An exercise on Express API creation, Databases and Sequelize.
- To setup an Express API using node-postgres, Sequelize, Mocha/Chai and Supertest for testing.
- Use advanced Sequelize schema validation, error handling and establish complex relationships between database tables.
In order to create this App, I was presented with an imaginary client's requests. I was to create an app that allowed them to do the following:
- Display their books to be loaned by other users.
- Loan other users' books.
- Create an account that would secure their personal information.
I generated an ERD so I could design the database before starting to write any code. This is how I envisioned the project's structure.
I would create the following Models:
Reader ✅
param | data type |
Reader_ID | INT (PK) |
Name | STRING |
Book_ID | INT(FK) |
It will include the Book Model data of referenced entries.
Book ✅
param | data type |
Book_ID | INT (PK) |
Title | STRING |
Loaned | BOOLEAN |
Reader_ID | INT (FK) |
Genre_ID | INT (FK) |
Author_ID | INT (FK) |
Loan_ID | INT (FK) |
It will include the Reader, Genre and Author Model data of referenced entries.
Author ✅
param | data type |
Author_ID | INT (PK) |
Name | STRING |
Book_ID | INT (FK) |
Author and Genre are individual models to support searches (by Author, Genre or Book) through the library.
Genre ✅
param | data type |
Genre_ID | INT (PK) |
Genre | STRING |
Book_ID | INT (FK) |
Author and Genre are individual models to support searches (by Author, Genre or Book) through the library.
Account 🚧
param | data type |
Account_N | INT (PK) |
Password | STRING |
Reader_ID | INT (FK) |
For now, Account data is stored in the Reader Model.
Loan 🚧
param | data type |
Loan_ID | INT (PK) |
Date_Loaned | DATE |
Date_Returned | DATE |
Returned | BOOLEAN |
Account_N | INT (FK) |
Book_ID | INT (FK) |
This version supports:
- Creating your own Reader entry that safely stores your personal information.
- Creating & Updating a list of the Books you own.
- Search by Author, Genre or Book.
This version does not include the Loan & Account models nor any functionality or parameter related to them. These will be included in further updates.
- Set up Docker to run a postgres container:
docker run --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres
Run pgAdmin 4 and create a new server:
- hostname/address: localhost
- user: postgres
- password: password
Fork this project. Then clone the repo to your machine:
git clone[your-github-username]/book-library-api
- Install the project's dependencies:
npm install
- In the root of your project, create a .env file and a .env.test file. Specify in them your environment variables.
Make sure your PGPORT matches the one assigned in your pgAdmin4 Server!
Make sure your PGDATABASE names are different in your .env & .env.test files!
- Use the following commands to:
npm test # Test code.
npm start # Start the app in your preferred port (3000 by default).
- You can interact with the API and test its functions through Postman.
(creates a new reader entry)
Parameters Body content None Name [STRING], Email [STRING], Password [STRING](8 characters or more)
code description 201
Successful operation 400
Content element empty, null, not unique, not the right format or not the right length
(returns all the reader entries)
Parameters Body content None None
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(returns a reader entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Reader_ID
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(updates a reader entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Reader_ID
Name [STRING], Email [STRING], Password [STRING](8 characters or more)
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(deletes a reader entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Reader_ID
code description 204
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(creates a new book entry)
Parameters Body content. Required. None Title [STRING], ISBN [INT], Author_ID [INT], Genre_ID [INT], Reader_ID [INT]
code description 201
Successful operation 400
Content element empty, null or not unique
(returns all book entries)
Parameters Body content None None
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(returns a book entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Book_ID
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(updates a book entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Book_ID
Title [STRING], ISBN [STRING], Author_ID [INT], Genre_ID [INT] and/or Reader_ID [INT]
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(deletes a book entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Book_ID
code description 204
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(creates a new author entry)
Parameters Body content None Name [STRING]
code description 201
Successful operation 400
Content element empty, null or not unique
(returns all the author entries)
Parameters Body content None None
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(returns an author entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Author_ID
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(updates an author entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Author_ID
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(deletes an author entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Author_ID
code description 204
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(creates a new genre entry)
Parameters Body content None Genre[STRING]
code description 201
Successful operation 400
Content element empty, null or not unique
(returns all the genre entries)
Parameters Body content None None
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Genres not found
(returns a genre entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Genre_ID
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(updates a genre entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Genre_ID
Genre [STRING]
code description 200
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
(deletes a genre entry by ID)
Parameters Body content Genre_ID
code description 204
Successful operation 404
Entry not found
I have been using Mocha, Chai and Supertest to write test suites trying the functionality of the API. This is the result for the current version when running npm test
Test Results
with no records in the database
POST /authors
✔ creates a new author in the database (770ms)
✔ errors if name is null
with records in the database
GET /authors
✔ gets all authors records
GET /authors/:id
✔ gets authors record by id
✔ returns a 404 if the author does not exist
PATCH /authors/:id
✔ updates authors name by id
✔ returns a 404 if the author does not exist
DELETE /authors/:id
✔ deletes author record by id
✔ returns a 404 if the author does not exist
with no records in the database
POST /books
✔ creates a new book in the database
✔ errors if title is null
with records in the database
GET /books
✔ gets all books records
GET /books/:id
✔ gets books record by id
✔ returns a 404 if the book does not exist
PATCH /books/:id
✔ updates books title by id
✔ returns a 404 if the book does not exist
DELETE /books/:id
✔ deletes book record by id
✔ returns a 404 if the book does not exist
with no records in the database
POST /genres
✔ creates a new genre in the database
✔ errors if genre is null
with records in the database
GET /genres
✔ gets all genres records
GET /genres/:id
✔ gets genres record by id
✔ returns a 404 if the genre does not exist
PATCH /genres/:id
✔ updates genres genre by id
✔ returns a 404 if the genre does not exist
DELETE /genres/:id
✔ deletes genre record by id
✔ returns a 404 if the author does not exist
with no records in the database
POST /readers
✔ creates a new reader in the database
✔ errors if email format not valid
✔ errors if any fields are missing
✔ errors password is less than 8 char length
with records in the database
GET /readers
✔ gets all readers records
GET /readers/:id
✔ gets readers record by id
✔ returns a 404 if the reader does not exist
PATCH /readers/:id
✔ updates readers email by id
✔ returns a 404 if the reader does not exist
DELETE /readers/:id
✔ deletes reader record by id
✔ returns a 404 if the reader does not exist
38 passing (3s)