This tool generates a blueprint, from a specification of factories and flows.
The intention is that the tool can integrate with solvers, so the solver provides the recipies to execute, the number of factories needed, the capacity between factory types. This tool will then lay out the recipies to an acctual blueprint.
Download the source code
git clone Factorio-Blueprint-Generator
This installs both dev and non-dev requirements for now.
docker build -t fbg .
To enter interactive environment
docker run -it fbg
To install the server execute the following steps:
cd server
python -m venv .fbg
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd server
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
python -m unittest
To run the server:
cd server
The documentation is built with Sphinx
cd doc
make clean html
The server API is specified in OpenAPI file server/fbg-api.yaml If the server runs at port 5000 on localhost, the API documentation can be read at http://localhost:5000/ui