Deep Learning architectures for multiclass image classification problems + autoencoders for MNIST digit dataset.
In this repository you can find source code for various Deep Learning (NNs) architectures. The code is provided in the form of Python Notebooks ( .ipynb
files) cover the following:
- Multiclass image classification using Intel Image Classification dataset. The available classifiers are the following:
- Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), using
- Support Vector Machines (SVMs), using
wrapper forLIBSVM
- Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), using
- Image reconstruction tasks for MINST digit dataset using
. The available autoencoder flavors are the following:- classic convolutional autoencoder for image reconstruction
- denoising autoencoder in several variations, including an autoencoder trained to reconstruct the noisy image
- autoencoder to reconstruct the next digit
- autoencoder to reconstruct the sum (as two images), given two input digits (as images)
The code was developed alongside with the Course Neural Networks - Deep Learning the author attended during their 6th semester of studies at the Computer Science Department of AUTh. The interested reader can find a presentation that summarizes the work produced.
For a comprehensive description of the adopted workflow, as well as the produced results, the interested reader can refer to the presentation file.