To install and run BrainDead, you should use a commandline interface like bash
First, go to a folder where you want to "install" BrainDead, i.e. downloading the script files listed in this github repository.
# download all files from
# uncompress the archive (might need an additional installation of "unzip")
# enter the unpacked and created folder
cd BrainDead-main
Afterwards, you find in
the script files (see below for usage)data
the data files used for training the models etc.
The recommended way for running BrainDead locally is via Conda.
If you don't have conda on your system (check if conda --version
gives any output or an error message), please follow the installtion instruction for the minimal conda setup available via the following link.
is a commandline tool to simplify the installation and local management of tools and their dependencies in linux-based systems.
Next, we want to install all files and tools needed to run BrainDead via conda. To this end, we will create a "conda environment", i.e. kind of a folder that contains all tools not part of this github repository.
The needed files and tools are listed in the conda-environment.yml
file within the BrainDead-main
folder extracted in step (1).
The following command creates the environment and imports BrainDead's dependencies.
conda env create --file conda-environment.yml
The created environment can be activate with the following command
conda activate BrainDead
Afterwards you should be able to call BrainDead's scripts (see below).
*Note: the script files are located in the src
At the end of the page, you find the example calls.
usage: [-h] --kmers KMERS --fasta FASTA [--report-counts]
[--out-csv OUT_CSV] [--minE-subopt MINE_SUBOPT]
[--minE-intarna MINE_INTARNA]
Generate kmer-based count features based on sequence plus RNAsubopt and IntaRNA position-
wise energies..
Sample calls:
"python --kmers "AGA,GC,GGG" --fasta test.fa --out-csv counts.csv"
"python --kmers "AGA,GC,GGG" --fasta test.fa --out-csv "stdout" --report-counts --minE-subopt -5 --minE-intarna -2"
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--kmers KMERS List of kmers as a comma separated string e.g. "AGG,GA,GG"
--fasta FASTA Sequences to extract features from as a FASTA file
--report-counts Whether to report counts as integer, default is binary
--out-csv OUT_CSV CSV File name to write counts, pass "stdout" for stdout
--minE-subopt MINE_SUBOPT
Minimum free energy of the position on RNAsubopt result
--minE-intarna MINE_INTARNA
Minimum free energy of the position on IntaRNA result
usage: [-h] --features-train FEATURES_TRAIN
[--features-train-index-col FEATURES_TRAIN_INDEX_COL]
[--features-train-header FEATURES_TRAIN_HEADER]
--labels-train LABELS_TRAIN
[--labels-train-index-col LABELS_TRAIN_INDEX_COL]
[--labels-train-header LABELS_TRAIN_HEADER]
[--model-choice {SVM-rbf,SVM-linear,Logistic-liblinear,Logistic-lbfgs}]
[--save-model] [--load-model LOAD_MODEL]
[--out-model OUT_MODEL] [--predict]
[--features-predict FEATURES_PREDICT]
[--features-predict-index-col FEATURES_PREDICT_INDEX_COL]
[--features-predict-header FEATURES_PREDICT_HEADER]
[--out-predict-labels OUT_PREDICT_LABELS]
[--not-validate-indexes] [--not-unique-indexes]
[--store-weights] [--standardize-scaling]
Train a machine learning model for the tabular CSV inputs, and predict on
optional CSV input Sample call: "python --features-train
test_features.csv --labels-train test_labels.csv --features-train-header 0
--model SVM-rbf""python --predict --features-predict
test_features.csv --features-predict-header 0 --load-model model.pkl""python --features-train test_features.csv --labels-train
test_labels.csv --features-train-header 0 --save-model --out-model jj.pkl
--predict --features-predict test_features.csv --features-predict-header 0
--load-model model.pkl"
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--features-train FEATURES_TRAIN
Input features to train model in Comma separated
format (CSV)
--features-train-index-col FEATURES_TRAIN_INDEX_COL
The column number with index keys are provided
--features-train-header FEATURES_TRAIN_HEADER
Whether features CSV has a header line
--labels-train LABELS_TRAIN
Input reference labels to train model as one-column
Comma separated format (CSV)
--labels-train-index-col LABELS_TRAIN_INDEX_COL
The column number with index keys are provided
--labels-train-header LABELS_TRAIN_HEADER
Whether labels CSV has a header line
--model-choice {SVM-rbf,SVM-linear,Logistic-liblinear,Logistic-lbfgs}
Included classifiers from scikit, see https://scikit-
--save-model Save the trained scikit model into file
--load-model LOAD_MODEL
Load model from file, instead of training on CSV input
--out-model OUT_MODEL
Save the trained scikit model into file
--predict Optionally predict using the trained model, requires
--features-predict option
--features-predict FEATURES_PREDICT
Input features to predict in comma separated format
--features-predict-index-col FEATURES_PREDICT_INDEX_COL
The column number with index keys are provided
--features-predict-header FEATURES_PREDICT_HEADER
Whether features CSV has a header line
--out-predict-labels OUT_PREDICT_LABELS
File to store the predicted labels
Check keys are consistently the same in lables and
--not-unique-indexes Check keys are not duplicated
--store-weights Save SVM coefficient weights
Do not scale and standardize features
- Generating k-mer sequence and structure features
python src/ --kmers "AGA,GC,GGG" --fasta data/test.fa --out-csv data/counts.csv
- Training and saving the ML model (here an
$ python src/ --model-choice 'SVM-rbf' --features-train data/190411-mTLR7-features.csv --labels-train data/190411-mTLR7-labels.csv --features-train-header 0 --save-model --out-model data/190411-mTLR7.pkl
- Predicting from the saved model:
$ python src/ --predict --features-predict data/190411-mTLR7-features.csv --features-predict-header 0 --out-predict-labels predict.cvs --load-model data/190411-mTLR7.pkl
2+3. Training and predicting in one step:
$ python src/ --features-train data/190411-mTLR7-features.csv --labels-train data/190411-mTLR7-labels.csv --features-train-header 0 --save-model --out-model data/190411-mTLR7.pkl --predict --features-predict data/190411-mTLR7-features.csv --features-predict-header 0 --out-predict-labels data/predict.cvs