Rediscovery allows you to remote execute functions on desktops and Android phone from another device.
The available functions on the remote device and the control UI on Android are all plugin based. With the plugin system everybody with a little coding knowledge should be able to create functions and a UI to easy remote execute any task. Execute Android functions from a desktop is not integrated yet, but it will come.
Feedback and Contributions are very welcome!
The Goal of Rediscovery is to create a Bi directional remote control Crossplatform software with the ability of ease to extend.
- C#
- .NET Core
- Xamarin
- Avalonia
- Grpc
- JavaScript
- Sqlite
The control panel is as the name says the central control of the desktop services and UI at the moment.
Manager GUI shows informations about devices connected to the service, logs and saved devices.
The manager should have pretty much the same functions the Manager GUI but in the command line.
Main service to provide all features and is required run if you want to use any other desktop application.
After the service is started it will update the settings for Manager, ManagerGUI and Discovery service with the public IP Address and adds a Firewall Rule (Firewall rule may require Administration privileges).
Settings of the other applications can only be updated if they are in specific folders in the same directory as the service folder (See default folder structure from releases).
If you use a different structure you can set the paths to the other applications in the service settings (Settings Key:RemoteResourceSettings
This service allows you to use the discovery function on the Android application and remove the need to manual configuration the desktop on Android.
After starting the Discovery service will add a Firewall rule (this may require Administration privileges).
- Call Android features from Desktop via Plugins
- Linux Release
- More Plugins
- Plugin Manager
- More Documentation
Device connects to a Device, now the connected Device can see all other Features which this Device provides and the target Device also can now see the Features of the source Device.
For a successful connection between Devices an authorization is required, this can be different for different Operating System and device type. Authorization with a Android Device could be made by scanning a QR Code.
The connection target can decide if the source is allowed to auto connect the next time without authorization. Target Devices can change the authorization state any time event if a Device never connected to it.
Data exchange between Devices is always P2P only the discovery can be made with an additional service.
Discovery Service can share Device connection information with other Devices.