quacktors or "quick actors" is a Go framework that brings Erlang/Elixir style concurrency to Go! It allows for message passing, actor monitoring and can even deal with remote actors/systems. Furthermore, it comes with plenty of useful standard modules for building actor model systems (like Supervisors, Relays, etc.). Oh and btw: quacktors is super easy to use!
rootCtx := quacktors.RootContext()
pid := quacktors.Spawn(func(ctx *quacktors.Context, message quacktors.Message) {
fmt.Println("Hello, quacktors!")
rootCtx.Send(pid, quacktors.EmptyMessage{})
To get started, you'll need an installation of qpmd (see: qpmd). The quacktor port mapper daemon is responsible for keeping track of all running systems and quacktor instances on your local machine and acts as a "DNS server" for remote machines that want to connect to a local system.
import "github.com/Azer0s/quacktors"
foo := quacktors.NewSystem("foo")
pid := quacktors.Spawn(func(ctx *quacktors.Context, message quacktors.Message) {
switch m := message.(type) {
case quacktors.GenericMessage:
foo.HandleRemote("printer", pid)
rootCtx := quacktors.RootContext()
node := quacktors.Connect("foo@localhost")
printer, ok := node.Remote("printer")
rootCtx.Send(printer, quacktors.GenericMessage{Value: "Hello, world"})
To be able to send and receive messages from remote actors, you have to register your custom messages with quacktors. If you don't need to send a message to a remote machine, you also don't need to register it.
Note: the Type
method is used to identify your message across machines (i.e. your message names have to match between machines). The recommended way of naming your types is to use a, sort of, package structure (e.g. "mypackage/MyMessage"
). These can then be versioned by appending @{version}
afterwards (e.g. "mypackage/MyMessage@v1
could reference the MyMessageV1
package mypackage
type MyMessage struct {
Foo string
Bar float32
func (m MyMessage) Type() string {
return "mypackage/MyMessage"
Since GenServer handler names are resolved via Type
, GenServers cut the package prefix and append the version if there is any. So "mypackage/MyMessage@v1"
could be referenced in a cast handler with HandleMyMessageV1Cast
(note: letters in the version name are automatically turned to upper case).
quacktors can monitor both local, as well as remote actors. As soon as the monitored actor goes down, a DownMessage
is sent out to the monitoring actor.
pid := quacktors.Spawn(func(ctx *quacktors.Context, message quacktors.Message) {
quacktors.SpawnWithInit(func(ctx *quacktors.Context) {
}, func(ctx *quacktors.Context, message quacktors.Message) {
switch m := message.(type) {
case quacktors.DownMessage:
ctx.Logger.Info("received down message from other actor",
"pid", m.String())
quacktors supports opentracing out of the box! It's as easy as setting the global tracer (and optionally providing a span to the root context).
cfg := jaegercfg.Configuration{
ServiceName: "TestNewSystemWithHandler",
Sampler: &jaegercfg.SamplerConfig{
Type: jaeger.SamplerTypeConst,
Param: 1,
Reporter: &jaegercfg.ReporterConfig{
LogSpans: true,
tracer, closer, _ := cfg.NewTracer()
defer closer.Close()
span := opentracing.GlobalTracer().StartSpan("root")
defer span.Finish()
rootCtx := quacktors.RootContextWithSpan(span)
a1 := quacktors.SpawnWithInit(func(ctx *quacktors.Context) {
}, func(ctx *quacktors.Context, message quacktors.Message) {
ctx.Span().SetTag("message_type", message.Type())
<-time.After(3 * time.Second)
rootCtx.Send(a1, quacktors.EmptyMessage{})
quacktors has a metric system in place (not the π kind, the π one) and offers many useful components to collect and metrics (like the TimedRecorder
and the accompanying TimedRecorderHook
to make collecting metrics in a specified interval super easy).
quacktors comes with some cool standard components, one of which is the supervisor. The supervisor (as the name implies) supervises one or many named actors and reacts to failures according to a set strategy.
quacktors.SpawnStateful(component.Supervisor(component.ALL_FOR_ONE_STRATEGY, map[string]Actor{
"1": &superImportantActor{id: 1},
"2": &superImportantActor{id: 2},
"3": &superImportantActor{id: 3},
"4": &superImportantActor{id: 4},
Sending messages in quacktors is completely location transparent, meaning no more worrying about connections, marshalling, unmarshalling, error handling and all that other boring stuff. Just send what you want to whoever you want to send it to. It's that easy.
