you should be using for building all_seaing_vehicle (that is default).


I have an error running command X. What should I do?

File an issue as soon as possible so we can fix it. Here are some quick steps that will almost certainly diagnose it:

  1. Update this repository (arcturus_nix) to the latest version with git pull (from the root directory)
  2. Update all_seaing_vehicle to the latest version with update (inside a devshell)

If the above two steps do not resolve the issue or cannot be run because you want to test a specific version, then try starting from a clean state (see below):

  1. rm -rf dev_ws and then re-run install (inside a devshell)
  2. Delete your local copy of this repository and start from step 1 again
  3. If you need a specific version of either this repository or all_seaing_vehicle, record your current version with hash (inside a devshell) and then follow the steps in Reproducibility after deleting your copy of this repository or just dev_ws

If that still does not work, you can downgrade to the Docker container, but the issues should be resolved very soon once they are reproduced (check back on your issue on GitHub in a few days).

Why should I use this instead of the Docker container?

This setup is vastly superior to the Docker infrastructure in many ways; we'll name a few important benefits here, but you may want to take a look at fish-n-ships for a full technical report. One of the major benefits is that you don't have to deal with the virtualization (and jank) of Docker (you might even be able to use your GPU!), so you get better performance and (once the Hydra server is set up) faster builds. You also get the elegance of Nix, which makes it clear what packages you need as dependencies and what versions of those packages you need, for each module and for the system as a whole. Nix does this in a much better and more reproducible way than ROS, which ensures you are able to run the exact same development environment as everyone else (the same environment used in production!) on any machine at any time. Nix drastically simplifies dependency specifications and the overall build process for you, eliminating "dependency hell" and "it works on my machine."

What is and isn't supported?

Currently, only Python nodes on Linux-based systems have been tested. Other systems may not work. Building almost all nodes intended for local testing (those in paths like module_name/module_name/ is supported. YOLO models and nodes that depend on them, however, are not supported. Neither is Gazebo (VRX) simulation supported. Both of these are planned for the future, but omitted for now due to excess bloat that would cause an unsustainable influx of jank in the Nix build process at this stage in its development. All nodes should have their dependencies specified, but if a node that isn't listed as unsupported does not build, please file an issue.

Is it any good?

Yes, very.


The easiest way to get started with development on all_seaing_vehicle with native performance, powered by the Nix package manager







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