Check CocoNat StartKit Builder Official Documentation Tutorial on Medium.
This Webpack4 + React16 Templater is created from the point of view to solve developer day-to-day problems with app suits boilerplate creation. It has all what we need to start React app creation with rocket speed without worring about, like:
- Oh, I need to optimize my app!
- Oh, I need to create a server for app handling!
- Oh, I need a Redux/Redux-Saga installations for state managment in app!
- Oh, I need to install Webpack and spend a time to configure it!
- Oh, I need to optimize and minimize JS/CSS/etc. bundles!
- Oh, I need to install and configure testing environment!
- And a lot of other boring things...
So, by using this Templater you will save a lot of time and will stay focused only on your own app creation. Have fun :)
- Fast React app creation.
- Can be custumized as you wish.
- BrowserSync Server is configured just out of the box!
- All needed packages to work you can bootstap just by one command with
npm package:lerna bootstrap
- Support TypeScript version 3^.
Clone the repo on your Machine by:
git clone
Inside the root folder install all requeried packages of the CoConat Builder by command:
yarn lerna bootstrap
Start up your project via development, production or test compilation:
yarn start:dev - development mode yarn start:prod - production mode yarn start:test - testing mode
Test and validate yout project code with Jest & Enzyme test environment by command:
yarn jest ./*/**.test.*
That's all what you need to start building your own project! Have fun and happy coding! :)
- Fully support all Webpack 4^ possibilities.
- Support code-splitting and bundles app creation out of the box.
- Created 3 independent development cases:
. Each of them has own best optimized configuration. - Integrated Babel 7^ with supporting all ES6-ES8 features.
- Integrated Ujlifty Webpack Plugin ^0 for optimizing JS/JSX/TS/TSX bundles for development and production.
- Integrated Mini CSS Webpack Plugin ^0 + OptimizeCSS Assets Webpack Plugin ^5 for optimizing CSS bundles for development and production.
- Integrated Webpack Bundle Analyzer ^3 for visual analyzing of code/bundles weight.
- Transpile all app code into native ES5 for supporting even an oldest browsers.
- Support all new features from React 16.7@-alpha release.
- Hooks, Suspence and Lazy load can be used out of the box.
- Redux^4.0.1 is fully integrated with React to start your work asap.
- Including Redux-Saga^0.16.2 for async actions handling.
- React-Router^4.3.1 - React app from the start can be multy-page oriented.
- Connected-React-Router^5.0.1 holdes synhromious app Redux and Browser Location states.
- Support CSS/SASS style markup.
- Integrated CSSModules for independent component styling.
- Including PostCSS ^2 post-processor.
- Integrated Jest 23^ + Enzyme 3^ testing environment.
- Includes pre-commits hooks for testing app before commit (if test are present in).
- Support JS/JSX/TS/TSX file extensions.
- Integrated
package for beatify pre-commited code. - Integrated eslint 5^ + tslint 5^ + stylelint 9^ linters based on the most popular schemas in the world (facebook, microsoft, airbnb, etc.) with React life-cycle ecosystem supporting.
- Includes pre-commits hooks with husky ^1
- Includes lint-stages ^1 for styling and testing whole app code (js/jsx/ts/tsx/css/scss/json) before commiting.
- Checks code on lint rule errors before accept user commit.
- Run test suits before accept user commit.
- Node 10.5
- Yarn 1.9.4
- Webpack 4.29.1
- React 16.8
- node
- yarn/npm
- eslint/tsline/stylelint
- lerna
- typescript
- To bring it work you need install it globally first by command
yarn add lerna -g
. After that navigate to your working folder and repeat commandlerna bootstrap
one more time.