PIDs in quacktors are floating, meaning you can send a PID to a remote machine as a message and use that same PID there as you would use any other PID.
foo := quacktors.NewSystem("foo")
ping := quacktors.Spawn(func(ctx *quacktors.Context, message quacktors.Message) {
switch m := message.(type) {
case quacktors.Pid:
<- time.After(1 * time.Second)
ctx.Send(&m, *ctx.Self())
foo.HandleRemote("ping", ping)
rootCtx := quacktors.RootContext()
bar := quacktors.NewSystem("bar")
pong := quacktors.Spawn(func(ctx *quacktors.Context, message quacktors.Message) {
switch m := message.(type) {
case quacktors.Pid:
<- time.After(1 * time.Second)
ctx.Send(&m, *ctx.Self())
bar.HandleRemote("pong", pong)
foo := quacktors.Connect("foo@localhost")
ping := foo.Remote("ping")
rootCtx.Send(ping, *pong)
As part of the default component set, quacktors supports Elixir style GenServers. The handlers for these are configured via the method names via reflection. So a GenServer with a Call
handler for a PrintRequest
would look like so:
type PrintRequest struct {
//our printing request message
func (p PrintRequest) Type() string {
return "PrintRequest"
type Printer struct {
//printing magic
func (p Printer) InitGenServer(ctx *quacktors.Context) {
func (p Printer) HandlePrintRequestCall(ctx *quacktors.Context, message PrintRequest) Message {
//print stuff
return quacktors.EmptyMessage{}
pid := quacktors.SpawnStateful(genserver.New(Printer{}))
res, err := genserver.Call(pid, PrintRequest{})
So you don't even have to write your own actors if you don't want to. Cool, isn't it?
quacktors supports stream processing out of the box. Currently, there is only a connector for Apache Kafka but many more will come in the future.
context := quacktors.RootContext()
consumer, _ := quacktorstreams.NewConsumer(consumerImpl)
producer := quacktorstreams.NewProducer(producerImpl, "test")
pid := quacktors.Spawn(func(ctx *quacktors.Context, message quacktors.Message) {
_ = consumer.Subscribe("test", pid, func(bytes []byte) (quacktors.Message, error) {
val := quacktors.GenericMessage{}
err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &val)
return val, err
context.Send(producer, quacktors.GenericMessage{Value: 1})
context.Send(producer, quacktors.GenericMessage{Value: 2})
In quacktors, message order is guaranteed from one actor to another. Meaning that if you send messages from A to B, they will arrive in order. The same is true for remote actors.
For multiple actors (A, B & C send messages to D), we can't make that guarantee because we don't know when each actor will execute.
As with basically all other actor systems, there is no guarantee (or even acknowledgement) that a message has been received. Send
is a non-blocking call and doesn't return anything (even if the sending procedure failed).
When starting quacktors for the first time, you might notice that sometimes quacktors logs with a global PID (i.e. PID + machine ID) and sometimes just a local PID is logged.
This is because sometimes there is ambiguity as to where (on which machine) a PID lives (e.g. when telling a PID to quit) and other times
it's clear that the PID is on the local system (e.g. when starting an actor). Global actor PIDs are named gpid
when logging. When we know that a PID lives on a remote machine,
we don't only log the gpid
but also the machineId
quacktors has some configuration options which can be set by using the config
package during init
func init() {